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Rude or understandable?

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Geeze I'm having flashbacks. My DD was 3 when we had an encounter with some Japanese visitors in Honolulu. They were huddled together, whispering and pointing at my DD. Turned out that they wanted to touch DD's braids and take her picture (as if she were a tourist attraction). I didn't learn that, tho, until they were already closing in and angling for a photo. I stepped in front of DD and asked what they were doing. It was only then that they asked my permission to take the photo and touch her hair (arms outstretched of course). They looked so confused when I said h*ell no but at the time that was all the politesse I could muster. My DD was so frightened. I mean, I had to literally put my child behind me and back away to avoid a confontation. I was shaking by the time we left the mall.


This topic always takes me back to that scene in The Color Purple where Sophia's children are praised for their cleanliness and then Sophia is asked to become a maid.:glare:



Oh my goodness, we had a very similar experience in Williamsburg with Japanese tourists! My youngest dd had very light blonde hair with natural little Shirley Temple ringlets at the time. They followed us around, oohing and aahing over dd, snapping pictures and trying to get her to come over to them. Finally, a girl who spoke English came over and picked up dd, THEN asked if she could hold her! I just couldn't believe it. There were about 5 adults gathered around, passing dd around, and then they made a group photo with her! :001_huh: They did ask permission before the group photo, but dh and I were just so flabbergasted that we were like Ralphie from A Christmas Story, up on Santa's lap, LOL. All we could do was nod and offer an open-mouthed, "uh-huh." :lol:


It was creepy and flattering all at the same time.


As far as the OP's situation, I would have assumed the child was immunocompromised somehow and left them alone. I had issues like previous posters with people touching my babies even when they were in a sling on my chest. Boundaries, people! Boundaries! :tongue_smilie:

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OMG! I WISH I had read this thread 7 years ago during my last pregnancy so I could have had a shirt made with a huge sign for my BELLY! Why did I not think of it then :lol:


Something like "HANDS OFF." I never understood it. I would never go around touching someone's stomach. What gives people the right just because it's huge?

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It never really bothered me either. Always elderly people or another small child. I guess though that there are things that bother me that you guys would say what the heck too though. To each their own I guess.



Same here. Of course, nobody ever tried to touch my belly while I was pg either.


I think a more politely worded sign would have been in order. JMO.

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As always I am astounded at the things that offend people. It is enough to make a person want to crawl under the covers and not come out.


I didn't mind my pregnant belly being touched. I didn't mind my baby being oggled over....or touched...a few gross people freaked me out but I figured I could wash him up immediately which I did. I wouldn't have freaked out if a someone asked to take my baby's picture....


Thinkgs like that just don't bother me.

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As always I am astounded at the things that offend people. It is enough to make a person want to crawl under the covers and not come out.


I didn't mind my pregnant belly being touched. I didn't mind my baby being oggled over....or touched...a few gross people freaked me out but I figured I could wash him up immediately which I did. I wouldn't have freaked out if a someone asked to take my baby's picture....


Thinkgs like that just don't bother me.

With my son, I didn't mind people touching him when he was a baby. But my dd was 14 weeks premature ad had a very weak immune system. The last thing I needed was for her to become sick and be hospitalized. I rarely took her out, unless I had no choice. And then I did not want anyone touching her or her things.
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With my son, I didn't mind people touching him when he was a baby. But my dd was 14 weeks premature ad had a very weak immune system. The last thing I needed was for her to become sick and be hospitalized. I rarely took her out, unless I had no choice. And then I did not want anyone touching her or her things.


And of course that is an entirely different matter.

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Understandable. DD was a preemie with a weak immune system, I was a single mother with no choice but to take her out of the house when we needed diapers and food. After the first couple times in the stroller or carseat when people had easy access, I wore her in a sling, which I *thought* was enough to keep people from touching, but it wasn't! :glare: People would stick their faces all in my chest to get right up in her face, and grab her hands, basically groping my chest. Ridiculous. I started covering her with a blanket and would do all that I could to avoid people. :tongue_smilie:I'm not really a people-person anyway, so it was pretty miserable for me.

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Understandable. Our first was a preemie with lung disease. We rarely took him anywhere other than appointments. Despite the oxygen tank and red stop sign hanging on his seat, people would still try to touch him. There wasn't a month that he wasn't in the hospital for respiratory issues. People didn't care. They would act offended at our insisting that complete strangers not touch our obviously ill infant. He passed away at 8 months from a pulmonary hemorrhage.


Yes, understandable.

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I didn't mind my pregnant belly being touched.
I never minded it, either. I felt so beautiful and fortunate to have that pregnant belly; if others wanted to touch the spot where life was being carried then I was thrilled to oblige. I miss my pg belly...


I appreciate the thoughts you all have shared regarding the mom's sign on the carseat. I hope no one thinks I am opposed to parents not wanting their baby/dc being touched - that wasn't the issue I had at all. :)

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As always I am astounded at the things that offend people. It is enough to make a person want to crawl under the covers and not come out.


I didn't mind my pregnant belly being touched. I didn't mind my baby being oggled over....or touched...a few gross people freaked me out but I figured I could wash him up immediately which I did. I wouldn't have freaked out if a someone asked to take my baby's picture....


Thinkgs like that just don't bother me.



You and me both, Scarlett. You and me both.


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As always I am astounded at the things that offend people. It is enough to make a person want to crawl under the covers and not come out.


I didn't mind my pregnant belly being touched. I didn't mind my baby being oggled over....or touched...a few gross people freaked me out but I figured I could wash him up immediately which I did. I wouldn't have freaked out if a someone asked to take my baby's picture....


Thinkgs like that just don't bother me.

How about someone putting their fingers into baby's mouth?


I'm still not recovered from that one.

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