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Sharing ds8's story

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Ds8 has some major learning issues, particularily in the language dept.


Last night in his bed he wrote a story by himself for the first time. I will type it exactly how he wrote it and then put the translation for you to understand it. He is pretty much at a late K early 1 level in language arts I think. so be gentle


The Hose and the Man (The Horse and the Man)


A Hose Nade At a Man. (A horse neighed at a man)

The Man YeLD at the Hose. (The man yelled at the horse)

The Hose Hrt the Man. (The horse hurt the man)

The Man sgremt. (The man screamed)


Wut sun! (What son?)

The Hose bit mY! (The horse bit me!)

Wut (what?)

It Did! (it did!)


Wil the Hose got sold sholy aftr (Well the horse got sold shortly after)


The End


Each big space was a new page in his story. He illustrated each section too in comic book style.


I am pretty proud of his ability to do this one, he just started to read simple readers with minimal guidance, and so this is a huge jump for him. He asked me to share it all with you because he knows I talk to you all pretty much daily.

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Very nice! It's wonderful that he tackled writing a story if it's something he struggles with.


That is what my dd's writing looked like as a young 8 year old (when I brought her home). It's been wonderful to cater her education to her needs and she's made significant progress.

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That's really good. My son is an excellent speller with a huge vocabulary, but he can't put together a coherent story like that without a lot of help. I think the ability to craft a narrative without rambling or getting off track is just as important a skill as the more nuts-and-bolts mechanical stuff, and it's much harder to teach. You're in good shape! :D

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My son is 11. He has ADHD and torettes I doubt his spelling would have been much better to be truthful. Spelling seems so hard for him. We just keep working at it every single day. I am probally more fed up than he is. I also noticed with boys they tend to put their imaginations to paper later than a girl would do. If I could write out all the games he makes up and things he plays out I would fill a library!


I bet those few sentences he wrote do not even touch what he was thinking! Too bad you can't put up the pictures he made I bet they are adorable!

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I loved it! My DD is also 8 and is dyslexic. There are some days where I get so caught up in our struggles and how behind we are in certain areas. It's so nice to see encouragement like that. We really aren't the only ones in the same boat.


He did a great job, and I too could read the story without the translation.

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