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Do you have a child who continually gets called the wrong name?

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My younger DD has a double name. But when we introduce her as "XXXX YYYYY", people inevitably drop the second name and just want to call her "XXXX". We always have to say, "No, she is called by both names." Some people (including my mother :glare:) still drop the second name. If I hyphenate her name on paperwork (i.e. XXXX-YYYYY), more people (although not all) seem to get it. I'm considering having it changed to include the hyphen legally. Sigh... I miss living in the south. I know that most people would "get it" there.

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My ds is named Declan


I love that name. It was quite popular where we lived in Australia. I wanted to use it for our youngest but it didn't work with our last name. We settled for Rhys which people can't seem to figure out.


Our youngest daughter is AnnaClaire. Practically everyone calls her Anna even though we introduce her as ANNACLAIRE and she introduces herself the same way. She finally started calling herself AC. Most people get that right.

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My younger DD has a double name. But when we introduce her as "XXXX YYYYY", people inevitably drop the second name and just want to call her "XXXX". We always have to say, "No, she is called by both names." Some people (including my mother :glare:) still drop the second name. If I hyphenate her name on paperwork (i.e. XXXX-YYYYY), more people (although not all) seem to get it.


You must have posted while I was typing. Sister, I feel your pain!


Our daughter went to kindergarten for part of a school year. She started mid-year and I think the teacher was expecting to deal with separation anxiety so she tried to hustle us out the door by directing my daughter into the room and looking back over her shoulder with "Goodbye, Mom and Dad. Anna please put your things over here."


I corrected, "AnnaClaire" to which AC, hearing her name, promptly stopped walking and said, "What?"


The teacher again directed her forward and repeated the "Good Bye Mom and Dad. Anna come this way."


Of course, I replied, "AnnaClaire" In turn dd again says, "What?"


Lather... rinse... repeat!


Finally, as the teacher is getting annoyed with mom who won't leave and kid who is too confused to move, AC says, "What?." I say, "Please tell the teacher your name is ANNACLAIRE!"

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I have an 'Alexandra' and everyone calls her 'Alexandria' and it drives me crazy. I also have a Brianna (bree-ann-uh) and everyone calls her 'bree-ah-nuh'. Neither are a huge deal... just enough to irritate me.


My name is Cori and for my WHOLE life I've struggled with this name. People call me Cora, Courtney, and even Corky. I'll correct one name and they'll say it another way. It's like they refuse to believe that I'm a female named Cori.

Edited by MiniBlondes
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My Meg is frequently called Megan.

Same here. My Meg is Margaret, but she hears Megan so much, she answers to it now.


Our last name is a first name, so sometimes if people don't hear the first part of my name when I say I am Candid XYZ, they will start calling me XYZ. I generally try to correct them since I figure they just heard it wrong. After that I ignore it.


Mine too!!! I really don't like it. It happens in emails most often and I don't quite get why as I usually sign with just my first name.


My boys have names you can't mess up - Samuel, Andrew, and William. And, we gave them nicknames so the were pre-approved - Sam, Drew, and Will. It works!

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My grandfather was Bernard with the British pronunciation. He spent his entire life insisting to folks outside of the family that his name was, indeed, pronounced BER-nerd and not ber-NARD.


Also, those of you who are hinting at the names without telling what they are are driving me nuts. The story isn't interesting unless the name is included!

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My Xavier gets his name pronounced like Zavier which bothers him because we pronounce it with the X (like Exavier).



This is interesting to me. My son's name is Xavier. We usually pronounce it Exavier, as you do. But sometimes people say Zavier & its never bothered me. I always thought it was an acceptable pronunciation like the whole tomayto/tomahto thing. The son in question is two so he doesn't care what people call him (he says his name is Daver).

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The only person I know who pronounces her name Lor-ah spells it Lora. I had always thought Laura rhymed with car-uh!


The 'car-uh' pronunciation, to me, is spelled 'Lara'. My MIL (Texas) pronounced my name 'Laruh' though, so maybe it's regional.


I get 'Lauren' a lot, but my married name starts with an 'n', so that's understandable.


Calvin's and Hobbes' real names are very straightforward. People rarely get them wrong. Hobbes' name has an alternate spelling, but we chose the one that was most common.



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My Daughter's name is Emilia

We get Emily and Amelia often. When I tell them they can call her "Emmy" it helps. There is such a subtle difference between Em-ilia and Auh-melia though, so I don't really blame them for not listening closely. We'll see if it annoys her when she is older.

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My youngest son had this problem at school. His older brother was always a teachers favourite. But they look nothing alike, 4 years difference in age, yet the teachers still call my youngest by the oldest's name. It really frustrates him, and me!

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My older son is Edward and we mostly call him Eddie or Ed. He doesn't mind nicknames and people can usually pronounce his name just fine.


My younger son is Andrew, and he ONLY wants to be called Andrew. People call him Andy or Drew quite frequently. He has no qualms about telling them his name is Andrew.


Now, me on the other hand- I've been called Linda, Gwen, and Wynn many, many times. Drives me crazy.

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Not my son, but I'll bet my grandson will. He's Brandon. We know a Brandon who is often called Brendan, and a Brendan who gets called Brandon. :lol:


I'm sure it's just a matter of time before someone calls our Brandon, Brendan.


My Brenton is often called Brendan by mistake.


It's funny how people mispronouce the name Michaela, they say "Michelle-uh" or Michael-uh" I guess they don't realize the "ch" makes a /k/ sound here.

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