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is it too hot for my indoor/outdoor cat

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my cat Sagwa stays outside all day and comes in at night. Today it is already 90 and is supposed to get to 100 with heat index of 105 and very humid. This is hotter than we usually get. She is crying to go out. My other cats prefer to stay in the house most times and have no desire to go out in the heat. We have lots of pine trees and bushes and shade but what concerns me is that Sagwa rarely drinks water. I even put a bowl in the front yard and one in the back and on hot days refresh it with ice but I never see her drinking from it. Should I keep her in and just listen to the crying all day?


She is 10 years old, I don't know if that makes a difference with the heat or not.

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I would not let her go out.


Our 4 y/o hound would love to sit on the porch of the guest house in the sun -- sad thing is, he would sit there till he died if we let him. Even with a bowl of ice cubes and water out there, he wouldn't touch them. So, he's inside till temps drop.

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I would not let her go out.


Our 4 y/o hound would love to sit on the porch of the guest house in the sun -- sad thing is, he would sit there till he died if we let him. Even with a bowl of ice cubes and water out there, he wouldn't touch them. So, he's inside till temps drop.



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thanks Mariann and Momma Bear. I will keep her in. My other cats are laying peacefully with the ac on. They seem to know how hot it is, I think Sagwa is just so used to going out and like your dog, Mariann, she would just want to be out no matter how hot it is. Since she rarely drinks water, going out is not for her today, she can wait until tomorrow or Monday when it supposed to be 80.

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thanks Mariann and Momma Bear. I will keep her in. My other cats are laying peacefully with the ac on. They seem to know how hot it is, I think Sagwa is just so used to going out and like your dog, Mariann, she would just want to be out no matter how hot it is. Since she rarely drinks water, going out is not for her today, she can wait until tomorrow or Monday when it supposed to be 80.


in red -- i am going to get my mink coat out of storage for that!:leaving:




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My cats are outside cats. It has been 100+ for 10 days now and all have survived but perhaps they are more accustomed. I do notice they have moved to under the deck and other shady places to hang out.


:iagree: If they are used to it and are otherwise healthy they will be okay. My crew of cats are sprawled around in shady places. Every now and again they come in but then back outside they go again.

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We have 5 strictly indoor cats and 2 strictly outdoor cats. The 2 outdoor cats have been dealing with the current heatwave by sprawling out in the shade. Our chickens are doing the same thing :001_smile:.


Our animals seem to be dealing - as long as she has water outside, I wouldn't fret about her. My indoor/outdoor cat seems to spend more time outside on these hot, hot days! She just sprawls in the shade and watches the world go by :)

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they seem to manage. As long as other living things are moving about the yard (birds, squirrels, rabbits) and not dropping dead, I think it is ok.


My cat got out a couple days again and it was 103 deg! She didn't stay out for too long and came back in and meowed to go back out. But when I opened the door and she felt the heat, she stayed in. LOL! She drove me crazy all day!

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all of you whose cats stay outside in the heat, do they drink the water you put out for them? That is what I worry about, the fact that Sagwa rarely drinks water, our vet said to make it ice cold, that sometimes that helps. I have even given her bottled water. She just does not drink much and she is the only cat here that will not eat canned food.


When we got her 10 years ago, my dc loved the cartoon Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat. THey also had the picture book so that is where her name came from. We also have a Ginger Pye cat, named for that book.

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all of you whose cats stay outside in the heat, do they drink the water you put out for them? That is what I worry about, the fact that Sagwa rarely drinks water, our vet said to make it ice cold, that sometimes that helps. I have even given her bottled water. She just does not drink much and she is the only cat here that will not eat canned food.


When we got her 10 years ago, my dc loved the cartoon Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat. THey also had the picture book so that is where her name came from. We also have a Ginger Pye cat, named for that book.



Well, you know what they say. You can lead a cat to water, but you can't make them drink...oh, right, that's horses :001_smile:. I do see our outdoor cats drink, but not that often. They're doing it somewhere.


If you're very concerned about it, you can always buy one of those fountain water bowls. Many vets recommend them because they encourage more drinking. I used to have a cat that only wanted to drink from the bathroom sink, so I see where this would work.

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I would let the cat if it wants to go outside. My cat loves being outside even when its 110 outside. He lays in the shade somewhere. He just scratches on the door or a window when he wants back in. I am sure your cat will want back in if it gets to hot.

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We let our indoor/outdoor cat go out in the heat (it's upper 90s here, into the 100s tomorrow). We have lots of shade and out at the back of the property there's a creek she can drink out of. We don't have a/c though so it can be as warm in the house as outside. I'd imagine it's cooler under the shed than in our house -- although she might have to fight the raccoons for that prime real estate. :tongue_smilie:

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all of you whose cats stay outside in the heat, do they drink the water you put out for them? That is what I worry about, the fact that Sagwa rarely drinks water, our vet said to make it ice cold, that sometimes that helps. I have even given her bottled water. She just does not drink much and she is the only cat here that will not eat canned food.


When we got her 10 years ago, my dc loved the cartoon Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat. THey also had the picture book so that is where her name came from. We also have a Ginger Pye cat, named for that book.


I put a bowl out of ice water out and show her where it is, but I don't think I have ever seen her drink.


Crazy Cat is inside right now basking in a sun beam. :001_huh: I think they like to be warmer than we prefer.

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all of you whose cats stay outside in the heat, do they drink the water you put out for them?

No, I very rarely see them drink. Our indoor/outdoor cats have been in and out at will for the past week during the several days of 100+ weather. They stay in the shade for the most part when they're out, but it doesn't seem to bother them at all. They can come in anytime they want.

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