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Bunkbeds Grrrrrrr!!!

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Do any of you with large families REALLY hate dealing with BUNKBEDS??? Like making them??? Do any of you have some good solutions. They are really a pain!!! I can barely make them up much less expect my LO to do it! I have looked at the sheets that don't seperate and bed caps, but they are sooooo expensive. Are there any patterns anywhere for turning regular sheets in to these?




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I hate bunk beds!

I recently took my kid's bunk bed down. She had so much junk up there because she was being too lazy to go up and down. So there were a ton of dolls, books, paper, crayons. UGH

And forget making it up. We are all pretty short so it was never made.


Now they are set up as 2 twin beds and my life is easier. Her bed is clear and is made every morning!


So, I guess I am no help. LOL

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I just buy a full comforter and then tuck it in the back and the end so it is very tucked in under the bed. They then only have to pull it up to "make it". This makes making the bed very easy. My 4 year old doesn't have any problems.

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We have two sets of bunks, and one is a triple. I put a fitted sheet, no top sheet. They each have a pillow and a blanket that instead of straightening they fold at the foot of their bed each morning. From 8 on up I expect them to help change the sheets, although I do have to make sure they get the corners down sometimes, but climbing to the top bunks is extremely hard! I sometimes wish we didn't have the bunks but they are tremendous spacesavers.

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Yeah, I would love to get rid of them altogether, but with this many kiddos and the amount of space we have (not much) they are a necessary evil.LOL!!!


These are great ideas.


We bought them new comforter sets 2 years ago and the comforters a bit poofy. I wish I had never bought those. I hate climbing up and making that top one especially, I always hit my head.

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I made a deal with my kids that if they're old enough to sleep on the top bunk, they're old enough to make the bed. ;) I've never made a bunkbed in the 8 years we've had them. But, like some of the other posters mentioned, we don't use a top sheet. We only have one set of bunkbeds now and Dss7 only has a fitted sheet, comforter and pillow. On laundry day, he brings the fitted sheet down to me and gets one of the older kids to help him put a clean one on.

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This is where being 6'4" comes in handy. Climbing up sounds like it would be a lot of trouble, can you reach if you stand on a chair? I have the headboard a few feet out from the wall so that I can walk around and tuck all the corners in.



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We only use fitted sheets and twin duvet covers over comforters on our children's bunkbeds. Easy to wash and put back on...not to mention replace because they are very inexpensive at IKEA.


I wash sheets on Friday so dh (6'3") can put everything back on before the weekend.

Edited by LivingHope
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Totally agree with giving up on the top sheet. I like the idea of the folded blanket at the foot of the bed!


What about having several fitted sheets that you put on at a time...then to "change" the sheets, you just pull off the top one and put it in the laundry. So if you have four sheets, you only put the sheets on one out of four times.


(This is assuming wetting the bed is not an issue, of course...just dirty sheets from dirty-playful kids.)

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What about having several fitted sheets that you put on at a time...then to "change" the sheets, you just pull off the top one and put it in the laundry. So if you have four sheets, you only put the sheets on one out of four times.


Now THAT is a great idea! I am certainly going to do that for my DD, she has the top bunk :D

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We *do* use the top sheet. The kids just straighten them and I don't worry about perfection. THen they fold their blankets and put at the foot of the bed.


Yes, we hate them. We actually MOVE the bunkbeds to make them (like after washing). I never did that as a kid, but LOVE doing it now. Even still, it's just a pain.

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We have two sets of bunk beds. On one, my oldest uses a king size quilt folded long ways in half, on top of a fitted sheet. When he climbs in bed, he lifts up the top layer of the quilt, and covers up. The fitted sheet below the folded quilt never gets dirty and more so keeps me from seeing the side of the mattress when I walk in the room. It's easier for him to smooth out the folded king quilt on top. The bottom of this bunk bed (shaped like a T) is like a normal twin bed, so no adjustments required.


In the girls room, we have dumped the flat sheets. They have "poofy" comforters that are annoying but they are only a year old and I refuse to chunk them. So, they smooth them out as much as possible. They also sleep with THREE pillows each, so those are then put on top as pretty as possible. Doesn't look terribly messy by the end of it.

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Never even crossed my mind to require top bunk kids to make their beds.


My 4yo is currently in the top bunk, and she just has a pillow and a blanket. But, then, that's all the other kids have too. We don't use top sheets on any beds.


Do your kids keep their pillows and blankets in their beds? My kids move them around for building forts, making soft piles for jumping, relaxing on the couch, etc. One of their afternoon chores is to gather their bedding and get their bed ready for sleeping. :001_rolleyes:

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The girls have bunk beds, but they're not full height. I'm 5'3" and can put new sheets on the upper bunk without difficulty. The lower bunk.... well, I've got a few dings on my head from putting sheets on that one. You'd think I'd learn, but no. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't allow my LO under 6 on the bunkbeds. In fact, it says right there on a sticker on the bunkbeds that children under 6 shouldn't be on there.


My sister and my friend work in the er as nurses and I have heard lots of horror stories about bunkbeds. I follow rules....sometimes:D


I really like the idea just using a pretty sheet and a cool looking blanket to fold at the foot.

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I have looked at the sheets that don't seperate and bed caps, but they are sooooo expensive. Are there any patterns anywhere for turning regular sheets in to these?

We don't have a big family, but my 2 dc do share a room and have bunk beds. I made a set of sheets into one by using my sewing machine to sew the bottom of the top sheet and bottom sheet together. Then I sewed about 3/4 of the way up one side (the side by the wall).

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