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Not everyone will like me...

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Once upon a time there was a little girl who wanted everyone to like her and would often cry to her mom about hurt feelings. One day her mom said, "Little Girl, not everyone is going to like you. But that doesn't determine your worth. Stop wearing your feelings on your sleeves!"


Years later, Little Girl was all grown up and so were her children. One day her daughter spoke of someone stating that Little Girl had never been a good mother and Little Girl said, "Huh, I wonder how my roses in the back yard are doing."


Because she knew that her worth wasn't determined by one person's comments... and she knew not everyone was going to like her.


The end.


Or, one of life's "The End"s anyhow...

Edited by BMW
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Well... considering the source, I would expect it... What's great is to arrive at the place where you will not let that person put hurt into your heart or mind by any personal attack...


"Once upon a time Little Girl was driving down the freeway after visiting her newborn granddaughter at the hospital on a lovely day and it hit her: He cannot hurt me anymore. I am free. She felt the victory of no longer handing over her feelings to someone who would gladly cause her pain and joy filled her. The End"


I hurt for my children's pain. I hurt for those that I care about. Appropriate hurt is part of life. I am my children's mom for life. They know me and what kind of mom I am. No fear! Victory!

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I have visions of some future therapist calling me to come to her office to account for all the horrible things that I did to my dd-currently-17 that she's now lying on the couch relating to said future therapist.


I have thought and worried about it so much that I have come up with the answer that I will give this future therapist and that I frequently now tell myself:


"This child was orphaned by age 5, raised in an orphanage, adopted as a pre-teen, and has a chronic life-threatening illness/associated learning disabilities/RAD, and you think I'm the source of her problems?"


After telling this to said future therapist, I will hang up the phone and go about my life.



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Years later, Little Girl was all grown up and so were her children. One day her daughter spoke of someone stating that Little Girl had never been a good mother and Little Girl said, "Huh, I wonder how my roses in the back yard are doing."


Someone has a lot of freakin' nerve :glare: No, he cannot hurt you anymore. You ARE free. And strong :grouphug:


I have visions of some future therapist calling me to come to her office to account for all the horrible things that I did to my dd-currently-17 that she's now lying on the couch relating to said future therapist.


I'm just so glad I'm not the only one who has imaginary conversations with future therapists in her head *sigh*

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