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Why does life HAVE to be so stressful??


And WHY do the people who are supposed to love you have to make it even MORE stressful??:confused:


I just do NOT get it......







I feel your pain.:grouphug:



When you find the answer to that question pass it on please.




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boy do I understand what you are going through !!! :(


ps3 broke ($300 later have a new one)

dog swallowed a bone ($300 later is ok)

pool turned green ($100 later and hours to drain and refill its good)

all 4 of us have some weird cold (weeks later still have it)


ok, so when i write it out it doesn't sound like the end of the world, but it felt like it. when all of those things happened in about two weeks time :(

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I avoid as many people as possible. That helps. :D


I am a people avoider too....but OH.MY.GOD!!! They push through crowds to get to me....UGH! The worst is when it is my own adult kids who just Do.not.know when I have just had ENOUGH! Enough....enough...enough!!!!


I need a nap....

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