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I said no!!!

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The real test will be tomorrow when she calls and i do not answer.


Some of you may remember my "friend" that was using me for 2-3 hour trips around town.


She called and said they had to go to the campground (homeless, fight with friend whose house theyre staying at) tonight but she could not be stuck out there. She asked if i could pick up her and the boys tomorrow from the campground.


I said no. I did not have to lie. We are crazy busy this week, with tomorrow being the only day available to clean before friday's inspection. I did not tell her specifics of which days, just that we have genetics, speech, ot x 2, pt, book club x 2 (i am picking up her older boy for book club), crochet club, and inspection. We start back to regular lessons, and i have a home to keep up with.


I cant safely fit 3 kids in my car, all 3 of which require some type of seat, and only one has a seat (mine!). Ds has been in a mood lately and it is not safe for him to be alone with dd, and i would never allow either of mine to ever stay home alone if they were not willing or fully capable. Ds is not currently capable.


I am not leaving my house tomorrow!

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