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Bought a house, adopted a dog, got pregnant

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Woo-hoo!!! What a whirlwind this year has been!!!!


We have rented a home for years and all of sudden in February, the owners announced they needed to sell it ASAP. So we started looking for a home to buy, found the ideal little home right in the heart of where our lives seem to take place, and bought it. From the day we found out about the owners selling our rental until the day we closed on the new home was 6 weeks!!


Having been renters for years, we have never had pets. Needless to say, the dc have hated that. From the minute we walked through the door of our own home, the "When can we get a dog" question started, daily!!! So we went to the Humane Society today and adopted the sweetest little girl!! The dc are over the moon!!!!


In August, dh and I decided we wanted one last little beanie baby. We started trying and ended up having 3 miscarriages in a row. It was heartbreaking and devastating. :( But I am so excited to announce that I am now almost 7 weeks pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! :D (All the miscarriages took place on 6 weeks, to the day! :( ) My hCG is awesome and excellent, something it never was before. And I had an u/s this week (too early for a heart beat) but we saw a perfectly formed sac, right on target for gestation. I got back on 5/22 for another u/s (done by my peri) to see the heart beat. He wanted to wait until it was a guarantee, one way or the other, no gray zone. (I absolutely love my peri!!!) I am feeling very cautiously hopeful about this.


Wow. There is a lot of work to be done. We still aren't totally moved in yet, by a long shot. :tongue_smilie: The garden needs planting because I needs me my veggies! I have to learn how to be a dog owner. And after 4 years, I have to learn how to be pregnant again and prepare for a baby, having nothing left from the last ones! Gotta get moving!!!! (Never mind the newly turned 7 year old who can't read yet... Definitely need to work on that!)

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