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update on DH's concussion/housing remodel/etc

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So, although his CAT scan was clear he still is having issues from the concussion, which is to be expected. He thinks he failed his math test last night, because he just can't think well enough to do that kind of stuff. Every day stuff is fine, but higher order thinking..not as much. He couldn't remember how to use the formulas, and KNEW he knew how to do it. He was really upset. I told him to contact the department head, as he teacher would not give him an incomplete. But hopefully he passes and doesn't need that. If he doesn't pass, and they won't work with him, it would mean they would drop him back to remedial math classes, which really upsets him as he had an A in the class prior to the accident.


On the remodeling front I posted before how worried I am about getting it all done, about him working too hard, and not asking for help. So I made the decision to contact one of his friends myself, through facebook. I explained, and hoped no one would get mad at me for interfering. Well, this morning my husband just sent me a message telling me that his friend, C, called, and that C, his brother M, and probably their friend B would be here next weekend to do the laminate floors with him, replace the back door, and the drywall that needs to be replaced. :hurray:


I knew we could count on them, they just needed to know we needed help. So now I'm really glad I contacted them, even if DH gets upset for me doing it myself.


That means this weekend DH can finish the tile in the kitchen, clear out the garage (we rented a dumpster), and repair the stucco that needs repairing. That is doable for him.


Anyway, thanks for prayers and support!

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So, although his CAT scan was clear he still is having issues from the concussion, which is to be expected. He thinks he failed his math test last night, because he just can't think well enough to do that kind of stuff. Every day stuff is fine, but higher order thinking..not as much. He couldn't remember how to use the formulas, and KNEW he knew how to do it. He was really upset. I told him to contact the department head, as he teacher would not give him an incomplete. But hopefully he passes and doesn't need that. If he doesn't pass, and they won't work with him, it would mean they would drop him back to remedial math classes, which really upsets him as he had an A in the class prior to the accident.


On the remodeling front I posted before how worried I am about getting it all done, about him working too hard, and not asking for help. So I made the decision to contact one of his friends myself, through facebook. I explained, and hoped no one would get mad at me for interfering. Well, this morning my husband just sent me a message telling me that his friend, C, called, and that C, his brother M, and probably their friend B would be here next weekend to do the laminate floors with him, replace the back door, and the drywall that needs to be replaced. :hurray:


I knew we could count on them, they just needed to know we needed help. So now I'm really glad I contacted them, even if DH gets upset for me doing it myself.


That means this weekend DH can finish the tile in the kitchen, clear out the garage (we rented a dumpster), and repair the stucco that needs repairing. That is doable for him.


Anyway, thanks for prayers and support!


:grouphug: Good for you for taking the bull by the horns and getting help for hubby.


As for the math test, if your husband gets a copy of the police report from the accident and a doctor's statement that he did incur whiplash and a concussion (doesn't matter if it was mild, all concusions are actually serious - my "mild" concussion gave me tunnel vision, episodes of passing out, and trouble with short-term memory for two years afterward - doesn't bear thinking about what a moderate or severe concussion would have produced), I think that legally they have to accomodate him by giving an incomplete and then a re-test when he's better...up to a full semester, if memory serves, of lapse time before he'd have to retake it.


He needs lots and lots of sleep...sleep heals the brain and most men will argue about going to bed earlier or waking up later so try to be his "mommy" for him. I'm in that mode right now trying to keep dh from coming down with a nasty case of Lyme's.



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:grouphug: Good for you for taking the bull by the horns and getting help for hubby.


As for the math test, if your husband gets a copy of the police report from the accident and a doctor's statement that he did incur whiplash and a concussion (doesn't matter if it was mild, all concusions are actually serious - my "mild" concussion gave me tunnel vision, episodes of passing out, and trouble with short-term memory for two years afterward - doesn't bear thinking about what a moderate or severe concussion would have produced), I think that legally they have to accomodate him by giving an incomplete and then a re-test when he's better...up to a full semester, if memory serves, of lapse time before he'd have to retake it.


He needs lots and lots of sleep...sleep heals the brain and most men will argue about going to bed earlier or waking up later so try to be his "mommy" for him. I'm in that mode right now trying to keep dh from coming down with a nasty case of Lyme's.



Thanks, I agree they should have to work with him. And I am trying to make him sleep...last night he wanted to put a movie on and I made him go to bed instead. He isn't arguing much..he is exhausted poor man.

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My dh had a moderate concussion and it took about two months to get over the initial symptoms.


It also seems to be exacerbated if he's too tired or too hot. My dh has always been kind of spacey, but I started writing down a lot of things for him then, and he used his phone to keep track of tasks.


Honestly, I wouldn't push the remodeling stuff this weekend. I'm not a medical person, but I would urge him to rest this weekend or work in short spurts.

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So I made the decision to contact one of his friends myself, through facebook. I explained, and hoped no one would get mad at me for interfering. Well, this morning my husband just sent me a message telling me that his friend, C, called, and that C, his brother M, and probably their friend B would be here next weekend to do the laminate floors with him, replace the back door, and the drywall that needs to be replaced. :hurray:


WONDERFUL! :grouphug::grouphug:

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I have a friend with a TBI from hitting her head cleaning a small room. Safety advice, stop cleaning! She has gotten tremendous help from a head injury clinic. It was hard figuring out how much she should be doing or what kind of activity and they helped sort that out. I hope he's better soon. I would stop everything that doesn't need to be done.

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I came off a horse and got a concussion. They called it mild, but I can't imagine what a moderate concussion would be like, never mind a severe one!!!!


I slept for four straight days. When I woke up, I couldn't read because I couldn't remember the beginning of the sentence by the time I got to the end.


10 days after the concussion, I went back to work. I could teach, read, converse, set up problems, but I could not do MATH. That was the last thing to return.


Exhaustion lasted almost 2 weeks to the day. The dizziness lasted for several months, although it was an off and on thing, not constant.


Concussions are NOT trivial things! Tuck that husband of your into bed. Praying for a speedy recovery for him and superhuman strength to get it all done while he is out of commission

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I am so sorry about your dh's concussion. The new way of dealing with concussions involves not using the brain to give it time to rest and heal. Can your dh get a note from his doctir to take a break from school and do the math test over?


I am so glad you have help with the house. BUT, your dh really, really, reallh needs to take it easy. He needs to rest and sleep as much as possible.

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Thanks everyone. I know he should rest. It won't happen. He tiled our kitchen floor 2 days after the accidnent. And as much as I want to argue with him, If it all isn't done our homeowner's insurance will be canceled on the 15th, as this is work to fix a flood, and they paid for it. So it has to be done and we have to send in proof before then. Luckily what he is doing this weekend doesn't involve a lot of thought, it is just manual labor. He did ok last weekend doing it, and I think it made him feel better that he could DO something, you know? But I'll keep an eye on him, keep him hydrated, fed, etc and make sure he gets to bed early.

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