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Has anyone ever dealt with Ocular Migraines?

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My ds11 has been having vision problems. I took him to the eye doctor today and she tested his vision/checked out his eye health (both really good). BUT, she dx him with Ocular Migraines. It's basically where the blood vessel to your eye gets pinched and causes 20-30 min. of blind spots/weird light/shapes in your preifial (sp?) vision.


She wants me to bring him into his regular doctor to get checked out further (medically) to make sure there's nothing else wrong.


Has anyone else dealt with this?

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I do! They are creepy weird episodes! The first time really scared me. But since I've learned what they are, I deal with them a lot better. I'm just afraid that one day I'll be out driving when it occurs.


It will usually come on as a teeny tiny "hole" in my vision. If I'm reading something, I won't be able to read the middle letter in a word, or something like that. Then it slowly grows larger, grows to the shape of the letter "C", and sort of flashes. It moves slowly across my field of vision until it goes out the other side. Then it is gone. After that, my vision may be a teeny bit "off" for a bit....nothing major, just a tiny bit hazy for about an hour. Occasionally I get a small headache afterwards but not always.


It can sometimes be associated with hormonal changes in your body. I usually only get like two a year...but when I first got pregnant with my youngest child, I had about three in two week's time. I'm quite sure it was associated with the sudden influx of pregnancy hormones. Since your DS is 11 and may be getting closer to puberty, maybe that is what caused the ocular migraines to occur?

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I wanted to add that the actual "episode" only lasts for 20-30 minutes, like your son's doctor said. Then afterwards my vision feels a little off for about an hour. When it occurs, it is something where I do not feel comfortable walking around a lot, or driving. I usually sit down until it passes. Last time it happened I was at homeschool group with my kids and I just found a bench to sit while they participated in their class. 20-30 minutes later I rejoined them. It's just because there's those crazy flashing lights and "hole" in my vision during that time. I *can* walk around if needed, it's just weird on the eyes.

Edited by ChristusG
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Very normal to get these, if you get one while driving, just go off to the side, 20-30 minutes and they are gone.


Generally no pain associated with onset, during or after. Stay very well hydrated. It's much more associated with hormones than stress (physical or mental).


They can leave you feeling a little panic if you have kids around and are alone with them. You usually have enough warning with the spots (they are exactly like "sun spots" but pin point) they expand in size, sometimes wiping out all your vision, but they don't last.


The first one is the worst, the not knowing what's happening. After a good checkup with a doctor, it's really reassuring.


Mine usually show up in the fall or early spring, which for me suggests a mold allergy; but no doctor will confirm that.


Been having them for about 10 years now.

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If he gets a headache afterwards or during, I would suggest he see a neurologist along with this GP. I get ocular migraines and other chronic migraines. I've been dealing with them since I was seven and it can be scary when you're a kid.


When he gets an ocular migraine, note down what he's eaten in the last 24 hours, drank, any exercise, stress, what the weather was like, etc. This may help you find out if he has any triggers and if he does you might be able to eliminate them and possibly prevent future episodes.

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The last one ds had was last night. It was the first time he got a killer headache along with it. Poor kid. He ended up laying down in his room b/c he couldn't even handle anyone talking.


I am so glad that I brought him in!

Occular migraines don't have pain associated with them. If he had pain, then it's a "regular" migraine.

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I've had a few of them that mainly consisted of weird zigzaggy lights off to one side of my vision, and another that was a big blank spot. Freaked the heck out of me until I figured out what they were. Then I had one with horrible headache and messed up speech that scared me so much I went to the ER, but they checked me out and declared it a migraine.

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The last one ds had was last night. It was the first time he got a killer headache along with it. Poor kid. He ended up laying down in his room b/c he couldn't even handle anyone talking.


I am so glad that I brought him in!


That sounds like a classic migraine. The vision symptoms are the aura that precedes the migraine. This is when you take your migraine medication to stop it before the headache hits. Mine are stress-caused and last three days because I don't use medication. They started in high school for me.


Ocular migraines are just the aura, though I get a minor headache after mine. It goes away if I sleep whether it is a longish nap or overnight.


I'm accustomed to the ocular migraines so I just go about my business and usually take some OTC pain meds for the mild headache. Mine occur when I've missed a meal or a meal has been delayed too late. I've tested my blood sugar once, and it wasn't super low though.

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I've gotten a few over my lifetime. Every three or four years or so. They're weird, but harmless. If it's the first time you've ever experienced one though, you should see a doctor.


Here's a great video that gives an excellent visual of what they're like (mine anyway, although I mainly have just the flashing lights and not the fuzzy spot. lol):

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Hey that was pretty cool Diane, very representative of what one is like.


They don't go away even if you close your eyes..lol. Mine are full sphere shaped, I don't think that's here nor there, but...


That's the best visual repro I've ever seen on them. Neat!


ps: just for giggles here...in the comment section of one of the videos it said this: (discussion about whether or not the ocular migraines are associated with IQ as a theory..)


Well... I feel narcissistic in saying I have a super high IQ... but yes. I have a super high IQ, and yes, I get migrants with visual distortions regularly.



Edited by one*mom
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My auras look like a hand-written c (long tail) that is backwards (open side facing the left). It is made of black and white zig-zag lines that flash. It starts out small, and over the course of 20 minutes gradually get larger until it covers my peripheral vision, which is the worst part, imo.

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My auras look like a hand-written c (long tail) that is backwards (open side facing the left). It is made of black and white zig-zag lines that flash. It starts out small, and over the course of 20 minutes gradually get larger until it covers my peripheral vision, which is the worst part, imo.

This is exactly what mine are like. It's like a big, backward C, starting about midway in my vision and down the right side. I can still see, but my peripheral vision on the right side is messed up. And reading is "interesting" because I have to read each word/letter as I get to it - I usually read "ahead," if that makes sense. Driving is disconcerting, but not impossible.


Mine seem to start most often after a shower. Go figure.


Mine are ocular migraines because I don't have pain associated with it. My older 2 sons sometimes get regular migraines with the aura. They know to tell me as soon as they experience the aura - everything comes to a screeching halt, I give them Tylenol, and they go straight to bed with earmuffs and a sleep mask. Doing that seems to help prevent the SUPER bad headache.

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My dd12 started having migraines in April - she's had another 2 occurances since then. She loses 50% field of vision in the left eye and a headache devlops afterwards. The first episode probably gave me more of a scare than it did her, she is a little too laid back at times.


Now when it happens she comes to me and says she thinks she has a migraine starting, takes paracetemol, lies down for half an hour or so and everything is back to normal. Although she says she feels a little odd for a few days after each episode. I'm guessing that it's likely hormonal.

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My husband and one of my brothers used to get migraines but both have managed them by using magnesium oil and managing their stress. My youngest son is starting to get them, so he is using the mag oil, too.


We use Dr. Shealy's which you can buy on Amazon. You do not want to use this without a doctor's care if you have kidney problems. Just to be on the safe side, you could discuss it with your son's doctor. Make sure your son drinks water throughout the day, too.


Here is some more info that might help you:



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