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Hilarious vocab. error in Bones TV Show

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I thought articulate can also mean movement? I've heard people talk about articulated arms in toys etc.


I think the work was used correctly in this example.


In that sense it would mean to (loosely) "have a joint" (like an elbow, knee etc). I haven't heard it used that way much, especially in describing pythons, but I am not a snake handler/breeder so maybe someone in that world could chime in.

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I thought articulate can also mean movement? I've heard people talk about articulated limbs in toys, joints etc.


I think the work was used correctly in this example.


I thought so too. I was trying to figure out what the funny was until someone said it was reticulated.

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I thought so too. I was trying to figure out what the funny was until someone said it was reticulated.


I would think that it could have been the writers trying to be very clever with their word choice, except snakes don't dislocate their jaws, they just open them very wide, it is a misnomer in and of itself. LOL

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In that sense it would mean to (loosely) "have a joint" (like an elbow, knee etc). I haven't heard it used that way much, especially in describing pythons, but I am not a snake handler/breeder so maybe someone in that world could chime in.


Think of "articulated lorry" in Thomas the Tank Engine.


I think they meant the word. They were drawing focus on how a snake "slips" its jawbone join in order to swallow something huge.

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If they meant articulated then it would have referred to a joint, not the whole animal. That would make as much sense as saying an articulated person.


Reticulated python is the name of a kind of python, and makes sense. Articulated python doesn't make sense.

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If they meant articulated then it would have referred to a joint, not the whole animal. That would make as much sense as saying an articulated person.


Reticulated python is the name of a kind of python, and makes sense. Articulated python doesn't make sense.



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I was in an adult Sunday school class years ago when a woman was going on about Jesus or somesuch and said she was lying "prostate" at his feet. I still see her occasionally and think of this every single time.





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If they meant articulated then it would have referred to a joint, not the whole animal. That would make as much sense as saying an articulated person.


Reticulated python is the name of a kind of python, and makes sense. Articulated python doesn't make sense.


Ok. I see. Maybe it was auto correct. I always blame auto correct. ;)

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