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Buyers Remorse... Please cheer me up!

Medieval Mom

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I have buyer's remorse. Why did I pay $115 for First Form Latin when I could have used Latin Without Tears, a FREE google ebook, instead?


I'm frugal. I'm disappointed in the numerous mistakes in MP's FFL. I'm also past the 60 day return window.


Please tell me just to buck up and keep going with FFL instead of ditching it and going back to my original plan of Latin Without Tears ( or finishing Latin Primer 1 which is sitting on our shelves and seems a GREAT deal like FFL). :banghead:


If you can't tell me to buck up, could you please share your story of $100+ not so wisely spent to cheer me up? :D :lol:

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I've bought several things sight unseen and regretted them. Some were more expensive mistakes than others. Right Start A was probably pretty close to $100 including shipping.


I have some other programs on my shelf that I like but my student whom I bought it for didn't. Winter Promise's Knights of the Square Table comes to mind.

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I bought MCT basic Island set brand new, and then a few days later saw a complete set on sale here.


SO, I bought the used set with the intention of returning the new set. That should have been fine, right?


Packed it up, put it in the mail, and USPS LOST IT.


It was insured and tracked, sure, but this was over a month ago, the return window is closed even IF usps finds it, and my insurance claim is yet to be seen.


I basically paid 300 dollars for the island level, at least that's how much I am out for it right now. I probably should have left well enough alone.



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Rightstart was a waste of money here. The curriculum didn't fit my teaching style, I hated using all the different manipulatives. I sold the curriculum itself and saved the manipulatives, but I have yet to use them, despite having a K'er! So yeah, waste of $100 for us.


I've certainly had little bits here and there that added up well over $100 also.


Now I'm curious about the free ebook you found. :lurk5: (though we are loving GSWL, which I got for $10 as an ebook... DS said the other day that Latin is his favorite subject right now!)


Can you sell the FFL for a little less than what you paid? Recoup at least SOME of the money?

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really stinks!


However if you look up the thread of curriculum vs. meal plan I think any curriculum you buy that might be a mistake for you could be tweaked in some way to be utilized. I think every curriculum has something a bit different to offer that another one might not have.


Change that curriculum to a supplement perhaps.. Use parts of it once a month or something.


I am also frugal and it pains me to buy curriculum I could not use but I find a way to use it regardless so that it can benefit us.


I have even cut up books that I don;t plan to use to make graphics for file folders or whatever.


Also what might not work now, may work later as well as with another child or set of kids.


You can also use your curriculum mess up as a gift to another homeschool mom for Christmas or whatever. One less gift to buy.

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You can use parts of FFL and then sell it, right? If that's so, you won't be out the entire $115.


I've made several expensive mistakes over time. I'll only admit to a few here - bought RS B and C at the same time. We never finished B. (I did sell C, though, so at least I got some money back). Bought all the Apples & Pears spelling books (four of them) and Dancing Bears (3 books). We used half of A&P A and got to maybe 1/4 of the way through DB B. Ariel didn't need any more phonics instruction after that point and she really needed another approach to spelling. Now they're sitting in my old/used curriculum bin until I figure out what to do with them. Curriculum-wise, I've learned not to buy too far ahead. It always seems to end badly.


Then again...I did just buy volumes 3&4 of SOTW and we're studying ancient history next year. :001_huh: Maybe I don't learn so good. :tongue_smilie:

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I spent too much money on SWR stuff (and time).


That Latin without Tears book makes me want to cry on first glance. :lol: It's not really the reading of it but the thought of teaching with it. I haven't yet checked out this Latin Primer 1 that I keep reading about ... *wondering off to do so*

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Chalk it up to teacher education. Even when we don't use something, it's not wasted, because we always learn something just by reading the TMs and planning to use it.


Adam had his weeds. We have crappy homeschool materials. They all have something wrong with them. It's our curse. We just muddle through the best we can, with what we have. Believe me, if you'd have gone with the other choice you would have found your weeds there too.


Never get rid of anything. You WILL use things for reference, and often you will want to try it again.


Nothing is perfect and nothing is wasted.

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DS said the other day that Latin is his favorite subject right now!)



Right on!


Medieval Mom, in the last couple of years, I've spent a bundle on unused items that add up to a lot of money, more than $100.


FFL has a workbook, whereas you would have to create one for Latin Without Tears, is based on Henle (just in case you wanted to switch over rather than use FFL 2) and has teacher support like a separate answer key, unlike LWT where the answers are right there.


But I like LWT as a supplement!

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Just chiming in that I love FFL. Dh is a Latin teacher and seems to find mistakes in every curriculum, so I don't get as frustrated about mistakes anymore.


I spent $300 on everything I'd need for Logic Stage Connecting With History the year one dd needed surgery and I wouldn't be able to do library trips, etc. I thought the dd who would use it would love it and be able to be independent. Well, she hated it and it really couldn't be used independently. :glare:

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I could admit to mistakes costing hundreds of times that one, even much more, but I don't want to relive them! We do the best we can at the time, and if we survive intact, it's a wash. Just hang in there.


(Some horrible recalled experiences have been removed in the interest of reducing negativity in my world.....)


On the other hand, I discovered this delightful website, :Well trained mind, where intelligent and supportive people share experiences of trying to enhance educational opportunities, and its free!

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I looked at Latin Without Tears and :001_huh: - it's a wordlist, basically. If I wanted free like that I'd do Linney's Latin Class.


We are loving FFL here. It's been just what my eldest needs. I haven't seen any mistakes, but I know enough Latin that I haven't used the answer key yet. (I also don't have the DVDs.)


But yeah, I've been there. Had things printed & bound, then decided not to use them. Bought SWR used - sold SWR - bought WRTR - let it sit on shelf - re-bought SWR new - trying to force myself to use it. I have 2 others [books] I just purchased, and I'm hoping I made the right decision. At least they were both used.


If you want to resell you might try Amazon marketplace - I've had decent luck selling there.

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Medieval Mom, call Memoria Press and explain your circumstances. They are good to work with and will prob let you return. Also point out mistakes.


Yes. They are very understanding.


And there are so many I have bought that we will never use mistakes (Enki, Singapore Math, IEW's Primary Reading and Writing, AAS3, and more I'm not remembering) and so many that will be used as supplements or later that I thought were the answer (Sonlight Core C&D, TOG Year 2, MCT, Phonetic Zoo, Big Book of Lively Latin).

Go ahead. Add those up. Just don't tell me the total.

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I bought Mystery of History 3 new this year and now we're not using it. We're completely switching tracks. It's not a total waste since I'll photocopy the supplementary reading list in the back of the companion guide and maybe reference the textbook when we do Renaissance and Reformation toward the end of the year but that's it.

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Woah. Latin Without Tears looks.... :confused:


So it's a vocab list? How do you teach it? I am confuddled.


I scrolled through the entire book and it really looks best as a supplement. Maybe it's best used by a Latin teacher who can explain Latin grammar or used by a student who has studied some Latin and wants to expand her vocabulary on her own.


Medieval Mom, I don't think you made a mistake at all.

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I went through about half of FFL and I think there wad one mistake that I found. It is a very solid program. I didn't do the Dvds so I can't speak to those. I have been homeschooling for a year and have wasted so much money. The beauty and the horror of homeschooling is that you can switch things that aren't working for you or your child. This can get expensive. You can recoup some money reselling. If FFL is working for you, I would use it and then sell everything except the workbook. :D

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This is the first I've heard of Latin Without Tears. It looks adorable! That method could be fun to add to a family wide moment at the beginning of school. "Basket time" they're calling it now?


To answer the question, if you're already into FFL, it sounds like it's working fine for you, I'd keep going. If you haven't actually started it, well, I'd look long and hard at all my options and work out a solid, doable plan for a year.

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Thanks, everybody. I'm feeling much better now.


As for Latin Without Tears, I had devised a system to use it, continuing with ds's base from GSWL. I took enough Latin in college to make good use of the book. It could have worked. :)

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I bought MCT basic Island set brand new, and then a few days later saw a complete set on sale here.


SO, I bought the used set with the intention of returning the new set. That should have been fine, right?


Packed it up, put it in the mail, and USPS LOST IT.


It was insured and tracked, sure, but this was over a month ago, the return window is closed even IF usps finds it, and my insurance claim is yet to be seen.


I basically paid 300 dollars for the island level, at least that's how much I am out for it right now. I probably should have left well enough alone.





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Chalk it up to teacher education. Even when we don't use something, it's not wasted, because we always learn something just by reading the TMs and planning to use it.


Adam had his weeds. We have crappy homeschool materials. They all have something wrong with them. It's our curse. We just muddle through the best we can, with what we have. Believe me, if you'd have gone with the other choice you would have found your weeds there too.


Never get rid of anything. You WILL use things for reference, and often you will want to try it again.


Nothing is perfect and nothing is wasted.


I think I'm going to write this out and put it on the first page of my binder. This is wisdom I needed to hear, Hunter-- every word. :)

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Math programs have been my downfall. Saxon is not cheap, I bought everything for 1 plus a comprehensive manipulative set. We ditched Saxon after a few lessons. Total nightmare.


Then I thought Rebecca would like TT, but I was going to use it as a supplement to CLE. Well, I bought 3 and 4, and Rebecca tested out of about 2/3 of 3. Then we had to skip a bunch of 4 too. :glare: Again, not cheap.

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This is the first I've heard of Latin Without Tears. It looks adorable! That method could be fun to add to a family wide moment at the beginning of school. "Basket time" they're calling it now?


To answer the question, if you're already into FFL, it sounds like it's working fine for you, I'd keep going. If you haven't actually started it, well, I'd look long and hard at all my options and work out a solid, doable plan for a year.


Sage advice. :D

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I bought IEW SWI A used here for $65 from a person who only had 3 posts, all to respond to WTB ads to try to sell her stuff. I should have listened to my gut and not trusted this person. The DVDs don't work and when I emailed her, the email is not valid anymore. Bad bad mistake on my part. So I can't used SWI A and I can't justify buying a brand new set now. I just go with Jump In and WWS instead.

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Thanks, everybody. I'm feeling much better now.


As for Latin Without Tears, I had devised a system to use it, continuing with ds's base from GSWL. I took enough Latin in college to make good use of the book. It could have worked. :)

Can you share your systme for Latin Without Tears, please?

I am actually thinking of using FFL after Lively Latin 2. It sounds like a solid program. Why not give it more time?

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Can you share your systme for Latin Without Tears, please?

I am actually thinking of using FFL after Lively Latin 2. It sounds like a solid program. Why not give it more time?


Here's what I wrote to/for myself as a guide. Hope it makes some sense! :blush:

Latin Without Tears Guide.pdf.zip

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Bummer thought that Latin without Tears would be something I could use. I couldn't never use it , even though its free. I agree, it just looks like a word list and I could see my girls balking at that,

I haven't used FFL but have used Prima Latina and Latina Christiana and they are both really good programs. We have no complaints there.

Its even better with DVD's because I'm learning right along with them. I know very little Latin at all. So the DVD's are important to me.


If your finding mistakes, call or email Memoria Press and let them know so they can make corrections for future users.


I wouldn't see it as a loss at all. I have bought some curriculum that I wasn't fond off, sold it and then found it would have been perfect for at least one of my other kids. Ugh. That's another topic of its own.

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I bought IEW SWI A used here for $65 from a person who only had 3 posts, all to respond to WTB ads to try to sell her stuff. I should have listened to my gut and not trusted this person. The DVDs don't work and when I emailed her, the email is not valid anymore. Bad bad mistake on my part. So I can't used SWI A and I can't justify buying a brand new set now. I just go with Jump In and WWS instead.


Did you try contacting IEW? I wonder if they'd send you new DVDs if you returned the ones that don't work? :lurk5: Certainly worth a try to talk to them. If they're the original DVDs, they may replace them or charge a nominal fee for doing so.

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