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When you are going through accumulated curriculum to sell...

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how often do you find yourself thinking, "Oh but this looks good. Maybe we should use this or maybe I can find a way to include it?"


How do you talk yourself out of it?


I need to purge and streamline, but I am frozen by all my options. I am starting to think it all looks good and there is no way I can use it all.


Maybe I should have the kids put it all in a circle, blindfold me, spin me around and tell me to use the first thing I stumble on?

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If I haven't used it in 3 years and I already have what I need this year - then into the box it goes. The end.


Can you come and coach me through my piles? Please.....I need a pep talk.

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Just start posting the items for sale (try the link in my signature below for one great place to buy/sell). Maybe the offer of cold, hard cash will win over keeping a might-use-it-might-not item on your shelf!

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Every single time...:001_huh:



how often do you find yourself thinking, "Oh but this looks good. Maybe we should use this or maybe I can find a way to include it?"


How do you talk yourself out of it?


I need to purge and streamline, but I am frozen by all my options. I am starting to think it all looks good and there is no way I can use it all.


Maybe I should have the kids put it all in a circle, blindfold me, spin me around and tell me to use the first thing I stumble on?

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All the time. Even the smallest, silliest things. I have a box of stuff I managed to get socked away to send to Book Samaritan, and I'm fighting with myself about not looking through the box one. last. time. before I manage to send it!


Can someone link the Waldo homeschool wish list? I'd love to see if I can send anything.

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Can you come and coach me through my piles? Please.....I need a pep talk.


I'd come over and do it for you of you lived close enough. :)


Really tho the key is to NOT talk about and make sure the box is put in the van and taken to be sold or donated within 24 hours. No time to rethink or rationalize yourself out if it.

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I do this all the time. That is why I have shelves burgeoning with stuff we haven't used. I finally let go of a bunch of stuff this year, partially because I organized a home school garage sale and felt that my pile of things to sell looked to small:).


I am trying to be more realistic about what we will actually use. I had to let go of things that my kids outgrew:)

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