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Dh and kids watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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When my son broke his arm, we spend almost 3 days at CHoP waiting for surgery. The only thing that would keep my morphined son quiet was watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on their DVD player over and over again. I felt a little insane by the end of the visit. I think you have to be highly medicated to enjoy it.:w00t: It was funny because every doctor, nurse, etc that came into the room would stop to watch it for a few minutes, and they all made the same comment, "I like Johnny Depp but this is weird." They all recommended the original and said it was much better, less creepy.

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It creeps me out too...there's something very Michael Jackson about Depp in this movie.


Plus, once you've seen the original, the modern version pales in comparison, though every time I see the first Charlie I think of him as I saw him last in that "Where Are They Now?" show--as a vet!

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we caught the end of it. He freaks me out in that movie, but it's him and so I still admire his acting. As crazy as the make-up and teeth are...

I also think some of his lines in the movie are hillarious.


Like "Well I can't very well enjoy the show from up there, now can I?"

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I so very much like him as a dirty pirate....now how can that be??? BUT, this role as Willy Wonka....ughhhh!!!! it makes me sad that those that created this version think that the new one is actually better than the orginal! I can't stand how Hollywood can't come out with creative movies without having to remake everything or come out with another sequel.

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It creeps me out too...there's something very Michael Jackson about Depp in this movie.


I couldn't put my finger on it, but I definitely agree!


Plus, once you've seen the original, the modern version pales in comparison...


One of my favorite movies of all time! But if dh ever sees it, he gets stuck on the Oopma Loompa song and drives the rest of us crazy! ;)

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I saw the original (well, I guess it was -- the one with Gene Wilder). It freaked me out as a kid and I haven't seen it since. Something about that movie and the Wizard of Oz. Just can't go there.


:iagree: (well, not Wizard of Oz), but the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory completely freaked me out as a kid. Something about the kid who blows up like a blueberry or something. Eeeeew. lol


DH talked me into watching the modern version when it came out. I adore the kid who plays Charlie, though, so he made the movie almost worth watching.


Some time later, I watched the original with dh and - yep - it's STILL freaky! I had strange dreams for weeks. :lol:

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Like "Well I can't very well enjoy the show from up there, now can I?"


"Good morning, Starshine, the Earth says hello!"


I laughed, out loud, loudly. No one else in the theater did. Just me. That line totally cracked me up.


I love the songs in this version too.

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I've found the movie to be really helpful during the 5-6 year old period when they generally have issues to work out. My oldest was always "me first" and "I need to win" sort of child but after a few hours of watching this movie and Violet she got over it.


The same for my youngest, she went through a Verunka Salt period and is now getting over it after much Charlie and the Chocolate Factory thereapy.


I love both versions. I like the "candyman" song in the first one and remember singing it as a child. I also remember having to have my hair cut after trying Violet's trick with the gum.


The new version is darker but it follows the book more closely except for the whole father/son conflict for Willie Wonka. We've read the book a couple of times as a read aloud.:001_smile:

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"Good morning, Starshine, the Earth says hello!"


I laughed, out loud, loudly.


You are not alone. I love this line. I laughed loudly at home when I first heard it on the DVD, and I quoted it to people for months-they always looked at me strangely, I might add. I love the original, one of my favorite movies ever, but the new is good too, and more faithful to the book.

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The first time I saw it I thought it was very weird, but my kids loved it. After seeing it a second and third time (hey, we all know how this happens when you have kids!:rolleyes:) I actually liked it much better. In fact, I watched it with the kids last night again for the ? time. The only part I can say I like better in the first movie was when Charlie gave the gobstopper? back to Willy Wonka at the end.



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I have to say I'm a recent Johnny Depp fan. I just couldn't get the 21 Jump Street image out of my head before, so whenever I saw him in a movie I just couldn't take him seriously. I stopped watching movies with him in them.


But, when we moved here, I got really sick and all I could do was lie in bed and watch movies. Some friends had "Finding Neverland", "Pirates of the Carribean", and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" so I watced them all for the first time. I was hooked! He's incredibly versatile and I couldn't believe that it was the same actor in all 3 movies.

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