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My Latest Crazy Idea

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If you haven't noticed, I've been having a slow-moving midlife crisis for about the last three years. I've been searching for meaning to life, searching for a purpose, trying to figure out how to get on top of my life.


I love books like "The Hundred Mile Diet", "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle," "Better Off", and so on - all those books where one person or more does some crazy experiment for a year and writes about it. I've been trying to do something like that myself.


Well, I hit on an idea. I haven't told dh or the kids. I'm going to start slowly and see if it's even possible at first. It's kinda crazy....


Here it is: I'm going to halve my possessions and expenses in order to double my experience of life. In other words - first I'll go through my house and get rid of half my stuff. I'm already working on selling my house in order to live in one that's half as big. I'll use my car half as much and walk the rest of the time. I will try to cut my grocery bill in half (I don't know how, yet, but it will involve gardening, bartering and just better spending practices.)


I WON'T cut back on music lessons, tickets to the theatre, trips, get-togethers - those are experiences. That's what I want to expand on. The idea is to see whether if I have less stuff and fewer expenses I'll be able to have more "life", kwim?


And of course, since I'm addicted to writing, I will blog about it and try to be as honest as I can. I will also try to get my kids and dh involved (although sneakily at first, because I don't want to be derailed).


What do you think? Is this just nuts? Here's the link to what I've got so far:


Half:Cut Your Life in Half and Double Its Worth

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Don't you remember the possessed shoes thread? Or sub-thread, whatever it was.


Nothing too exciting - they're my favorite shoes style-wise, but every time I wear them something bad happens. So I never wear them anymore. They were the ones in that latest pic I posted with the weird headphones on.


It's not the first time I've had a piece of "possessed" clothing. It's always the piece I love the most and feel great in that ends up being cursed, somehow.


Thanks for the link, Amy Loves Bud.


As for the name - well, the book (LOL) will be called "Half" !!!!! Short and simple, dontcha think? Can't wait for the publishers to bang on the door, snort!


So - what do you think will be my downfall? (Besides shoes)

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So - what do you think will be my downfall? (Besides shoes)


Well....I don't know about you....but when I start thinking about dividing all my possessions in half....my first thoughts go to my books....and that makes me cry a little. :lol:

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I think this is a fabulous, inspired and kick butt idea. Please be sure to post here to update us now and then.


Just last week, I was scanning real estate sites and looking at smaller homes. I'd never get my DH to agree to it, but it sure would be nice to have less stuff, less room, less to maintain/repair. And (gasp), maybe even another HSer nearby...


The books though... can't those count towards Life instead of Stuff?

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Love this idea, and have been mid-life toying along these lines myself. Read on my blog about how I felt about our house when we got home from getting our 1978 24 foot rv. Disgustingly large. We have too much stuff. Books are a big issue here. I'll be reading along with you. thanks for sharing

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If you are going to have a mid-life crisis this is a pretty good way to go about it.





Maybe you should call this your "half-life" crisis? I am loving the idea, and it is making me think of all the things I could do without! Enjoy, and I'll be reading!

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Not crazy at all. Probably more sane than most of the rest of us! I have thought about doing that at times too. I want to own my stuff not have my stuff own me. Unfortunately I live with three other people that don't really see things that way. It's all about priorities. I am big on give it away or throw it away. I will be reading about your journey with envy.

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Don't you remember the possessed shoes thread? Or sub-thread, whatever it was.


Nothing too exciting - they're my favorite shoes style-wise, but every time I wear them something bad happens. So I never wear them anymore. They were the ones in that latest pic I posted with the weird headphones on.


It's not the first time I've had a piece of "possessed" clothing. It's always the piece I love the most and feel great in that ends up being cursed, somehow.


Thanks for the link, Amy Loves Bud.


As for the name - well, the book (LOL) will be called "Half" !!!!! Short and simple, dontcha think? Can't wait for the publishers to bang on the door, snort!


So - what do you think will be my downfall? (Besides shoes)


I think that is absolutely wonderful idea!! I love it. Seriously, I think a lot of people are looking for that kind of inspiration, you may start a revolution.


I can see the conversations now, "Have you halved yourself yet?"


"No, I could never do that."


"It's really freeing. If Jennifer did it, so can you. I can't believe how much less stress I have now."

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Awesome idea! I'm in the process of trying to do something similar myself, although I'm not writing or blogging about it.


We've been successful in halving our grocery budget - due to coupons, CVS shopping, cooking from scratch, and a small garden. We also bought a deep freezer last year and that has certainly helped.


We've not been successful in halving our utility bills. :( We have a rain barrel for watering the garden and house plants, so we've simply managed to not add to our water bill with a garden this year. We kept the thermostat cooler/warmer depending on the season this year. With the increase in electric and gas costs, we've only managed to not increase our bills.


Our gas expenses for the cars has gone up. I stay home all day during the M-F week unless I just really need to go out (doctor's appointment, etc.). Even then, it's pretty rare that I go anywhere. Our church is about 20 minutes away and we refuse to give it up. DH drives a small, compact, efficient commuter car and is currently in a carpool (but he hasn't found someone near us, yet). We're very lucky that our library is just two blocks away, and if need be, we could walk to the grocery store (we've only done that once since it is quite a walk).


Watch out for loved ones bringing you stuff. My DMIL has giving as a love language. The amount of toys that come into this home can be overwhelming. She means well and loves to express herself this way, it's just challenging.


Have fun with your journey! I've bookmarked your blog and look forward to reading it.

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Uh, no - last I checked dh was right here with me, lOL!


Actually, our house is already on the market. We own a rental property with three houses on it. We were going to take over two of them - one to live in, one for our offices (One is about 1500sf? One is about 700sf). Currently we live in a 3500 sf house.


Now we're talking about just living in the 1500 sf house. When I say I'm being sneaky, it's because dh will get very technical about it all when I tell him. He'll be all for it - he'll just tend to take it over, KWIM? So, I need to sit with it by myself a bit first - really get a handle on it and things like the groceries, etc, which come under my purview already - before I bring it to him for the things we need to do together.


The hardest part, like jmgconner mentioned, is that I've done so much already. I totally went through the house and got rid of stuff before I left for New York because we're showing the house and I know we might move soon. Going through and getting rid of 50% more of my stuff is going to be even more pared down than your average suburban family, I think. It will be interesting to see.

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Spin offs:



Loving and Living the Half-Life

The Better Half

When Half Equals Whole

Halving it All



My personal favorite is the last one!


Good for you Jennifer. I love what you're doing with your "crisis". :D

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Why didn't I check with Doran before I named my blog????


You're names/phrases are sooo much better. I love "halving it all". I'm going to run and check if it's available and if it is, my blog might move, folks. Better now than later.


I really like "When half Equals whole" too.


Off I go.....

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All right - I did it! I moved my blog. I am now at Halving It All.


What can I say? Doran's a genius - it was too good a name to pass up. Sorry for the confusion, guys and thanks for your patience with me!



I've fooled someone into thinking I'm a genius! :lol: :D :lol:



You're off to something great, Jennifer. I just know it!

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