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Which states have published past standardized tests online?

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This sounds very interesting to me, as I would like to give ds12 some tests to see how he scores on them. Do the online sample tests include answer keys?


THANKS! :001_smile:


I've just started looking at some of the links provided. For Texas, the answer keys are given, but instructions for taking the test are missing. For example, how long does the student have to complete each section.

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I have never even considered if these tests were available. May I ask to what purpose you use them in your home?


Well, we tested last year using the CAT and it was really a waste of time. Part of me feels, simce our state doesnt require it, it might be better to save some money and just have my older take a prior test from a challenging state.

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Thank you- very interesting reading. In particular, though, i am looking to find out which state's tests are considered the most challenging. Ay ideas? Massachusetts?


Look at the states that have the highest percentage of passing students in AP and the highest SAT scores. In MA and a few other states, it takes a higher SAT score to make National Merit Society. MA also has the highest percent of passing scores for math & science AP tests.


Only a few good states:


Massachusetts easily leads the field with a SERI (Science and Engineering Readiness Index) of 4.82.


Minnesota, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and New York score between 3.94 and 4.06. These scores are well above the national average of 2.82. We rate Massachusetts as “Best in the US” and the call the next four states “Well above average.” from American Physical Society


This doesn't directly answer your question, but how do the students get this higher SERI rating if it's not the MA state standards and the MCAS ?

Edited by MIch elle
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For Texas, the answer keys are given, but instructions for taking the test are missing. For example, how long does the student have to complete each section.


...at least not in my state. The students take as long as is needed to complete the test.

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Thanks for bringing this up and all of the links. I had never thought about there being tests online! We aren't required to test and hadn't thus far. This morning DD8 (2nd grade) passed the 3rd grade VA tests with only a couple of errors. She actually enjoyed taking them and I feel better. :001_smile:

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