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Which subject is hardest?

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I don't know why but history is a real frustration for me. This year I am just doing unit studies because I just need a break from the 4 year cycle since we sort of bombed it anyways. They seem to do better when we have discussion and read interesting books on topics throughout history.


And writing is and has always been a tough one. I am getting the hang of it but it IS a difficult subject to teach.

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It depends on the kid. Here I would say math for my younger 3. There are sometimes emotional breakdowns over it. My oldest is more math oriented and for him I would say Biology was hard, Chemistry was a breeze for him.


If you are teaching writing don't sweat it so much. We were much more relaxed about writing until 8th grade and then we got serious and it seemed to click so easily and quickly. I'm more inclined to worry about having a child hate writing from too much focus on it too early. My older two are excellent writers and my younger two are showing promise as well. Just a thought.

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Science! Number one, I really really really don't like it myself. I mean biology and the human body and some astronomy, sure, but I never really enjoyed science and I never really did well in it. Number two, I just can't find any science curriculum that I enjoy. I've tried many, and they "get the job done" but I want something we all really like doing and learn a lot from and I just haven't found it yet.

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I have a degree in journalism and have written professionally - everything from opinion pieces to investigative writing.

Yet I can.not. teach my child how to write.

I often joke that the cobbler's children have no shoes...

Sad, but true.

Writing comes naturally to me and I have not been able to figure out how to teach my perfectionist engineer-wanna-be how to write. He over-thinks everything. :glare:

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Ds11 just can't seem to get his thoughts on paper. We work and work and work on it, and he's making progress, but it's agonizingly slow. I know he'll get it, but for now we're trying to find a good balance between solid thorough writing education and not frustrating him to the point of giving up.



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If you are teaching writing don't sweat it so much. We were much more relaxed about writing until 8th grade and then we got serious and it seemed to click so easily and quickly. I'm more inclined to worry about having a child hate writing from too much focus on it too early. My older two are excellent writers and my younger two are showing promise as well. Just a thought.

Thank you so much for posting that, as it gives me hope. :001_smile:

I see glimmers that my son will someday be a decent writer, but the day-to-day process has been awful. I don't want DS to hate writing, so am trying to be gentle. We are making slow but steady progress.

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Thank you so much for posting that, as it gives me hope. :001_smile:

I see glimmers that my son will someday be a decent writer, but the day-to-day process has been awful. I don't want DS to hate writing, so am trying to be gentle. We are making slow but steady progress.


That is the way my oldest reacted. I had to back off and give him some time. I still had him produce writing but not necessarily in a regimented way where I dissected it.


It sounds like you know your boy. :D

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Math is the subject that most often requires re-teaching or intensive teaching time, but I don't find it to be the hardest b/c I kind of enjoy the challenge of finding ways of explaining. Also with Dd the youngest I have the benefit of all the things I learned to do or not to do with Ds.


Writing is hard b/c I find it to be so time consuming and I seem to be developing ADD and not wanting to focus on one thing for too long. Then I start avoiding it b/c I find it draining. Maybe I should just set a timer--there's a thought!


Latin is by far the subject that I have found most difficult b/c I never took it and it always required me to stay one step ahead of Dc. They often got stalled b/c they were waiting for me. I outsourced for Ds this year, but I'm not sure what I'll do for Dd--maybe nothing.

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It depends on the kid. Here I would say math for my younger 3.



Yes, it's math with my middle ds. But it's not a struggle for me to teach. He just needs a bit more to get it than my oldest did at that age.



It's good to see that my house is not the only house in which writing instruction turns hair grey.

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Yes, it's math with my middle ds. But it's not a struggle for me to teach. He just needs a bit more to get it than my oldest did at that age.



It's good to see that my house is not the only house in which writing instruction turns hair grey.


It does help doesn't it? I know when I first started hsing I only saw and read about perfect days. Well, they aren't all perfect. :D

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Teaching my oldest ds to write is going to be the death of me. It is by far the hardest thing to teach him. I never knew I was signing up to teach a dyslexic how to read and write when I gave birth to him.


Ditto that, although it is actually reading for ds. I've been really down about it the last week or so. I just don't see how my workload is ever going to lighten and it is affecting major family decisions.

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Analysis in English. This is by far the most difficult class that ds has taken. Our brains are not wired to break down literature in elements. I don't understand it from a logical point of view either. We just consider it something stupid that has to be done to get a grade on his transcript. :tongue_smilie:

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Definitely writing here, too. My oldest CAN write well, but tries to get away with doing as little as possible. My next one down likes to write, but her grammar and spelling are atrocious no matter what we do. My third is allergic to pencils (ok, not really, but he'd like you to believe that) ... we're still working on the mechanics of writing with him, which is complicated by dyslexia. My little one ... I think things will get better with her, she's just in a whiny phase right now.

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