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How long did it take... (female content)

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How long did it take for your cycle to come back after baby(ies) was born if you were nursing? The other post about problematic cycles gave me the courage to ask you all about this!


After my first 3 kids (who nursed 2.5yrs, 1.5yrs and 1.5yrs), my cycle came back right around the 12 month mark for all of them. It was a nice year off! This time around with #4, it's been 17 months and no monthly cycle! Every now and then I think I'm feeling crampy, but then nothing. Can this be normal? I'm 38, so could this be an early menopause kind of thing? (Might I say....Ugh!) Have you ever heard of someone going that long in normal health?


Yes, I should ask my Dr.. I haven't had my 1 yr check up b/c they keep re-scheduling me (in fact, the last time I saw her was at my 6wk post partum - so 15 months ago). I'm on the 3rd reschedule right now, waiting for my appt. in 2 weeks. The first time she missed the appt., she was off delivering a baby, then she went on maternity leave herself, then she was delivering another baby again! She's so busy that when I reschedule, it's always at least another month or two out. Anyway, I'm sure she'll give me some thoughts on this when I go.


Has anyone had this happen? Thanks for sharing!

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OK first baby never!!! Just kidding. I got pregnant while nursing actually haha. It came back after baby 2 when he was about 18 months. I did call the DR. they said it was OK. Well baby three what a shock there he was about 4 months and it came back. Baby 4 and last but not least it was almost two years. Right before her 2nd bday it showed up. Once they came back they were always right on time. Every 19-21 days. I hope that answers your question. I will gladly say a lil prayer for you that all is well though and your mind can rest.

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With baby #1, I actually got pregnant when she was 4 months old! I miscarried that baby but got pregnant again right after (no period in btwn). With my other babies, my cycle either returned right about 7 mos. or I got pregnant while nursing w/out having a cycle (that's how baby #3 was conceived...surprise!). I'm wondering when I'll be fertile again after this baby b/c we want to have another but I'm not so young anymore! I don't want to waste too much time.

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3.5 months

11 months

13 months


All 3 kids were totally breastfed until 6+ months and continued nursing well past a year. Babies #2, 3, and 4 were all conceived while nursing. Baby #1 started sleeping through the night very early on, and I attribute that to my cycle returning so early after his birth.

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I can't imagine remembering that my period returned at 5.5 months (or whatever) after so-and-so was born. 'course, I'm one who can't even tell you how old I was when I first got my period. Don't have a clue!:tongue_smilie:


All I know is that what with five pregnancies and nursing babies over the course of a decade, my Aunt Flo kept her distance. I don't know that I had six cycles that whole time. Luvverly!:D

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I don't remember exactly. But my first was early because the first two are only 18 months apart!


I DO remember with my fourth, I got it back at FOUR months!!! I was exclusively nursing with no artificial nipples whatsoever.


I had an aunt who couldn't get pregnant for years after having one because she wouldn't get a period.

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Both of mine were bf exclusively for 6 months give or take a bit and on demand. Both times, cycles returned around 14 months. They both nursed until just shy of age 3 as well.


I had a friend in LLL that as long as she nursed at least once a day, her cycle would not return! She did not have one for several years! There is a very large range for normal with the return of cycles. My body felt like it was gearing up for one for a few months before it actually returned.

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A friend has continually nursed since her first was born. She now has a total of 4 kids and I think her oldest is 7. Anyway, she hasn't had a period in years. She actually takes a pregnancy test every month because otherwise she wouldn't know until she was well into the pregnancy.

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With my first I can't remember, but I know at had at least 1 period before he weaned himself at 12 months.


Second ds was weaned at 17 months, because I got a horrible case of the flu and dried up. My first period came the month after that.


With last ds my first period was around 18months, although he didn't wean until a couple of months after his 3rd birthday.



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