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s/o non-exercise: Start Small! You can exercise!

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I was reading through the non-exerciser thread. I just had to pipe in. I think Americans have a crazy idea that exercise Must Last Thirty Minutes. That it Must Cause Lots of Sweat. It Must Be Done in Special Clothing. It Must Be Hard. It Must Make Middle-Aged Women Bounce Around.


I think that's just crazy and puts people off from changing their habits.


Just walk. Just walk for 10 minutes. For 5 if that's all you've got! If you get bored after 15 minutes go back home. But take a walk every day. If it's cold, bundle up. If it rains, bring an umbrella. If it's hot, don't go too far. If your kids must come with you, take a short one so they don't make you bonkers.


Obviously 5 or 10 minutes is just a small start, but a small start is a start nonetheless!


Any movement is better than nothing and will get you started on a path toward better fitness.


That's all.


I love to exercise, and I started small.

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I read a great quote by some annoyingly fit workout guy who said "Mood follows action", meaning that you shouldn't wait until you are in the mood to exercise, but once you start you will become in the mood. Don't know if it is inspiring enough to work for me.

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I was reading through the non-exerciser thread. I just had to pipe in. I think Americans have a crazy idea that exercise Must Last Thirty Minutes. That it Must Cause Lots of Sweat. It Must Be Done in Special Clothing. It Must Be Hard. It Must Make Middle-Aged Women Bounce Around.


I think that's just crazy and puts people off from changing their habits.


Just walk. Just walk for 10 minutes. For 5 if that's all you've got! If you get bored after 15 minutes go back home. But take a walk every day. If it's cold, bundle up. If it rains, bring an umbrella. If it's hot, don't go too far. If your kids must come with you, take a short one so they don't make you bonkers.


Obviously 5 or 10 minutes is just a small start, but a small start is a start nonetheless!


Any movement is better than nothing and will get you started on a path toward better fitness.


That's all.


I love to exercise, and I started small.



LOL I guess I just don't consider 'walking' as excercise. I walk to go places. I walk to take my daughter on a bike ride. I walk for work. I walk to shop.



I think of excercise as an activity to falsly increase heart rate and to change/maintain/tone the shape of a body in a way that normal occuring activity does not.


Walking, even for 15 minutes is not exercise to me, because that is normal activity.

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LOL I guess I just don't consider 'walking' as excercise. I walk to go places. I walk to take my daughter on a bike ride. I walk for work. I walk to shop.



I think of excercise as an activity to falsly increase heart rate and to change/maintain/tone the shape of a body in a way that normal occuring activity does not.


Walking, even for 15 minutes is not exercise to me, because that is normal activity.


I walk and trust me, the way I walk it's exercise. I do do other stuff as well and want to stress how important exercise is. On June 2nd, I had a SCAD heart attack and other than being where I physically was working out, I can give credit to my being in such good physical shape that has helped my recovery. I start cardiac rehab tomorrow and was told that I can walk as much as I want. This morning I walked just under 2 miles, doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, it is.

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I read a great quote by some annoyingly fit workout guy who said "Mood follows action", meaning that you shouldn't wait until you are in the mood to exercise, but once you start you will become in the mood. Don't know if it is inspiring enough to work for me.


This is SOOOO true. I read somewhere that when you don't feel like working out, give yourself ten minutes. If after ten minutes, you want to quit - do! But, in all my years of exercising regularly, I never quit! There's something about actually starting that gets me in the mood. I never actually WANT to start! :)


I walk and trust me, the way I walk it's exercise. I do do other stuff as well and want to stress how important exercise is. On June 2nd, I had a SCAD heart attack and other than being where I physically was working out, I can give credit to my being in such good physical shape that has helped my recovery. I start cardiac rehab tomorrow and was told that I can walk as much as I want. This morning I walked just under 2 miles, doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, it is.


I have thought SO much of you lately. I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. And, I agree that walking CAN be exercise. I am planning to walk a half marathon this year (usually I run it) and the way I walk, it really is exercise!!


About finding time - I just do it. I have to. I spent a couple years complaining that there wasn't time. Of course, there is always something else I could/should be doing. But, my working out takes priority for 30 - 60 minutes/day. I find getting up early and getting it done works best for me.

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Well, that isn't so for lots of people. There aren't too many places around here within walking distance.


Places aren't within walking distance from my house either.

But, I park in the back of the parking lot and walk to the store from there.

OR I take the stairs insted of the elevator.

If I am at an outdoor mall, and I am going to stores on both ends, I don't get in my car and drive to the other side, I walk.

I will peruse all the aisles at a store, just to get some extra upright time in.


I guess, I have done it for so long, I don't even think about it any more.

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Ah ok. I park far too. I just do that because I feel like it's easier to drive out of a parking lot that way. ;)


And I walk up and down the aisles several times because I'm never organized enough to know what I want beforehand.


I don't think of that as walking. I don't know that that is what the OP really mean though. I think she was just saying to start small rather than not start at all. KWIM?


I would love it if there were more places around here to walk to.



:iagree: I was just saying that some of us who said we don't exercise, already do what others would consider 'baby steps'. We don't consider it exercise, because that is how we live our everyday lives. I do walk for 10-15-20 minutes already, several times a day.....but I still don't want to just walk out my door and take off walking with no where special in mind, just to 'exercise'.

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:iagree: This morning I googled the Leslie Sansone walking programs, and her site has several samples, one being an entire mile in 15 minutes workout. Free. Easy peasy and fun!


:iagree: I youtubed and she has several on there. I also am doing a blog of my weight loss. It keeps it more motivating.:D

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LOL I guess I just don't consider 'walking' as excercise. I walk to go places. I walk to take my daughter on a bike ride. I walk for work. I walk to shop.



I think of excercise as an activity to falsly increase heart rate and to change/maintain/tone the shape of a body in a way that normal occuring activity does not.


Walking, even for 15 minutes is not exercise to me, because that is normal activity.


My post was intended for folks who have been sedentary for so long that they just don't want to do anything. I read the 'non-exerciser' thread and thought I'd give them a word of encouragement.


For a sedentary person, even 5 minutes of walking might feel like exercise.


For all of us, a little bit is certainly better than nothing at all. I go every day, usually at least three miles, sometimes much farther, but always something -- even just five minutes if that's all I cans squeeze in.

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Thank you for the motivation:) I really want to get back into exercise and my husband bought me the 10 minute trainer (although of course they say do it for 30 minutes for optimal results!). My problem right now is trying to figure out when to do it.


Do you have a track near your house? I used to let my kids play in the middle while I walked the track. Maybe your little ones in a stroller while the olders play? Easier said than done, I know, but just a possibility...


Also, when my kids were littler, I would go right after dinner was cleaned up. The house was sort of in order and my husband would have time with the kids while I walked or ran.

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Thank you for starting this thread. We as women need to get out and do more. Myself included. I've started doing Couch to 5k this year and it's amazing how it gets easier. It really does!

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I love the title "Start small." It is so true.


I think walking up stairs instead of taking the elevator and parking far away in the parking lot is EXACTLY what it means to start small. Build physical activity into your normal daily routine. It doesn't necessarily have to ever become competitive sports, but if you do start you just never know how far you can actually go.


I started back into run/walking when I had three children aged 4, 2 and newborn. A friend with two dc challenged me to do a little "Beaver chase" run/walk of 30 minutes. It was the start, and there were a lot of bumps and pauses along the way, but now 8 years later I just ran my first half marathon and am training for my first full marathon.

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I was reading through the non-exerciser thread. I just had to pipe in. I think Americans have a crazy idea that exercise Must Last Thirty Minutes. That it Must Cause Lots of Sweat. It Must Be Done in Special Clothing. It Must Be Hard. It Must Make Middle-Aged Women Bounce Around.


I think that's just crazy and puts people off from changing their habits.


Just walk. Just walk for 10 minutes. For 5 if that's all you've got! If you get bored after 15 minutes go back home. But take a walk every day. If it's cold, bundle up. If it rains, bring an umbrella. If it's hot, don't go too far. If your kids must come with you, take a short one so they don't make you bonkers.


Obviously 5 or 10 minutes is just a small start, but a small start is a start nonetheless!


Any movement is better than nothing and will get you started on a path toward better fitness.


That's all.


I love to exercise, and I started small.

Thank you. (why did your post bring tears to my eyes?)

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Good advice. I just need to take it. :tongue_smilie::D


I need to, too. I used to exercise. I used to walk every morning. And then..... something happened. And I don't anymore. I have no idea what happened. I guess it happened when we got the girls in September and I was too tired and it's just been to hard to get back into it. I actually avoided the "non-exerciser" thread because I was having a hard time admitting that I fall into that category now.

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