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Waaah. School room wont be finished in time for first day of school

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Feeling sorry for myself lol. I wanted everything to be perfect for our first day, but the garage conversion just isnt done yet. We still need to paint the walls, floor guy s coming tomorrow (yay!) and put together the ikea stuff we bought today (only 80 dollars over budget which isnt bad!) then i have to "place" everything just so, file the books in a pretty way.... I know it's not a big deal but we were really working hard in hopes it would be done by August 13....dining room table it shall be, i guess!

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$80 over budget at Ikea isn't bad at all. I've mentally redecorated my whole house and office with Ikea stuff. Now we just need to make the money to do it:lol:


If it makes you feel better we were supposed to close on a house 8/1 but it is already delayed until at least 8/16 so in the next three weeks we will be traveling twice (a total of 9 days out of town), closing on a house (hopefully:glare:) and moving right in the middle of when we are supposed to be schooling. Just to make things more interesting dh decided we should move our office too so we're looking at locations and making plans for that too.


I keep thinking one of these years we'll be set organized and ready to go but so far it's always crazy.

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I got our school room cleaned out and ready to go. It has been a holding room the past few months as we are trying to decide which floor to put in there after we had put new floors in all the rooms. It looks good and uncluttered but we may or may not be putting flooring down this weekend, putting together dd new desk, chair and bookshelf is put on hold. But it's clean and organized. DS work area looks great. I purchased some wide magazine holders for his books and papers. He's ready to go. He even worked with me in there to make room look great. ::::rambling, sorry::::leaving:

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We started back with some light work when dh started back but we have camp in 10 days! Then we will start back in full swing. Considering doing a dump of the school room next week so it looks more organized and less cluttered....


I say push school back or do field trips.

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Well, I almost pushed our start date back when it looked like the little school mascot figures I ordered for each of us as a part of first day festivities might not arrive on time, sooooo... I guess I am a pushover. :lol:


:lol::lol: now that is priceless lol.

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Not to be a bad influence, but I would push my start date back. Seriously would. :D




We were supposed to move at least a month ago. The movers are coming Monday to start packing us up. They won't unload until Tuesday the 21st. The following weekend my brother will be at my parents house for his annual visit. We can't miss it, so we'll be driving down to Kansas for the weekend. The weekend after that is Labor Day. If I want to start the Tuesday after Labor Day (I wanted to start in August), I will have exactly 10 days to set up house. I'm thinking I'll have to push back my start date, but I'm going to try really hard to be ready.

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