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looking for gluten-free snacks

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I know that fruit and cheese and veggie sticks are gluten-free. I'm looking for other snack options that are gluten-free.


My dd has a friend who visits and tries to eat gluten-free most of the time (not celiac, but has family members who are). We've been making a flourless chocolate cake that is amazing, but I'd love to find other snacky-type options.



I linked the recipe I've been using above since I know somebody will ask which recipe I used that I liked.


So, any recipe ideas?

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Nature valley has some gluten free granola bars. Gluten free rice crispies and gf marshmallows and make rice crispy treats. Flourless peanut butter cookies. Land O Lakes has a fabulous gf choc. chip cookie recipe! Cheetos are gf (you didnt say it had to be healthy :D ) Hummus and corn, rice, or potato chips, or veggies and hummus. hth

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THere are a ton of gluten free snack things at our local grocery store now. When my gf would visit with her celiac son, I would stock up on gluten free pretzels, popcorn, cookies, crackers, etc. I also made gluten free bread in my bread machine and served that with peanut (or almond) butter.

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I've used several gluten-free mixes, but I was hoping for more very easy recipes like the one I found for flourless chocolate cake that don't require a mix.


I hadn't thought of rice crispy treats. I'll check to see if the Rice Crispies and marshmallows we have are gluten-free.


Kellogg's makes gluten-free Rice Krispies. Look for the specially marked box. I believe it is yellowy-cream color rather than blue. They also have specially marked gluten-free Chex cereals. The apple cinnamon Rice Chex is very good. You could mix that with some peanuts and other stuff for a snack mix. There is a chocolate Chex cereal too that is g/f.


Ooops, I guess someone already said that! Also, it just dawned on me why people are worrying about gluten in popcorn. We always make our own on the stove top rather than microwave popcorn! I saw a recipe for marshmallow popcorn. You could probably google it. It was like the marshmallow stuff for Rice Krispie bars but poured over popcorn. There was a lady I knew when I was a kid who made a popcorn cake. Same idea but you stir in peanuts and gum drops with the popcorn and marshmallow stuff then press it into an angel food pan and let it cool. It was SOOO good!

Edited by Cricket
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I have a gf 5 year old and honestly I make almost all our snack food because the pre-made stuff is so expensive and not so tasty.


I would keep it simple, veggies & dip, fruit & yogurt, fruit kabobs, popcorn, homemade Chex mix with the gluten-free varieties, flourless cookies, pudding, jello jigglers, sushi (if you use gf sauces), gf cereal bars, etc.


I have a gluten-free cooking blog (http://www.floradawn.com/cooking) and I only post recipes that my family loves, but honestly baking gf for someone else can be stressful, so I am not really recommending it.

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I like pamela's baking mixes. If you don't have a store that carries it locally, amazon has it.


I make my own rice krispie treats (they're so easy). do read ingredients as I found one generic rice krispy had HFCS which is another thing my son needs to avoid (and it's in most juices and pop). Modified Food Starch is often made from wheat, so check labels on the marshmallows too.


potato chips. *some* tortilla chips. (flavored doritos have wheat).


you can make chex mix using corn chex and rice chex and no pretzels.


dried fruit, fruit leather, trail mix.

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My teen boy says nachos, Trio bars (cheapest at Costco), fresh fruit, canned fruit, yogurt, cheese sticks, and spinach dip (can use chips instead of bread). Anything he can scoop up on a chip will be a winner.


The old "puppy chow" recipe with a cereal, traditionally done with Chex, is a huge hit, too. Melt pb and chocolate together, mix into cereal, add powdered sugar and mix again. We usually use Nature's Path Whole O's (GF Cheerios). My DS won't forgive Chex for their not actually GF debut into the GF world. Evidently they have since got their act together, but DS won't touch them with a ten foot pole.


Eta: Frozen yogurt pops go over well, too. We get the little single serve and push a pop stick through the seal before tossing in the freezer.

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