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Which car to get?

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I need a car. There are 2 that im looking at. 1 is a Sable for $900 OBO (the guy will take $750) with no known issues. The 2nd is a Taurus for $400, but needs 1 new motor mount.


The price is right on both and i would lean towards the Taurus, but IF i need to lift the engine to fix the mount, i cant get the car because i dont know anyone with an engine lift OR have the money to take it in to be fixed (do mechanics even do payment plans anymore?). Does anyone know if i have to have an engine lift?



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Don't know about motor mounts on a Taurus - on a volvo, the engine was lifted in a shop. Can't remember what the total cost was.

I also heard that Taurus have often problems with the transmission.

Can you afford to have the Sable checked over by a qualified mechanic?

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Don't know about motor mounts on a Taurus - on a volvo, the engine was lifted in a shop. Can't remember what the total cost was.

I also heard that Taurus have often problems with the transmission.

Can you afford to have the Sable checked over by a qualified mechanic?


yeah its true with the transmissions. Thats what happened to my husbands old Taurus from highschool.

Ill have my brother with me and he works on cars so hell look it over and drive it. He just doesnt have an engine lift. Id have to call around to get a good price on the mount though

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We have lots of Fords and have been pretty happy with them, so I'd lean toward the Taurus. I know we've looked into the cost of motor mounts before; the parts were about $200, I think (that was for our small Ford, a Focus), plus labor (which is $60 an hour for our mechanic). If you have a local mechanic that you trust, call him and ask what the approximate cost would be to do the motor mounts.

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I don't know anything about fixing the engine, but aren't a Taurus and a Sable basically exactly the same car? I'd just get the Sable.


yes, they are exactly the same car- I'd get the one that doesn't need any work.

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I don't know anything about fixing the engine, but aren't a Taurus and a Sable basically exactly the same car? I'd just get the Sable.



:iagree: We have had both. They are the same car. Get the Sable since it does not need the immediate work, but have it checked out anyway by a mechanic.

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Im not sure how to carfax?


I found another car possibility 90 ford Taurus for $550, no issues.

Im not going to do the Sable. So right now I have the $400 fixer upper and the $550 ready to drive. 90 vs 96. Both Ford.

We have been screwed 3 times on CL, so I am skeptical, but im going to go look at the 90 first and feel it out, if it doesnt work out ill go for the 96.



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Im not sure how to carfax?


I found another car possibility 90 ford Taurus for $550, no issues.

Im not going to do the Sable. So right now I have the $400 fixer upper and the $550 ready to drive. 90 vs 96. Both Ford.

We have been screwed 3 times on CL, so I am skeptical, but im going to go look at the 90 first and feel it out, if it doesnt work out ill go for the 96.




Our Taurus was a 1996, and dh drove it until the wheels fell off. It had 240,000 miles on it at that point. 1996 was a good year! :001_smile:

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You just pop the VIN number into this website. It costs like $30 or so to get a complete history on the car. It will list all previous owners, changes to titles, maintenance if at the dealer, accidents, etc.




so if they sell the car and they say " its clean as a whistle and runs great" (and of course i save their craigslist ad saying that) but i get a carfax and it shows it was in Hurricane Katrina and about to rust in half...... I can use the carfax in court to sue them?


Sorry I have been burned like i said 3x and so i am being serious when asking.

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I don't know anything about fixing the engine, but aren't a Taurus and a Sable basically exactly the same car? I'd just get the Sable.


:iagree: basically the same car. I hate to admit it cause I don't care for it at all, but my Sable has been pretty good and reliable.

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Well heres the story (long but the story).


I had a few cars I wanted to look at. I planned them all for Saturday AM. 1 (well call it 1, it was the Sable) was suppose to call me at 9am and then wed meet up, but they never did.

2 (thats the taurus) was suppose to be at 4pm. I was NERVOUS about buying. $400? Come on! Something HAD to be up with it. (read on).....

Well I decided even though 1 didnt call me, i was going to show up. Except I couldnt remember exactly how to get there. On the way towards their general area another car, 3 (90 Festiva $500) called me. My old landlord was with me (he works on cars and knows what to look for), we went to look at 3.

We drove into the county and WOW. Just wow. What a LEMON they were trying to pass off as a diamond. Seriously. CRAP. She SWORE it had oil in it (despite admitting to an oil leak and no oil cap) when it was BONE dry. Then she SWORE it had coolant, again it was BONE dry. She got frustrated and went inside to get her "mechanic" boyfriend. We decided it was NOT worth out time. On the way home, she had the nerve to text me and say my old landlord was rude " next time you look at a car, bring someone with you that knows something about cars and isnt so rude"... he wasnt rude. He just told her theres no oil or coolant.

On the way home 2 called. I asked her if i came right now if i could get it. She agreed. Again i was nervous, but she seemed honest. (read on)

We went and looked at the car. To look at it? Its dirty, but in good shape. To listen to it? Its loud. Inside? NICE! She actually took WONDERFUL care of the car! She was too honest actually when it came to it all. She said just what was on the ad- oil leak, needs motor mount.

We met her to sign the title and all that....then took it home and jacked it up.


for $400, i basically got VERY lucky.

The motor mount is actually fine. The oil leak is from the new water pump that was put on and they missed a gasket (easy fix). It has a new battery, timing chain, brakes, battery, (bunch of other car language things). The exhaust is loud because there is a leak. BUT it needs to be welded on. :( However, my brother can weld it on! Its near the Converter? Some spring pipe of some sort. No biggie. Theres no AC....it could be a Freon issue, so im getting freon tomorrow.


Overall? Apparently I got a great deal and I am now getting use to an automatic again, which is harder than you think! Its been 5yrs since ive had my own car and i am SO HAPPY!. :party: :party:

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I was going to suggest you come get our 1997 Saturn we need to sell! :tongue_smilie:


Glad you got a good car.


Well heres the story (long but the story).


I had a few cars I wanted to look at. I planned them all for Saturday AM. 1 (well call it 1, it was the Sable) was suppose to call me at 9am and then wed meet up, but they never did.

2 (thats the taurus) was suppose to be at 4pm. I was NERVOUS about buying. $400? Come on! Something HAD to be up with it. (read on).....

Well I decided even though 1 didnt call me, i was going to show up. Except I couldnt remember exactly how to get there. On the way towards their general area another car, 3 (90 Festiva $500) called me. My old landlord was with me (he works on cars and knows what to look for), we went to look at 3.

We drove into the county and WOW. Just wow. What a LEMON they were trying to pass off as a diamond. Seriously. CRAP. She SWORE it had oil in it (despite admitting to an oil leak and no oil cap) when it was BONE dry. Then she SWORE it had coolant, again it was BONE dry. She got frustrated and went inside to get her "mechanic" boyfriend. We decided it was NOT worth out time. On the way home, she had the nerve to text me and say my old landlord was rude " next time you look at a car, bring someone with you that knows something about cars and isnt so rude"... he wasnt rude. He just told her theres no oil or coolant.

On the way home 2 called. I asked her if i came right now if i could get it. She agreed. Again i was nervous, but she seemed honest. (read on)

We went and looked at the car. To look at it? Its dirty, but in good shape. To listen to it? Its loud. Inside? NICE! She actually took WONDERFUL care of the car! She was too honest actually when it came to it all. She said just what was on the ad- oil leak, needs motor mount.

We met her to sign the title and all that....then took it home and jacked it up.


for $400, i basically got VERY lucky.

The motor mount is actually fine. The oil leak is from the new water pump that was put on and they missed a gasket (easy fix). It has a new battery, timing chain, brakes, battery, (bunch of other car language things). The exhaust is loud because there is a leak. BUT it needs to be welded on. :( However, my brother can weld it on! Its near the Converter? Some spring pipe of some sort. No biggie. Theres no AC....it could be a Freon issue, so im getting freon tomorrow.


Overall? Apparently I got a great deal and I am now getting use to an automatic again, which is harder than you think! Its been 5yrs since ive had my own car and i am SO HAPPY!. :party: :party:

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Thanks!! There might be a transmission issue though :( It jerks when its at 10mph. However when i checked the fluid it is actually OVERfull, which can cause issues. I am taking it to Firestone on Saturday for them to drain some of the fluid. It should help. If it doesnt, ill need to drive it the least amount possible until we can come up with the money to get a used transmission or a rebuilt one ($500+). Im hoping its just the fluid and that will fix it. It could be a leak but even a leak would be better than needing a new transmission!


Also, I didnt get Freon because i didnt want to pay for it when that may not be the issue. Firestone will do an A/C check when im there on Saturday and hopefully they will tell me it is just the freon. The AC will come on but it blows hot air.

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