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I'm looking for an illustrated Children's Bible

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or Bible story book, anyhow. For various reasons, I do not wish to support my local Christian bookstore, so I would prefer to browse and purchase online. The problem is that most of what I've seen so far on Amazon does not give me a good idea of what's in the book.


I'm hoping the Hive can give me some good recommendations. :)


Here's what I want:


1)Most major Bible stories covered, OT and NT


2)Decent illustrations


3)No "This is how to be saved," or "This is What To Believe" messages lurking about in the endpapers.


4) No scary drawings of Hell or people being tormented by flames (I'm giving away the sort of church I grew up in with these last two, LOL.)


5)Hardcover, so it will last


6)Nothing cheesy or hokey like My Little Princess Bible or The Bible for Girls



It's not necessary for my purposes that it be written in verses, although the inclusion of a few here and there would be a bonus. Mega-Bonus points if the stories are told in the form of a graphic novel.



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The Golden Children's Bible has most major stories covered, there are colourful illustrations on each page, I have not noticed any extraneous commentary or scary drawings, and it is hardcover. I share your antipathy for cheesy, hokey bibles for kids. :tongue_smilie: Thankfully, my parents seem to have stopped shopping for bargains at their local christian bookstore, lol.

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The Golden Children's Bible has most major stories covered, there are colourful illustrations on each page, I have not noticed any extraneous commentary or scary drawings, and it is hardcover. I share your antipathy for cheesy, hokey bibles for kids. :tongue_smilie: Thankfully, my parents seem to have stopped shopping for bargains at their local christian bookstore, lol.


It looks like that is an updated version of one I remember having as a kid. :)


In one of the customer images, it looks like there are questions or some sort of footnotes at the end of a story. I don't remember that. Can you tell me which it is, or if it's something else entirely?

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The customer image you're talking about is actually a section written in verse, not a footnote. ;) I am picky, picky, picky about bible versions, and I really like this one. It has beautiful language, some of the psalms, and a good selection of OT and NT. I do not love the pics, as everyone looks awfully white to me, but it is WAY better than some of the really ugly ones I have seen.

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I have recommended and loved this one for years! The Bible for Children.




My second choice would be the illustrated Bible for kids put out by DK, I think, but can't remember the title. It's probably in the other suggestions on the page I linked, though!



I like the one you linked, 6pack. I think dd might enjoy that style.


The Action Bible looks interesting, but maybe a bit too....mature? for dd right now.


Thanks for the suggestions! :)

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The customer image you're talking about is actually a section written in verse, not a footnote. ;) I am picky, picky, picky about bible versions, and I really like this one. It has beautiful language, some of the psalms, and a good selection of OT and NT. I do not love the pics, as everyone looks awfully white to me, but it is WAY better than some of the really ugly ones I have seen.


Oh. Song of Solomon. Of course! (feels stupid for not enlarging the photo)

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We have this one and my children liked it.




I also have the Action bible mentioned here, I got it at a thrift store and havn't really looked into it, but it seems to be more of a 3-4th grader level and VERY busy. It actually drives me nuts!


I just re-read your post about the comic book style, you will like the Action Bible.

Edited by Lara in Colo
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We have and like the Vos Children's Bible. I like that it has a lot of the major stories but is simple to understand without being too simple. You can almost use it along in church like you would a regular Bible, but it's not too overwhelming for little ones either. It also treats things like David and Bathsheba sensitively and appropriately.

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Yes, we have this one too, and I think it's excellent. I really like the informative margin notes - they have definitions, but also things like pictures of common foods in Biblical times or clothes people would wear.


This Bible doesn't include devotional materials (prayers, musings on "our faith," application of Bible precepts to modern times), which was important to me because our family isn't Christian.

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A friend of mine recently recommended The Action Bible. I don't have personal experience though, but it fits the graphic novel aspect.

My ds has this and enjoys reading it. We have been reading the Jesus Storybook Bible as a family and we love it. I'm also looking for a longer one for us to read next and I have heard the VOS and Egermeier's Bible Story Book are both good but I have not seen them yet.


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Thanks for all the great suggestions! I *knew* I could count on y'all. :)


Strangely, Heather in AL, I don't think I've ever seen a Bible of any sort in a thrift store here. I've seen boatloads of adult religious study books, and a gazillion individual little story books for kids (Moses in a Basket type board books) but never any actual Bibles or good collections of Bible stories. That's rather bizarre, considering my area. Maybe people here consider a Bible too sacred to donate or sell? IDK.

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