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Gift Ideas Needed -- 15 yr old boy

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Okay, I normally roll my eyes at these posts because I think "how are a bunch of people on the internet supposed to know your kid better than you do????"


I hereby repent of that eye-rolling for all time.


My son is turning 15 next month, and then there's Christmas, both of which we need to buy for on our upcoming US trip. He likes Lego. He does not like tech gadgets. I'd like to broaden his horizons, but I have no idea what's even available these days.



He has a room FULL of Lego already, and $$ to buy his own when we're in the US (he saves his allowance all year for this purpose).


He has an iPod shuffle that he rarely, if ever, uses.


He has his own camera that he uses some of the time.


We do not want to give him his own personal "to keep in his room" laptop.


He's not in scouts or anything and we don't have places to use a lot of outdoor gear such as hiking gear, etc.


He likes to draw & write, but I don't know how to turn that into gift material.


It needs to be something that fits in our luggage to come back to Brazil, and we are getting the younger 2 boys each a Nintendo 3DS for their Christmas gift (+ a game or two), just to give an idea of budget.


The only thing oldest has mentioned wanting is a new Lego set, the collectible R2D2 that was recently released. We might do that, but then again, he might buy it himself.


Help a girl out --- what's out these days? What does your 15 yr old like???

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Real drawing supplies might be good. My ds likes tech stuff, but he also likes to draw. Something like a moleskin blank book might be good. I plan on getting ds one for school, hopefully one for each year and then as a birthday gift after that. My ds turns 15 this fall too, so I'm looking at gifts that might have a long-term impact.


Here are a few things on ds's wish list:


Copic markers (expensive, but look awesome.)

Good pencil set (ds went with Derwent)

colored pencils (ds wants Prismacolor)


Quality sketchbook. (Ds likes ones that are top bound)

Good erasers

Quality pencil sharpener (we recently bought this one and ds loves it)


If you'll be anywhere near a real art supply store (like Dick Blick, not Michaels) I'd let him pick a few nice things.

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My boys are getting harder to buy for as they are getting older. The big things for my boys gifts are kindle, I-pad, updated laptops. In general my boys like good quality earbuds, band and vintage t-shirts, axe products.


We would totally get him a kindle, iPod Touch or even iPad. He's not interested. -sigh-


Clothing will be purchased, but not as a part of his gift, just because we buy new clothes when in the US; good idea, though.


Part of what makes it hard to buy for him is that he's also the sort of person who doesn't like a fuss being made over him; he's reluctant to admit out loud what he would actually want. And to know how much we would spend, so anything he think is "too much" he won't ask for.


Fun hygiene type products might be an idea....

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Real drawing supplies might be good. My ds likes tech stuff, but he also likes to draw. Something like a moleskin blank book might be good. I plan on getting ds one for school, hopefully one for each year and then as a birthday gift after that. My ds turns 15 this fall too, so I'm looking at gifts that might have a long-term impact.


Here are a few things on ds's wish list:


Copic markers (expensive, but look awesome.)

Good pencil set (ds went with Derwent)

colored pencils (ds wants Prismacolor)


Quality sketchbook. (Ds likes ones that are top bound)

Good erasers

Quality pencil sharpener (we recently bought this one and ds loves it)


If you'll be anywhere near a real art supply store (like Dick Blick, not Michaels) I'd let him pick a few nice things.


oooh, thank you! Yes, this could be a good idea, let him put together his own drawing supplies. Hmmm.... We will be in places where we can shop real art supply stores.


He'll be getting some stuff for the art class he's taking for school, but some "fun stuff" for his personal use would be a really good idea. maybe an art portfolio, too, for him to store all his drawings in an organized fashion.....


Thanks for listing brand names and such; I would have no idea where to start on that!

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Would he like to make movies or comics with his legos? My DS makes little stop-action movies with the iPad app, but you can also get software for that. Comic Life software is easy to use and produces professional looking comics. DS storyboards his ideas, then sets up the backgrounds, sets up the minifigs, photographs each frame, imports them into Comic Life, and adds the dialog. You can print and bind the comics and they look really cute and professional.


Does he know about all the new Lord of the Rings lego sets?



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Would he like to make movies or comics with his legos? My DS makes little stop-action movies with the iPad app, but you can also get software for that. Comic Life software is easy to use and produces professional looking comics. DS storyboards his ideas, then sets up the backgrounds, sets up the minifigs, photographs each frame, imports them into Comic Life, and adds the dialog. You can print and bind the comics and they look really cute and professional.


Does he know about all the new Lord of the Rings lego sets?




He would LOVE that. Absolutely love it. Thank you!! Going to pass the info to DH and make sure one of our computers can run it; this would be perfect. Absolutely perfect. Either in conjunction with, or instead of, the art stuff. Genius.


Oh, and yes, he's up on all the new Lego stuff....he "likes" them on FB and stalks their home page regularly. :lol: He's got a shopping list a mile long, but like I said, he's got the funds for most of it anyway. We could give him lego, but it would just be enabling him to buy more off his list. Which is fine, I don't mind, except he already doesn't have anywhere to put whatever he buys this trip anyway.


I think the software is a great idea, though; he's asked about that idea before, but I had no idea what to suggest to him. Thank you!!!

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Unique t-shirts based on his interests. This takes some serious research. http://www.Etsy.com is your friend.


Board and card games. The obscure, geeky ones.


Art supplies, obviously.


Something to do with music - iTunes card, musical instrument, concert tickets.


Experience - interesting summer program - he is old enough to do an art intensive somewhere, which also builds his college apps.


Gift card for movies, local coffee house.


Bicycle, other sporting equipment. Gym membership for indoor exercise.


Kindle/Nook if he reads.


Tickets to a convention - comic con type thing.

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Unique t-shirts based on his interests. This takes some serious research. http://www.Etsy.com is your friend.


Board and card games. The obscure, geeky ones.


Art supplies, obviously.


Something to do with music - iTunes card, musical instrument, concert tickets.


Experience - interesting summer program - he is old enough to do an art intensive somewhere, which also builds his college apps.


Gift card for movies, local coffee house.


Bicycle, other sporting equipment. Gym membership for indoor exercise.


Kindle/Nook if he reads.


Tickets to a convention - comic con type thing.


Some good ideas here, but most of the "experience" type stuff won't work; we are in the US for just under 4 wks and there just aren't things like that here in Brazil that he'd be comfortable going to/we'd be comfortable sending him to.


Board & card games would be great --- anyone have a shopping link for finding weird obscure geeky ones??


I will check etsy, too, for shirts that reflect his interests; he does like shirts like that and they can be hard to find. Thank you!

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By the time we got to your ds's age, I just gave ds his birthday budget (do the same w/dd). Some years I'm told what to buy, others, they want to stash the money. I let them decide. Ds23 birthday was yesterday, he just graduated from college, and wants gift money to go toward car insurance, gas, etc. so I bought him a dvd he has been wanting and will pay the things he asked for.

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Some good ideas here, but most of the "experience" type stuff won't work; we are in the US for just under 4 wks and there just aren't things like that here in Brazil that he'd be comfortable going to/we'd be comfortable sending him to.


At 15 or more likely next summer at 16, he can go on his own. :D Many colleges have summer programs for high school kids where they spend 3-4 weeks and earn college credit for a class or two. Can be an excellent experience but not cheap.


Board & card games would be great --- anyone have a shopping link for finding weird obscure geeky ones??


www.funagaingames.com - amazing selection, excellent reviews too.

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Something kinda fun that I have been doing for my kids' birthdays is a candy jar. I fill it with their favorite candy and birthday candles showing their age - they love it!


It is something you could do once you're back in Brasil. Or maybe you could find candy that is only available in the US to fill it?


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These are things we have given recently as gifts:


*leather wallet

*nice clock radio

*magazine subscription (my son likes Nat Geo, Smithsonian, and Scientific American, as well as grabbing my Cook's Illustrated and any news mag that crosses our path, like Time)


One of my son's favorite birthday gifts was a bullet-proof clipboard. It's rather heavy and awkward, but he just loves having it for the "cool" factor.

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By the time we got to your ds's age, I just gave ds his birthday budget (do the same w/dd). Some years I'm told what to buy, others, they want to stash the money. I let them decide. Ds23 birthday was yesterday, he just graduated from college, and wants gift money to go toward car insurance, gas, etc. so I bought him a dvd he has been wanting and will pay the things he asked for.


We do usually do cash for bdays, but still need an idea for Christmas. I wonder if he'd mind if we gave him the cash for that too......hmmm. I'll talk to DH about that and see what he thinks.


Something kinda fun that I have been doing for my kids' birthdays is a candy jar. I fill it with their favorite candy and birthday candles showing their age - they love it!


It is something you could do once you're back in Brasil. Or maybe you could find candy that is only available in the US to fill it?


Now that is an awesomely fun idea! Yes, we could fill with US candy and bring back; he'd love that. Very, very cool. Thank you for posting that!


These are things we have given recently as gifts:


*leather wallet

*nice clock radio

*magazine subscription (my son likes Nat Geo, Smithsonian, and Scientific American, as well as grabbing my Cook's Illustrated and any news mag that crosses our path, like Time)


One of my son's favorite birthday gifts was a bullet-proof clipboard. It's rather heavy and awkward, but he just loves having it for the "cool" factor.


A watch is a great idea! I hadn't thought of that. Maybe a wallet too. He has a great clock radio already, but a watch & wallet would be good.


LOL on the bullet proof clipboard! That definitely sounds like something my son would enjoy, exactly like you say, for the "cool" factor. Boys are so goofy!


My just turned 15 a few days ago son's favorite present was a t shirt with his favorite car on it.


He also likes art supplies, games-board games, card games, video/DVD games...


Books are also a big hit with him, especially if they are about guns, planes, cars, or sports.


thanks, this is helpful. I need to do some t-shirt searching; he would enjoy a stash of "cool" t-shirts....thank you!

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At 15 or more likely next summer at 16, he can go on his own. :D Many colleges have summer programs for high school kids where they spend 3-4 weeks and earn college credit for a class or two. Can be an excellent experience but not cheap.




www.funagaingames.com - amazing selection, excellent reviews too.


ha! You haven't met my DH.....a solo trip to the US is not at all something DH would agree to, pretty much ever.


BUT -- thank you very much for the game link! Will shop that and see what we come up with. We'd got in our head to do one single item for each kid for xmas, to save on space since we're bringing it back now but maybe I need to rethink that for this DS. The other 2 are getting small enough items (size-wise, not budget) that we should have room for a variety of things for the oldest.

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