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WWYD...baby name question

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Our little girl is due to arrive any day. Her name is Olivia Grace, but we've been tossing around the idea of a second middle name. This is our last(biological) child due to health reasons, and we struggled with her name. We wound up with my DH picking her first name and I picked her second.


Has anyone else gone the two middle name route? Is it a pain on paperwork? My last name is hyphenated and sometimes that can be a pain, so I don't want to do that to my daughter. On the other hand, I never use anything more than my middle initial, so maybe it isn't as big a deal as a middle name.


These are the names we're thinking(Sorry, no idea how to make a poll):


Olivia Kathryn Grace

Olivia Abigail Grace

Olivia Grace Abigail


Our last name begins with a G, so I don't want to overload on the Gs, either....should we just stick with Olivia Grace?

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Can I ask why you want 2 middle names? I think the only reason I would give them an extra name is if:


1. it was part of my culture.

2. We really loved the names and couldn't decide between them.



Like you said, hyphenated names are pain. I imagine we do use our middle names considerably less, but it just adds one more thing to cause headaches unnecessarily.

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Honestly, because my husband loves the name Olivia Grace, and I always wanted a Kathryn or an Abigail(or both). It has become painfully obvious during the last two months that we won't be able to have more children, and DH, knowing that it bothered me that I would never have a Kathryn or an Abigail(just not having more children bothers me, not necessarily the name thing, but this is DH's way of trying to be sympathetic), suggested we give her a third name or switch the middle name. We've been calling her Olivia Grace for so long that I didn't want to completely switch things last minute, so I started to consider a second middle name.

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Depends on your state as for the bureaucratic hassle. In my last state, having four names was no problem for driver's license, etc. When I moved to OH, the state computer system only allows 3 names and will not allow a hyphen in a first name. It was the dawn of the new security theater age and I wanted my driver's license to match my passport, credit cards etc. I was finally able to get the BMV employee to combine two of the names without a hyphen, but she wasn't happy because then it didn't match my birth certificate.

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Both of my girls have 2 middle names which haven't been a problem at all. When we fill out paperwork that requires a middle initial, we normally use the first middle name. I have a hyphenated last name too which causes me no end of trouble, but the double middle name hasn't been a problem for the girls yet.

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All of my kids have two middle names because they have my maiden name as a second middle name. It hasn't been a big deal. Sometimes they list off their whole names and sometimes they just give their first middle name (and sometimes just first or first and last name. :)) I only use their first and last names on any documents and if it asks for a middle name I only use the first initial of the first middle name. In fifteen years we've never run into a problem. If they do run into any problems as adults, they have our blessing to change their names any way they please. :)

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I like the idea of adding a name so she isn't OGG. I didn't like my initials growing up, so considering initials was important to me when selecting baby names. My dh thinks it is a silly pet peeve. That said, I love all your name choices. I have a niece Olivia -- they call her Livy which is equally adorable.

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Thanks! I'm glad to hear it wasn't too much of a complication on paperwork. I suppose she can drop a middle name if she wants too at some point.


I think we are leaning towards Olivia Kathryn Grace. Now she just needs to be born already. :tongue_smilie:

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You could also give her two first names if you want to each feel like you chose. I have a friend whose parents did that. Olivia Kathryn is a beautiful name, and Grace could still be her middle name. Then you would have a Kathryn like you wanted. I have always gone by both my first and middle names together - I wish my parents had just made it all my first name when I was born. I'm biased, but I love 2-name names - you never get mixed up with anyone else!

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Olivia Kathryn Grace is really nice.


My dad had two middle names and it was never a major problem. My friend has given her kids 3 or 4 middle names each and that gets very unwieldy it's really hard to remember what they are. I think 2 middle names is fine.

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I love Olivia Kathryn Grace... Beautiful !!



:iagree:I love names in general so much that I wish it had occurred to us to give all three girls more than one middle name, just to use more names I like. Actually, in one case we're seriously thinking of adding my middle to hers legally, because she really likes my middle name and I had thought of giving it to her but then we chose another. So, I say go for it, and congratulations on your new sweetie!

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