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Secular WTM Board

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I find it a bit offensive, a bit sad, when people speak of having to "wade" through other's thoughts. I read, or begin to read, all manner of things here with which I disagree. If it genuinely disturbs or disinterests me, I can stop reading.



I often open messages with anti-religious thought/content and there was never any warning...so I stop reading. At least many here put CC in the title so you know. I haven't seen the respect go the other way ;)


I would hate to see the board go to secular/christian/anti-everyone....

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Well, I am a Christian, but you are prefectly welcome to skip any of my posts since that bothers you. I would say that 99 percent of my contribution to this board has nothing to do with my religious views. I don't discount great info I get from people of other faiths, and it seems strange that you would do so.


There really aren't that many posts that are only Christian in nature, and I've always thought the little warning is kind of odd (CC). I read posts all the time that conflict with my views -- particularly movie recommendations. I click on a link to see great movies recommended and after I check with www.screenit.com, I determine most are not fit to see. I don't expect a warning sign next to the thread letting me know there may be movies that confict with my faith. I just use my own brain and sift through material.

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I am a newbie here and I have benefitted already from the incredible diversity of views here at the boards. We are Christian family and up until now I have only participated significantly in faith based communities. What drew me here was the vast amount of experience and knowledge of my fellow homeschoolers.


I come here to seek and share information primarily about homeschooling, not about my faith perspective. Therefore, even as a Christian, I find myself frequently skimming over posts with religious content of any kind. I find it pretty easy to do with the current format.


When I ask questions about curriculum or materials I sincerely appreciate all information shared, whether the product is secular or Christian. I'm grateful that folks took the time to try and assist me.


I think it would be a shame to divide the boards. I agree that we have many important things in common regardless of our personal beliefs, religions, or political leanings. What I see here reflected in most every post is our great (and sacrificial) love for our children, a concern for education that is generally lacking in society at large, and a desire to shape the future by reaching this present generation.


I've encountered so many kind and helpful people here from a variety of backgrounds in just a few weeks. I can't wait to get to know you all better!



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Why is it being made out to be a bad thing to have separate boards? Why would it be a bad thing? Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so? There could still be a general board for everyone, but options of separate boards for those who'd like them. Life could go on the same as before for those of you that don't want separate boards. People can choose read and post where they like. I also like the diversity, it would be really nice if those pagans, wiccans, or whomever felt they could post here also and not be bullied and sent packing.


Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here. Saying stick around and you'll see won't change it. I have been using TWTM for many, many years. I posted rarely on the old boards, and even less here, that does not mean I have not READ the boards. Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.

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Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here. Saying stick around and you'll see won't change it. I have been using TWTM for many, many years. I posted rarely on the old boards, and even less here, that does not mean I have not READ the boards. Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.


All my life I've attended a Christian church. The last 7 years have been very hard, and I've found myself totally falling away from faith. Honestly, right now I would have to I'm agnostic. I still feel welcome, though. I've asked some pointed questions on a couple threads and received thoughtful answers. Once or twice I thought someone was making an unkind generalization towards non-Christians, responded to them, and received apologies. I came here from other boards because those other boards were too religious for me and sometimes I did feel attacked and not welcome. I have never felt that way here. Maybe I haven't been around long enough, but right now I feel welcome and am staying.



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Why is it being made out to be a bad thing to have separate boards? Why would it be a bad thing? Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so? There could still be a general board for everyone, but options of separate boards for those who'd like them. Life could go on the same as before for those of you that don't want separate boards. People can choose read and post where they like. I also like the diversity, it would be really nice if those pagans, wiccans, or whomever felt they could post here also and not be bullied and sent packing.


Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here. Saying stick around and you'll see won't change it. I have been using TWTM for many, many years. I posted rarely on the old boards, and even less here, that does not mean I have not READ the boards. Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.


Carol, I personally don't understand why this appears to be such a huge issue for you. I've seen many posts by "those pagans, wiccans, or whomever" that were handled with respect by all. I've seen them genuinely ask for help and had it genuinely offered. I've felt disagreement with my own point of view, but never felt bullied. I truly don't understand why you would feel the need for separate boards so strongly...help me here. I read many posts by those of different faiths or no faith and it isn't offensive to me. I've never seen anyone "bullied," maybe confronted on rude behavior, but that's gone both ways IMO. I've seen plenty of disagreement with the Christian perspective as well...disagreement isn't wrong and it isn't bullying, it's just disagreement.


I don't see the need to divide up the community over different beliefs or perspectives...really, I just don't see it. Help me understand. Is Christianity itself or the frequency of Christian posts here offensive to you? I'm asking because I really am curious, not to be confrontational in any way. No matter what, it seems to me that most here want to be inclusive for the best of reasons, not to force less mainstream faiths or lack thereof out of the picture. I would hope that Christians are never made to feel that they should post less about their faith, just as I'd never want to see that for those of other faiths. Our differences have produced a strong, healthy, interesting community, IMO.

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It has just come to my attention that at least one of the people I named in my earlier post no longer comes here because she was basically bullied and verbally abused by people on this board.


I am going to refrain from using the words that are buzzing against the insides of my lips, begging for release. Suffice it to say that at least one important, helpful, fun, encouraging, inspiring voice has been silenced due to the foolishness of a few. Whoever you are: Is that truly the best Christian witness you have to offer? Is that really the best you can do? Are you happily thinking that you've got some additional jewels in your crown now?


I'm going to stop now.

Oh, and OP, even though I disagree with your premise in this thread I am going to rep you now to make up for what you've lost.


And while we're on the subject of People I Like But Haven't Seen in Awhile:

Where's J.Griff???


I was wondering the same thing today!

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Why is it being made out to be a bad thing to have separate boards? Why would it be a bad thing? Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so? There could still be a general board for everyone, but options of separate boards for those who'd like them. Life could go on the same as before for those of you that don't want separate boards. People can choose read and post where they like. I also like the diversity, it would be really nice if those pagans, wiccans, or whomever felt they could post here also and not be bullied and sent packing.


Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here. Saying stick around and you'll see won't change it. I have been using TWTM for many, many years. I posted rarely on the old boards, and even less here, that does not mean I have not READ the boards. Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.


Do you think that those who are so horribly rude to bully others behind the scenes would stop because a subset of this board were labelled "secular"? I can't imagine why that would make a rude, hate-filled person be less rude. Their unkindness doesn't have a boundary now, why would a subboard stop them?


It fries me that stupid people made amazing people who shared and made the place brighter and better are still here while those people are gone. If I could fix that, I would. But making a board where if someone didn't like what I said they could just say, "Why don't you go post with your own kind -- we don't need to have to listen to your non-religious talk here" makes this then the default religious board that the people you referenced earlier believe it to be, and the secular board the place where the kinda outcasts are allowed to hang out. (And I say that because of the numbers. The minority "kids" get their own separate but equal table. No thanks.)


One of the things I despised about Vegsource (let me count the things...) was that there were all these separate boards. I never found a sense of community there. The only communal place was, oddly, the flame board (was it that? or did I misremember?) and that place was freakin' scary.


I'm glad you're here. I hope you don't find it too onerous to stay.

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Why is it being made out to be a bad thing to have separate boards? Why would it be a bad thing? Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so? There could still be a general board for everyone, but options of separate boards for those who'd like them. Life could go on the same as before for those of you that don't want separate boards. People can choose read and post where they like. I also like the diversity, it would be really nice if those pagans, wiccans, or whomever felt they could post here also and not be bullied and sent packing.


Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here. Saying stick around and you'll see won't change it. I have been using TWTM for many, many years. I posted rarely on the old boards, and even less here, that does not mean I have not READ the boards. Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.


I mostly lurk here and don't post too often because I KNOW I don't belong here. I may be a homeschooler, but my life is so different than everyone else's here that if most people here knew me, they wouldn't even talk to me, much less want to socialize and be friends. It saddens me, but I know that's a fact of life. While I enjoy these boards quite a bit, I would also love to find a homeschool board SOMEWHERE where I feel I belong and can be myself and share my life with people without condemnation and disapproval.


That's not in any way a vote for segregating these boards. Just a general comment because I've been feeling very frustrated and isolated lately.

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Is is not a huge issue for me, I simpley asked a question. I don't feel bullied, have never been treated badly by anyone here, mostly I mind my own business and lurk. I would just like to see a Secular WTM board and not have to go offsite to find it, and sure not have to read through religious posts I am not intrested in. That's it, no alterior motive, no bad feelings, don't really care what faith anyone here or anywhere belongs to. Some of you are reading way to much into it.

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But making a board where if someone didn't like what I said they could just say, "Why don't you go post with your own kind -- we don't need to have to listen to your non-religious talk here" makes this then the default religious board that the people you referenced earlier believe it to be, and the secular board the place where the kinda outcasts are allowed to hang out. (And I say that because of the numbers. The minority "kids" get their own separate but equal table. No thanks.)




I agree, Pam. That was very well put and sort of what I've been trying to get at but couldn't put into words. Too tired today, I guess. Thanks for posting it so well!

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Do you think that those who are so horribly rude to bully others behind the scenes would stop because a subset of this board were labelled "secular"? I can't imagine why that would make a rude, hate-filled person be less rude. Their unkindness doesn't have a boundary now, why would a subboard stop them?


It fries me that stupid people made amazing people who shared and made the place brighter and better are still here while those people are gone. If I could fix that, I would. But making a board where if someone didn't like what I said they could just say, "Why don't you go post with your own kind -- we don't need to have to listen to your non-religious talk here" makes this then the default religious board that the people you referenced earlier believe it to be, and the secular board the place where the kinda outcasts are allowed to hang out. (And I say that because of the numbers. The minority "kids" get their own separate but equal table. No thanks.)


I guess there are stories here I don't know about. I probably don't want to know. No place is perfect, right?



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Why is it being made out to be a bad thing to have separate boards? Why would it be a bad thing? Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so? There could still be a general board for everyone, but options of separate boards for those who'd like them. Life could go on the same as before for those of you that don't want separate boards. People can choose read and post where they like. I also like the diversity, it would be really nice if those pagans, wiccans, or whomever felt they could post here also and not be bullied and sent packing.


Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here. Saying stick around and you'll see won't change it. I have been using TWTM for many, many years. I posted rarely on the old boards, and even less here, that does not mean I have not READ the boards. Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.


hmmm, I am really not hearing fear here at all. I see that you have raised a subject that has been discussed several times (so people have thought about it and have definite opinions on it right away.)


I, for one, don't really understand your question since there are in fact places for people who don't feel comfortable here, and there is always the opportunity for those people to start a new place of their own. It just seems to me that one of the big draws of this board is the sheer size, that and the broad range of experience and perspectives. This is what people don't want to see fade in the wake of board divisions.


But I really don't see fear, just lots of honest answers to your question!

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Is is not a huge issue for me, I simpley asked a question. I don't feel bullied, have never been treated badly by anyone here, mostly I mind my own business and lurk. I would just like to see a Secular WTM board and not have to go offsite to find it, and sure not have to read through religious posts I am not intrested in. That's it, no alterior motive, no bad feelings, don't really care what faith anyone here or anywhere belongs to. Some of you are reading way to much into it.


That's good to hear, Carol, I'm glad you feel that way. I'm also glad to hear you don't feel bullied for your secular point of view. That's the way it should be. Thanks for explaining.

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Why is it being made out to be a bad thing to have separate boards? Why would it be a bad thing?


Carol, I think you've gotten several answers explaining why many feel it would be a bad thing. Is it that you still don't understand why, or are you having problems accepting the explanations?


Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so? There could still be a general board for everyone, but options of separate boards for those who'd like them. Life could go on the same as before for those of you that don't want separate boards. People can choose read and post where they like. I also like the diversity, it would be really nice if those pagans, wiccans, or whomever felt they could post here also and not be bullied and sent packing.


Life would not go on the same as before. It would change the board completely.

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While I enjoy these boards quite a bit, I would also love to find a homeschool board SOMEWHERE where I feel I belong and can be myself and share my life with people without condemnation and disapproval.



Who else is dying to know the Susan G. Untold Story???


Seriously, Susan. I don't think there's anything you could say that would shock me. I've heard it all already. You don't have to tell us things if you don't want to, but please don't assume that everyone here feels or thinks a certain way, you know? ;)

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about the SCORES (maybe hundreds) of us who "belong" in Category X but often find ourselves at odds with the presuppositions of that particular category...


in my case, I am a Christian but also (and many of you have heard me say this, so it's not a shock) find myself often at odds with the political and cultural assumptions of other Christian home school boards...and certainly that must be true of many of you who consider yourselves secular...don't you also find yourselves at odds in important ways with some of the "secular" places where you might be expected to fit in?


A related thought...it has struck me recently how many smart, sharp, opinionated, capable women feel like outsiders. I'm tempted to think that feeling like an outsider is almost a necessary element of a firm sense of identity.


Those are my unconnected thoughts for the night. :001_unsure:



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Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so?


You know, there is always the option of starting a different board. This board is set up the way it is because the owner is kind enough to provide this place for homeschoolers -- at her expense -- and runs it the way she sees fit. Nothing is stopping anyone from starting a different board. There are also other homeschooling forums, for what it's worth.

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Why is it being made out to be a bad thing to have separate boards? Why would it be a bad thing? Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so? There could still be a general board for everyone, but options of separate boards for those who'd like them. Life could go on the same as before for those of you that don't want separate boards. People can choose read and post where they like. I also like the diversity, it would be really nice if those pagans, wiccans, or whomever felt they could post here also and not be bullied and sent packing.


Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here. Saying stick around and you'll see won't change it. I have been using TWTM for many, many years. I posted rarely on the old boards, and even less here, that does not mean I have not READ the boards. Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.


First of all Peace Hill Press has been generous in allowing us to continue a general board on a homeschooling site. In fact, if I am remembering correctly, it was part of the decision for the new boards. They were discussing discontinuing the general board before they set up this site. This is not a Christain thing; there just happen to be Christain homeschoolers on this board.


Second, I'm really sick of people wanting everyone else to change to suit them. I think there were only 1 or 2 people who also wanted a secular general board, out of 1200 people. Please tell me why a new board should be created based on .0001% of the members?


Third, every person's belief system is a part of everything that person says, no matter WHAT their beliefs are. Even if a Christain doesn't mention God, their belief in Him is figured into their answer. So I guess what you are saying is that even if God isn't mentioned you don't want to take the chance that the post was even influence by the poster's belief in God.


Fourth, you don't have to "wade through" anything. You have the freedom to move to the next thread. EVERYONE on this board has had to do that on some thread or the other. It's not a Christain thing.


I love the general board. It is a great support system and the members offer such good advice and information. It is a great resource in not only my homeschooling, but my parenting as well. I think segregating this board would be a bad idea, besides, the general board is an extra that we are lucky to have. If you are looking for a secular answer then specify that. We just need to communicate what we want; we don't all have to want the same thing to get along.


I have never noticed anyone being bullied on this board. I think, sometimes, people feel bullied when they can't get other people to change their position (I'm not pointing any fingers). I believe the key to an effective discussion is to focus on the issue and not take things personally. I think the members of this board are pretty good at that. Of course, there have been members in the past that just wanted to argue or stir up trouble. I don't miss those people, but again, I chose to not read those threads.


Personal choice and personal responsibility. I chose what threads to read. I am responsible for my words and my reactions to what I read.

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about the SCORES (maybe hundreds) of us who "belong" in Category X but often find ourselves at odds with the presuppositions of that particular category...


in my case, I am a Christian but also (and many of you have heard me say this, so it's not a shock) find myself often at odds with the political and cultural assumptions of other Christian home school boards...and certainly that must be true of many of you who consider yourselves secular...don't you also find yourselves at odds in important ways with some of the "secular" places where you might be expected to fit in?


A related thought...it has struck me recently how many smart, sharp, opinionated, capable women feel like outsiders. I'm tempted to think that feeling like an outsider is almost a necessary element of a firm sense of identity.


Those are my unconnected thoughts for the night. :001_unsure:




Your unconnected thoughts make excellent sense to me! I've often thought about how funny it is that I can be a Christian and still find so many of my views to be at odds with those of other Christians. I guess that's what makes the world interesting!


Your comment about a firm sense of identity causing one to feel like an outsider is particularly interesting...I'd not thought of it that way, but how true!

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Who else is dying to know the Susan G. Untold Story???


Seriously, Susan. I don't think there's anything you could say that would shock me. I've heard it all already. You don't have to tell us things if you don't want to, but please don't assume that everyone here feels or thinks a certain way, you know? ;)

I was thinking the same thing! I've seen posts here from all sorts of different people--Christian , Pagan, Buddhist, Secular, and everywhere in between!


Have you given us a try Susan?

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Just so you know, I never leave negative rep. If I have something to say, I say it in the thread. I don't see the point of leaving anon. words.


Oh -- and I'm pretty sure vegsource has a secular area on their forum. I used to frequent there. I mean this in all sincerity.


I like scrapbooking and card forums. There's one site I go to for my scrapbooking, but there's not much card activity there, so I frequent another for that purpose. I go where my needs are met and where I feel I can contribute the most.

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I mostly lurk here and don't post too often because I KNOW I don't belong here. I may be a homeschooler, but my life is so different than everyone else's here that if most people here knew me, they wouldn't even talk to me, much less want to socialize and be friends. It saddens me, but I know that's a fact of life. While I enjoy these boards quite a bit, I would also love to find a homeschool board SOMEWHERE where I feel I belong and can be myself and share my life with people without condemnation and disapproval.


That's not in any way a vote for segregating these boards. Just a general comment because I've been feeling very frustrated and isolated lately.


Forgive me, I'm not trying to be rude here, but isn't that awfully judgemental? What about giving the board members a choice? I've always been surprised at how welcoming people were when I just gave them the chance. I'm sorry you haven't felt welcome, but maybe you could give us a chance?


Is is not a huge issue for me, I simpley asked a question. I don't feel bullied, have never been treated badly by anyone here, mostly I mind my own business and lurk. I would just like to see a Secular WTM board and not have to go offsite to find it, and sure not have to read through religious posts I am not intrested in. That's it, no alterior motive, no bad feelings, don't really care what faith anyone here or anywhere belongs to. Some of you are reading way to much into it.


If it's not a huge issue for you then why are your arguing so hard for it?


If you aren't interested in a post why not quit reading it? There really aren't all THAT many posts with Christain content.


I don't think anyone here is reading too much into anything. Everyone has just responded, apparently, the answer is a resounding "Because we don't want a secular board, we like the diversity of this one!".

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A related thought...it has struck me recently how many smart, sharp, opinionated, capable women feel like outsiders. I'm tempted to think that feeling like an outsider is almost a necessary element of a firm sense of identity.


I figure being a homeschooler in the first place makes me an "outsider". Being Buddhist makes me an "outsider". Put the two together, and wow you can just forget the notion of fitting in. ;)

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I mostly lurk here and don't post too often because I KNOW I don't belong here. I may be a homeschooler, but my life is so different than everyone else's here that if most people here knew me, they wouldn't even talk to me, much less want to socialize and be friends. It saddens me, but I know that's a fact of life. While I enjoy these boards quite a bit, I would also love to find a homeschool board SOMEWHERE where I feel I belong and can be myself and share my life with people without condemnation and disapproval.


That's not in any way a vote for segregating these boards. Just a general comment because I've been feeling very frustrated and isolated lately.


Many of us compartmentalize and participate here. We don't "tell everything we know," as my mom would say, and we choose which parts of ourselves to put on public display.


I choose to display some important parts, enough so that I hope I share my heart at least. But no one (except maybe WTMindy :001_huh: :lol:) knows anything specific about my sex life, for example. Not much is known about my dh. The various and sundry struggles of life are not all on the table for everyone to see, except as I choose to share them.


There are things I don't feel understood about, things I feel alone and adrift about. But there is value in opening up somewhat.


It's easy for me to say, though. Really, the most controversial thing about me is my lack of faith, and there is an army of folks here praying for me to find some. :001_smile: I'm not pagan or wiccan or lesbian or living with two partners, nor do I have much trouble finding common ground with people of faith because of the parts of my former life that I've chosen to hold tightly to, outward stuff that makes sense and makes me happy. So I'm not one of those who gets the random PM's and stuff. Like I said, easy for me to say.


But I hope you can find someplace to hang your hat, whether here or elsewhere. :hums the "Cheers" theme song: I know the feeling of longing for that place of peaceful familiarity.

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I was thinking the same thing! I've seen posts here from all sorts of different people--Christian , Pagan, Buddhist, Secular, and everywhere in between!


Have you given us a try Susan?



Oh, certainly - I've posted on this board, and the old board, for at least 4 years now. I'm just guarded, I guess, and rarely share much.

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Who else is dying to know the Susan G. Untold Story???


Seriously, Susan. I don't think there's anything you could say that would shock me. I've heard it all already. You don't have to tell us things if you don't want to, but please don't assume that everyone here feels or thinks a certain way, you know? ;)


Okay, I have to admit that I was wondering about the possibilites...

Does she rob banks for a living? Skin cats alive? Streak through the neighborhood with her children in tow? What? :001_unsure:


ETA: This is just my funny way of saying, "Susan, you're welcome here."

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I have never noticed anyone being bullied on this board. I think, sometimes, people feel bullied when they can't get other people to change their position (I'm not pointing any fingers).



You had me nodding right up to this point. You haven't noticed the bullying because it isn't always done publicly. Sometimes it goes on behind the scenes. I cannot even begin to speak for the people who have felt bullied, but they weren't bullied because they couldn't change someone else's position. They were bullied because they were willing to openly announce their religious beliefs. Or they are friendly with someone who holds those beliefs. Or they admitted that when they were 12 they explored some of those beliefs. Or blahblahblah.


I'm not calling you to the carpet on this, I just wanted to clarify that these things do occur and there really are some really snarky people among us.

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You had me nodding right up to this point. You haven't noticed the bullying because it isn't always done publicly. Sometimes it goes on behind the scenes. I cannot even begin to speak for the people who have felt bullied, but they weren't bullied because they couldn't change someone else's position. They were bullied because they were willing to openly announce their religious beliefs. Or they are friendly with someone who holds those beliefs. Or they admitted that when they were 12 they explored some of those beliefs. Or blahblahblah.


I'm not calling you to the carpet on this, I just wanted to clarify that these things do occur and there really are some really snarky people among us.


Okay, so you are saying these things happen in PMs and email then? I'm not trying to be confrontational, I just haven't seen that behavior in the threads. It's really too bad, though, we all have a common goal and can learn from each other.

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A related thought...it has struck me recently how many smart, sharp, opinionated, capable women feel like outsiders. I'm tempted to think that feeling like an outsider is almost a necessary element of a firm sense of identity.


Those are my unconnected thoughts for the night. :001_unsure:




It's funny that you say that, because I often feel like an outsider IRL. (not that I think I'm sharp, opinionated, capable, etc.) But I feel less so when I'm here. But then again, perhaps it is because I can tend to be shy.


Thanks for sharing, Susan.

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Okay, so you are saying these things happen in PMs and email then? I'm not trying to be confrontational, I just haven't seen that behavior in the threads. It's really too bad, though, we all have a common goal and can learn from each other.



Yes, it does. I was "bullied" at one point via email.

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Okay, so you are saying these things happen in PMs and email then? I'm not trying to be confrontational, I just haven't seen that behavior in the threads. It's really too bad, though, we all have a common goal and can learn from each other.


I think mostly via the-device-that-may-not-be-named.


And yes, it's a shame.

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I'm so sorry. That is so wrong and definitely not the point of this board. But I really don't think it happens to the majority of people or we wouldn't have such a large membership, right?


Yah, but the majority of the people blend right in. It's the rights of the minority that we're talking about here. You know?

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Oh no. What did I say?


I have no recollection of this, your honor.


Hmm, maybe I imagined it (don't get freaked out by that :tongue_smilie:), but I recall a something about deployed husband + abs diet = a special homecoming. Back to lurking lurker.gif

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Okay, so you are saying these things happen in PMs and email then? I'm not trying to be confrontational, I just haven't seen that behavior in the threads. It's really too bad, though, we all have a common goal and can learn from each other.

I just pm'd you. :001_smile:

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I hope it was clear that I was saying that light-heartedly (joking not complaining). I love the inclusive nature of the co-op that we belong to and these boards. I have formed some strong bonds IRL and some great "internet buddy" relationships with people whose religious and political views differ from mine. If I were only open to talking to other Buddhist homeschoolers, that would be very . . . (insert the sound of crickets chirping in the distance here).

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Hmm, maybe I imagined it (don't get freaked out by that :tongue_smilie:), but I recall a something about deployed husband + abs diet = a special homecoming. Back to lurking lurker.gif




Ok, but that was by default. Abs diet never equaled abs of steel, because I have willpower of spaghetti. Sister Flaming Sword of *Moderation*? Hahahahahahahaha!!


After a year in the desert, it was a nice homecoming. Indeedy. :001_smile:

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Ok, but that was by default. Abs diet never equaled abs of steel, because I have willpower of spaghetti. Sister Flaming Sword of *Moderation*? Hahahahahahahaha!!


After a year in the desert, it was a nice homecoming. Indeedy. :001_smile:


I remember that because you hadn't told him about your weight loss, right? And then you kept posting that he would be home soon, in a couple of days, in a couple of hours, any minute now.

And then you vanished. :001_huh:

And we knew that he was home! ;)

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I respect their opinions and am pleased when they jump into the fray. Pam in TN, PiCO, Audrey (where's she been lately????), Genie, Eliana, Osmosis Mom, and too many others to name. Even Phred is starting to wear me down. I'm glad that we're all here.


If you take the Christians out of the WTM boards, you won't have the WTM boards anymore. Likewise for all the other types of people who are here. This board is great because of its diversity, not in spite of it.


:iagree: I can't imagine splitting up the board. This is the one place where we can all come together, and I personally have learned and shared so much from those who shared a different POV from me. It's not that easy IRL.

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