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How Do You Celebrate the End?

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We're having a party this year! DS7 made his First Communion a few weeks ago. But our families are not Catholic, so there wasn't a big to do . . . and I felt bad about that. So I decided to have a big end of the school year party. Homeschool and non-homeschool friends. It looks like we're going to have 25-30 kids and 7-8 adults. We'll do some games and crafts, have some lunch, and I'm thinking of the kids make some kind of dessert for themselves. I'm really hoping for good weather, because then we can send them outside when we are tired of them! :D

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We have a time-honored and precious ritual that goes something like this:


Your summer camp starts the week after next? Are you serious?

Where are the summer clothes? We'll dig them out of storage. And the shorts we bought last August are now at least two sizes too small.

Need new shorts. And where are the extra-long dorm sheets? Where did that hole come from? Do you know how difficult it is to find dorm sheets in May?

Pencils. You'll need pencils. The Hive turned me on to this great deal on Amazon. Pencils. Check. But now the vendor says it's actually six, not 72. Still need pencils.

Did you fill out your roommate request form? Did you fill out your medical form? Did you fill out your other medical form? Did you fill out the travel documents? Did you fill out the emergency contact form?


Perhaps I need to look into a better plan. Maybe Chuck E. Cheese? :)

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We usually do something fun as a family--a movie or a special dinner out. This year, I've been sick all week, and although today is our last day of school, we're not doing anything special. :( Maybe in a few days when I feel better, we'll celebrate.

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We never have a break, so busy during the year that our 'block' scheduling means once May hits, our science/writing/grammar/history are complete but we have four months to finish off our foreign languages and math....I do relish the week they go to scout camps/mission trips..the only time I have to reorganize the house for the new season :)

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We have a time-honored and precious ritual that goes something like this:


Your summer camp starts the week after next? Are you serious?

Where are the summer clothes? We'll dig them out of storage. And the shorts we bought last August are now at least two sizes too small.

Need new shorts. And where are the extra-long dorm sheets? Where did that hole come from? Do you know how difficult it is to find dorm sheets in May?

Pencils. You'll need pencils. The Hive turned me on to this great deal on Amazon. Pencils. Check. But now the vendor says it's actually six, not 72. Still need pencils.

Did you fill out your roommate request form? Did you fill out your medical form? Did you fill out your other medical form? Did you fill out the travel documents? Did you fill out the emergency contact form?


Perhaps I need to look into a better plan. Maybe Chuck E. Cheese? :)



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We are schooling year round this year BUT We have a huge fieldtrip 5 hours away with a hotel stay included at the end of June with a homeschool group in that city. I am planning to make that our celebration of the end of this particular grade level even though the next monday we will still be doing what we are doing.

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We go out for breakfast on the first and last days of school. The kids write themselves letters on the first day of school, then seal them to open and read on the last day of school.


Erica in OR


I LOVE the letter idea! Too bad I have to hang on to it until autumn.


So many fun ideas for celebrating! Now I'll have to pick some :)

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The end is near, and it always seems so anti-climactic to just do the last assignment and "be done". What fun stuff do you do (or have thought about doing) to celebrate the end of a school year?


We school year round. I don't think we've ever finished multiple subjects at the same time. We often celebrate "not back to school" day, but we don't have an end of year celebration.

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Before we had so many crazy food allergies and restrictions we used to do pizza in the park for dinner every year to celebrate the end of the school year, then out for ice cream cones.


I'm glad this conversation came up - we are sorely in need of a new ritual that doesn't involve food.

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