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Will you guys pray for my friend's son?

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A friend from church (she moved away about 5-6 years ago) has a 10-11 year old son (Will). He was admitted to the hospital on Thursday because of really low blood counts and was just diagnosed yesterday with aplastic anemia, which is a very serious bone marrow disease. His sister and parents will be undergoing bone marrow tests today to see if they are a match for a transplant. This is the best course of treatment for Will.


They've been through a lot in the last year+--my friend had breast cancer last year, but is cancer free now after a double mastectomy. Her dd (Sarah 15-16) is really struggling right now and is doubting God's love for her & her family.


If you guys think of it, will you pray for complete physical healing for Will, and for God's comfort (especially for Sarah)? My heart is just broken for this sweet family.

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A friend from church (she moved away about 5-6 years ago) has a 10-11 year old son (Will). He was admitted to the hospital on Thursday because of really low blood counts and was just diagnosed yesterday with aplastic anemia, which is a very serious bone marrow disease. His sister and parents will be undergoing bone marrow tests today to see if they are a match for a transplant. This is the best course of treatment for Will.


They've been through a lot in the last year+--my friend had breast cancer last year, but is cancer free now after a double mastectomy. Her dd (Sarah 15-16) is really struggling right now and is doubting God's love for her & her family.


If you guys think of it, will you pray for complete physical healing for Will, and for God's comfort (especially for Sarah)? My heart is just broken for this sweet family.



Pray they find a donor match, and Judomom, praying for you as well.

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Thank you guys for praying.


I just got a message that Will had a central line put in yesterday to help with blood draws, IVs, etc, and now he's running a fever of 101.4. Considering he has almost no neutrophils and his white cell count is dangerously low, this is very scary. Please pray that his immune system is able to fight whatever is causing the fever off.

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