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Mass in bladder?

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I just came from my ultrasound appointment for my ovaries (I've had some bloating problems). My uterus and ovaries are just fine but they found a mass in my bladder! Yikes! :eek:


I meet with the urogynecologist in the morning for the next step. I was just wondering if anyone had ever had anything like this happen to them and what their prognosis was.


I, of course, came right home and started doing my own research, which is NEVER a good idea and am now regretting it!!! I can't find anything positive about a mass in your bladder. I finally gave up and decided to come here for some wisdom! :D

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I have absolutely no idea, but wanted to send you :grouphug::grouphug:. I am glad you are meeting with a specialist so soon.


I am like you and tend to research things like crazy. It usually makes me extremely anxious with all the things "it could be". The good thing is that just as often, things are never as bad as the stories I find on the internet.


Praying for a very wise doctor and a healthy outcome to your visit tomorrow.

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I just came from my ultrasound appointment for my ovaries (I've had some bloating problems). My uterus and ovaries are just fine but they found a mass in my bladder! Yikes! :eek:


I meet with the urogynecologist in the morning for the next step. I was just wondering if anyone had ever had anything like this happen to them and what their prognosis was.


I, of course, came right home and started doing my own research, which is NEVER a good idea and am now regretting it!!! I can't find anything positive about a mass in your bladder. I finally gave up and decided to come here for some wisdom! :D




Hoping for quick answers so you don't have to be tortured with the unknown any longer than necessary!

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I have been reading a lot lately on screening tests. The books I was recently reading said that most people die with some kind of mass in them; thryoid tumors, lung tumors, and prostate tumors and never even know it. They find them during autopsies and the patient has no history of complaint. Most are benign and don't cause problems.


I hope you get good test results if required and that they are not too invasive.

:iagree: My DH went to the ER for a kidney stone and while he was there they did a CT scan. The next day he got a call from our GP saying they saw "something" on his liver :001_unsure:. He then had an ultrasound, that was not definitive. So he had some kind of test where they take some blood out, put a dye in and put the blood back to look at it????? Something like that. Anyway, it turned out to be a hemangioma on his liver. My BIL is an oncologist and he said this is pretty common, most people just never know they have it.



Anyway, :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thanks for all of the advice and shared situations, ladies! I knew I'd get some GREAT support, here. I'll keep you all posted after tomorrow's appointment.


I'm so glad I told my gynocologist about the bloating feeling I've been having. If I hadn't mentioned it, this thing would have probably gone unnoticed. Good lesson for this mommy!!!

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It's very likely nothing to worry about, but even if it is, today's treatments are less invasive than ever. They found a mass in my kidney and it did turn out to be cancer ... I had robotic surgery to remove it and was up and around within a week.


Try not to worry. I'll say a prayer for you, as I'm sure many here will tonight.

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Update: OK....OUCH!!!! OUCH! OUCH!!!! :crying:


I had no idea a catheter hurt so much....I never want to go thru that again! I met with the gynourologist, had my exam and then consult. Basically, I need the mass biopsied so we're scheduling surgery in the next week or so. She said it's "an old person's cancer", rare for someone my age (43) but it does happen. I asked her what her initial thoughts were of the ultrasound pictures - she said, "I will not comment." I guess she's being safe and professional, although it didn't leave me feeling very good about things.


My body is so sore from tensing up during that SUPER FUN exam. I feel like I have the flu. I didn't sleep well last night, either. I need to just let it go and give it to God. I decided to take a field trip today with DS - we went out to lunch and saw a movie! Poor kid isn't getting much schooling this week with all of my appointments. Thank the Lord we're homeschooling and can just go with the flow! :D


Thank you for all of the prayers and words of support! I'm so grateful!!

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