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Well now, isn't that special.

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Hello thread that makes me mad. I will type out a one page response to you. .....wait......do I really want to say that? Aw shoot. >delete<



Well now other thread that makes me stabby, I will give you a piece of my well trained mind...... Hold on......maybe not so cranky.....DANG. >delete<



What did you kids say? Will I just come read you a book? What do I look like to you people? Oh yeah, that's right.




So how are your mornings going?

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DD4 had a fever all night. Daycare kid showed up sick as well. Mom claims it is allergies while at the same time telling me child was up all night coughing. She is coughing so bad now she is gagging, dd4 says her tummy hurts. I am about to call dayare kid mom to come pick up her kid. It is not the first time she has been here sick and she and dd4 are miserable and at each other's throats when they are sick like this.


So not in the mood for it.

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Day can only get better from here right?


I have a little statuette on my bookshelf that says:


"One day as I sat musing, sad and lonely and without a friend, a voice spoke to me from out of the gloom saying, 'Cheer up. Things could be worse.' So I cheered up. And sure enough, things got worse."



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I have a little statuette on my bookshelf that says:


"One day as I sat musing, sad and lonely and without a friend, a voice spoke to me from out of the gloom saying, 'Cheer up. Things could be worse.' So I cheered up. And sure enough, things got worse."




Now that's funny!


ETA I've been paying for my Happy Mother's Day ever since. ;)

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I have a little statuette on my bookshelf that says:


"One day as I sat musing, sad and lonely and without a friend, a voice spoke to me from out of the gloom saying, 'Cheer up. Things could be worse.' So I cheered up. And sure enough, things got worse."




I have this in a book,with slightly different wording. I cannot decide if it makes me feel better or worse! :lol::D

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DH is at home all week with cellulitis of the lower left leg. In my sleep number bed with his leg elevated. His bed hurts my back. Kids have all decided sleep is optional. I am drained, worried and exhausted. I, too, am waiting for my happy mothers day.

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DH is at home all week with cellulitis of the lower left leg. In my sleep number bed with his leg elevated. His bed hurts my back. Kids have all decided sleep is optional. I am drained, worried and exhausted. I, too, am waiting for my happy mothers day.



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I will take today over yesterday! Yuck. Was it yell-at-me day on Monday? From work to kids ... where does it say that I have to do it all? And .... <yeah, delete that one too> Wednesday should be better right?


ETA: I worked on Mother's Day. :(

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DH is at home all week with cellulitis of the lower left leg. In my sleep number bed with his leg elevated. His bed hurts my back. Kids have all decided sleep is optional. I am drained, worried and exhausted. I, too, am waiting for my happy mothers day.


:grouphug::grouphug: Cellulitis is tough stuff.

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Our day turned out okay in the end. Sick daycare kid got picked up early. DD4's fever broke and we went back to try a trade for a couple hours and the kids made some really cool things. Then off to scouts where ds13 earned 3 badges and ds8 earned 2. Now off for a walk with the dog. What started as a crappy day turned out just fine.

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My daughter is teething and getting up at 4 am ready to play and stare at me adoringly.


My son is going through some sort of phase where he doesn't want to eat, nap, or do anything that isn't exactly his way. If something happens that isn't the way he wants it or likes it, there are tears. On the plus side, he still likes to pick dandelions and say, "Mommy, I got you some flowers!"


My cat has been missing for a week and the neighbor thinks she was in her shed last night and in her backyard just an a short time ago. We still can't find her, but here's hoping! She's 9 and been an indoor cat her whole life.

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