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Drinking red wine vs. white

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I know this has nothing to do with homeschooling. OK, yes it does. A glass of wine in the evening helps us calm down from the daily stress of homeschooling so we can quickly go from this

:willy_nilly::eek::cursing::banghead: (you're a liar if you say you never get this way [jk]) to this :party::cheers2::thumbup1::D .


Does anyone know the real scope on health differences between drinking red wine vs. white? Yes, I've heard all the talk about red wine being more healthy but is it, really? What do you know about this?

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So none of you people ever drink wine in the evenings, before or along with your dinner?


We drink Mike's!!! No, just kidding. I can't justify the price of Mikes, but I have no idea the answer to your question. All I know is that I prefer red wine to white. But, I wouldn't take my advice on wine because if I buy it, I get the $3.99 special! ;)

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By the way, where the heck have you been? It is good to see you here!!!


Good to see you too, Mindy. Hugs :grouphug: to all here.


I've been away, beginning a transition into my new life as an "ex-homeschooling mom". We just graduated our youngest dd from high school. During this past year, she's been part-time homeschooling and part-time community college. Currently, she's taking 1 class at CC and in the fall she'll be full time, starting her second semester.


I am now working on what I want to be for the rest of my life. Any ideas, suggestions????


Btw- For every day table wine, we normally buy the cheapest, decent wine we can find at around $4.99 a bottle. Occasionally we spurge for a $10-20 bottle of a better quality that we like. I'm just wondering if red wine is really healthier than white....... or not?

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Heck ya I drink...I live in Europe and we have a glass of wine with lunch and dinner. It's really no big deal here. We get lots of wine from Italy and I especially love German wines. I personally like white because I have stomach issues and red gives me heartburn...more info than you wanted right. :D


Anyway...when living in the states I got all of our wines at Costco...we could get great prices and try all types. Enjoy!

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Good to see you too, Mindy. Hugs :grouphug: to all here.


I've been away, beginning a transition into my new life as an "ex-homeschooling mom". We just graduated our youngest dd from high school. During this past year, she's been part-time homeschooling and part-time community college. Currently, she's taking 1 class at CC and in the fall she'll be full time, starting her second semester.


I am now working on what I want to be for the rest of my life. Any ideas, suggestions????


Btw- For every day table wine, we normally buy the cheapest, decent wine we can find at around $4.99 a bottle. Occasionally we spurge for a $10-20 bottle of a better quality that we like. I'm just wondering if red wine is really healthier than white....... or not?


WOW! It sounds like an exciting time for you right now!!! I hope you will still come visit us here and wave your magic wand every now and then. :001_smile:

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I hope you will still come visit us here and wave your magic wand every now and then. :001_smile:


Yes, I will be popping in a little more often now that my learning challenged dd is through with high school. Finishing her high school years nearly killed me.


Anna, who is just wondering if red wine is really healthier than white....... or not?

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The overwhelming majority of studies have found a benefit for red wine (or red or Concord grape juice) above white wine. However, within the last few weeks, a new study came out saying that white might be as good for you.


If you want the health benefit, red is well-established as having a positive benefit on health; white less so.


Do keep in mind, though, that the health benefit is for the heart. A daily glass of vino of any color (or alcohol in general) increases breast cancer risk. A few a week are okay according to the breast specialist I see.

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We get lots of wine from Italy and I especially love German wines. I personally like white because I have stomach issues and red gives me heartburn...



Hi Tammy,


I never about trying German wines. I don't care a lot for German foods [sorry] so I ignorantly assumed their wines weren't much better. But now you have inspired me so I will give the German wines a try. And, I think you are on to something about the heartburn. Perhaps that is why I, too, prefer the white wines.


Anna, who is still wondering if red wines are really more healthy than whites!

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... within the last few weeks, a new study came out saying that white might be as good for you.


Do keep in mind, though, that the health benefit is for the heart. A daily glass of vino of any color (or alcohol in general) increases breast cancer risk. A few a week are okay according to the breast specialist I see.


ah-ha, I knew it. So white wine may be as healthy. Oh joy, oh rapture!:hurray: . In my family, heart disease is the enemy. We've not had any breast cancer. But I know that breast cancer can rear its head even without the family history of it.


Thanks, Laurie.


Anyone else have info on this? Please post.

Fairly dust for all who post in this thread--- POOF!!!!!!!

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Red wine is healthier. In fact, I don't think white wine has any health benefits at all. Red wine in moderation is good for you. I enjoy my half glass while I'm making dinner in the evening. I see it as my relaxing drink at the end of the day... kind of like coffee is my energy drink in the morning. I'm much more pleasant because of these two helpers in my life. :)

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Red wine is healthier. In fact, I don't think white wine has any health benefits at all. Red wine in moderation is good for you.


There's a false assumption that the health benefits of wine are exclusive to red grapes; white wine does have some of those same advantages. I drink both, so I'm good either way.;)

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I am probably completely wrong here, but I believe the health benefit is related to the tannins in the wine and red wine simply has a much higher tannin content. Purple grape juice supposedly has the same benefit - not that I would trade my glass of vino for Welch's.


I prefer white when it is hot and red when it is cool out.

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I know this has nothing to do with homeschooling. OK, yes it does. A glass of wine in the evening helps us calm down from the daily stress of homeschooling so we can quickly go from this

:willy_nilly::eek::cursing::banghead: (you're a liar if you say you never get this way [jk]) to this :party:.


Does anyone know the real scope on health differences between drinking red wine vs. white? Yes, I've heard all the talk about red wine being more healthy but is it, really? What do you know about this?


Yes, Red wine is good for you and so is red grape juice. They both help with the blood flow and keeping your veins clean. Red wine is like a plumber for your body.;) It keeps it from clogging.

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I know this has nothing to do with homeschooling. OK, yes it does. A glass of wine in the evening helps us calm down from the daily stress of homeschooling so we can quickly go from this

:willy_nilly::eek::cursing::banghead: (you're a liar if you say you never get this way [jk]) to this :party::cheers2::thumbup1: .


Does anyone know the real scope on health differences between drinking red wine vs. white? Yes, I've heard all the talk about red wine being more healthy but is it, really? What do you know about this?


I can, in all honesty, say that it has proven better for my mental health, anyway, which in turn is better for everyone's health all the way around.:D Mommy's Little Helper appears in a bottle called Our Daily Red, daily.

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The antioxidants in red wine are what is good for you.


Here is the Wikipedia article on wine. Look at section 9 for the health benefits. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_wine#Health_effects


I personally prefer red to white - the drier the better.


I've also recently rediscovered hard cider (I know, nothing to do with wine). I LOVE that stuff!

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I just read yesterday that white and red wine both have health benefits for your teeth! If you can believe it. Red wine, they said, might stain your teeth, but for oral health it actually helps. They said the same for white as well, so there is at least one good health reason to drink white.

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Red wine has been proven to contain things that are good for the heart...so, I am all about red wine. I love white too, but only drink red for the health benefits:tongue_smilie:I'm funny about things that might be bad for us to eat/drink-like yesterday, I dipped some strawberries in chocolate for a little treat for the fam-told them it was ok because when you eat chocolate with fruit, it makes it not bad for you. Or, if I am going to make cookies, I use oatmeal, walnuts, etc. to make junk food healthy. So, yes. red red wine makes me feel so fine.:iagree:

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Red wine is much healthier, as is the skin from the red grapes. And, so you know, if you chill the wine slightly (although when I lived in France they looked at me like I was a nut) it does take the edge off.


However, they say whatever help it may give, it is not worth taking up drinking it if you do not already, because of possible risks.


As for the risk of breast cancer, they are actually split on that. Resverstrol, which is what is supposed to help, is supposed to lower the risk of the first stage of breast cancer, but any alcohol is supposed to increase the risk of later stages of breast cancer (really, any cancer), or so they think.


In any case, what they say is, if you are going to drink, do so in moderation, and red is better than white.


(I don't drink at all, being a single mom and alone with my child 24/7, but dream about it, and read about in case I ever can have just that one little glass... ;) )

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Red wine or grape juice has more of the whatcha-ma-callums in it that help with heart health, LOL. I can NOT think of what they're called right now to save my life, sorry. White wine or grape juice does have some of these, but not nearly as many. And no, that doesn't mean you just get to drink more in order to make it up..... I think 4 oz. per day is the recommended amount.

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