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So, how do you feel about .....whistling?

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We whistle constantly. Classical (I'm on a Bach kick, lately), opera, and Looney Tunes for the bird (I'll whistle a few notes, Bird answers back. It's a conversation we have).


I whistle all the time.:D BUt I think it comes from me playing flute and classical music all those years. I can whistle a trill just like my flute.


RANDOM whistling drives me nuts. As does humming while you chew, or loud exhales while chewing.

Edited by justamouse
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I don't know why but whistling really bugs me. My husband only does do it occasionally because he knows it bothers me. I do let him indulge once in a while though. I guess if he really wanted to I would let him and just leave the room. :D

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I have no problem with good whistling. My kids both whistled at a very young age and I thought it was cute.


What drives me ABSOLUTELY NUTS is my mother who sings do do do do do do de de do do in place of words to tunes. OMG STOPPIT!

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I prefer whistling be done outside. My dh and children think I am this way because I am jealous that they can whistle and I can not. LOL - whatever. Dh often whistles in the house when his is irritated and/or annoyed, and his whistling then REALLY gets on my nerves. :glare:


Anyway, the children are allowed to whistle outside. Dh can whistle in the house, but I usually leave or ask him to stop.

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My dad is a wonderful whistler. I have very fond memories of him whistling church hymns on Sundays after mass, whistling while we're were at the park, etc. Even today, if we're out as a group & get separated, I just listen for him whistling. He's easy to find :001_smile:


I enjoy it & share the same talent with my kiddos.

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I whistle all the time.:D BUt I think it comes from me playing flute and classical music all those years. I can whistle a trill just like my flute.


RANDOM whistling drives me nuts. As does humming while you chew, or loud exhales while chewing.



Hmmm. I knew I liked you a lot, I just didn't know exactly why until now!


I'm a whistler and former flute (& piccolo) player too. I never made the connection before, but I'm sure my whistling compulsion comes from the many years of practicing/playing every day. Random whistling doesn't bother me, but then again my ds makes lots of random noises so those in general don't really bother me. Now CHEWING is another story. Ugh, ugh, and ugh!

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What a pleasant mental picture this invokes. Thank you for sharing. I find myself wanting to know more. :)




Okay: cute story. My father had a very good memory for tunes, and he loved a bargain. So, for a dime he brought home an LP of Folk Songs of the Fiords. A year later we were on a train in Japan, sitting behind a blond whose baggage was labeled from Norway. Very, very quietly my father started whistling one tune after another from the LP -- just the opening bars or the chorus. When the man would turn around, my father would fall silent, instantly, and smile sweetly at him.

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Okay: cute story. My father had a very good memory for tunes, and he loved a bargain. So, for a dime he brought home an LP of Folk Songs of the Fiords. A year later we were on a train in Japan, sitting behind a blond whose baggage was labeled from Norway. Very, very quietly my father started whistling one tune after another from the LP -- just the opening bars or the chorus. When the man would turn around, my father would fall silent, instantly, and smile sweetly at him.


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Good whistling is a joy, bad whistling is not.


My dad was a fabulous whistler, and I remember his polkas and hymns and waltzes punctuating my childhood. All important news was "broken" to us with a preamble of music as he approached. Strauss was big, Sousa, and just about anything Lawrence Welk would have played, too. How I miss it.


Often, in our on-the-cheap sojourns, my mother and brothers and I would sit on the suitcases in some train station while my father walked from hotel to hotel to negotiate a good price we didn't have to pay a taxi to get to. Periodically he'd stop back in to see how we were, and a dirge would echo up in those domed train stations, and we kids would not reassemble; but oh, if The Beer Barrel Polka struck up, we'd all run back from our adventures to grab our suitcase, and start heading to the origin of that sound.


That is the sweetest story.

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Good whistling is a joy, bad whistling is not.


My dad was a fabulous whistler, and I remember his polkas and hymns and waltzes punctuating my childhood. All important news was "broken" to us with a preamble of music as he approached. Strauss was big, Sousa, and just about anything Lawrence Welk would have played, too. How I miss it.


Often, in our on-the-cheap sojourns, my mother and brothers and I would sit on the suitcases in some train station while my father walked from hotel to hotel to negotiate a good price we didn't have to pay a taxi to get to. Periodically he'd stop back in to see how we were, and a dirge would echo up in those domed train stations, and we kids would not reassemble; but oh, if The Beer Barrel Polka struck up, we'd all run back from our adventures to grab our suitcase, and start heading to the origin of that sound.


That just made me so happy to read. What a neat dad.


My grandpa was a whistler, too... I love joyful, tuneful whistling. As a kid, I enjoyed listening to Roger Whittaker. (Weird choice for a kid, I know!)

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But what I cannot stand (and do forbid) is the repetition of the same identical words or other utterance more than 3x in a row. I don't care what it is, 3x is more than enough.



Oh, lordy, this. THIS!! Unfortunately, this is something I get to experience every day, multiple times a day. My dd loves little "catchy bits" of song or noise, so much so that she puts them on broken record status.

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My family knows I just cannot stand whistling. I think it stems from watching a horror movie during a sleepover at a friend's house when I was 12yo where the killer whistled prior to every murder.


They only whistle when they want to annoy me.

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Good whistling is a joy, bad whistling is not.


My dad was a fabulous whistler, and I remember his polkas and hymns and waltzes punctuating my childhood. All important news was "broken" to us with a preamble of music as he approached. Strauss was big, Sousa, and just about anything Lawrence Welk would have played, too. How I miss it.


Often, in our on-the-cheap sojourns, my mother and brothers and I would sit on the suitcases in some train station while my father walked from hotel to hotel to negotiate a good price we didn't have to pay a taxi to get to. Periodically he'd stop back in to see how we were, and a dirge would echo up in those domed train stations, and we kids would not reassemble; but oh, if The Beer Barrel Polka struck up, we'd all run back from our adventures to grab our suitcase, and start heading to the origin of that sound.


What a neat story!


Wow, I came back this morning and was suprised by how many responses there were.

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DH whistles all the time. But it means he is happy - I guess I never noticed. He'll be whistling a song and then later the kids and I will find ourselves singing or humming the same song. It has always been a joyful thing at our house.


DH also has a special "family whistle" that's hard to describe, but if he wants to get a kid's attention or have everyone gather again we all just hear the whistle and can find each other. Super handy at the Mall of America or even Walmart. It's hard to explain but it is very special to our family.

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My husband can't whistle but he's kinda sorta tone deaf, so I don't think I would enjoy it.


My six year old makes that trying-to-whistle-noise right now, which basically sounds like woooooooooo, and I find that adorable...

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