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I'm a no-outdoors person but have a vacation planned.

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I live in GA and do not go outdoors much at all. I have very fair skin. When I was a teen and actually spent time at the pool in the summers, I burned easily.


I'm not a beach person. My younger two have only been once and dd14 has been asking to go.


We're going to Florida soon for a weekend. Dd14 and I will do the beach thing while DH and ds go to a museum. I really would like to get a little sun. She needs a little sun too. She's even fairer than I am. However, I do not want us to burn. What level of sunblock do we use?

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Hmm, well, DD and I are redheads. Everyone in our family is fair. We use SPF 45 mostly, and just reapply every couple of hours.


Honestly, my dirty blonde boys and DH are much more prone to burn than DD and I. For some reason, even with red hair, we tan pretty well. DH uses SPF 70 when he works, because he's outdoors. I've not seen anything like him and ODS. They absolutely DO NOT tan. They will cook to lobster red, then go back to dayglo white. I ended up putting the boys in rashguards last year. Best $$ ever spent.

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For starters, I'd try not to be at the beach during the prime sun hours. I'd also bring a big hat and a long-sleeved cover up in addition to sunblock. I'm not sure what to tell you about the spf, but I would suggest reapplying often. You can't be too careful at the beach since the sun is so intense.

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Personally, I'd wear swim shirts (pref. long sleeve) & hats instead of slathering w/ sunblock. I'd also search out shady spots. Even there, you will get lots of reflected light, which will probably be lots for you & your dd since you're both fair.


For other exposed skin, I'd go w/ an SPF of 30 or so.

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I use SPF 45 or 50, wear a loose fitting, cool beach cover up & a hat or headband (hat is better) and sit in the shade as possible. Plus reapply the sunscreen every 2 hrs (-ish).


Avoid peak sun hours. If you can plan to NOT be in the sun from, say, 12 to 2 for sure, you'll do better at not burning.


I'd also spend a bit of time in the sun prior to going so that you are slowly being exposed before full onslaught of sun, but that's just me. Not necessarily tanning, but midday walks, outdoor yard work, etc. for 30 mins to an hour in the days leading up to the trip.

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Personally, I'd wear swim shirts (pref. long sleeve) & hats instead of slathering w/ sunblock. I'd also search out shady spots. Even there, you will get lots of reflected light, which will probably be lots for you & your dd since you're both fair.


For other exposed skin, I'd go w/ an SPF of 30 or so.


:iagree:. Swim shirt and tankini bottom are the way to go. Much better to swim/splash around in when you're at the ocean anyway.


We take a beach umbrella for when we need a break from the sun. I wouldn't count on finding any shady spot at the beach.


:iagree:. Perfect for hiding out under and reading a book when you need a break from swimming.

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You can't be too careful at the beach since the sun is so intense.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Maybe I'll take her shopping for a beach coverup that is long sleeve and gauzy. I'll just be wearing shirts and a tshirt but she's got a bathing suit. Last year, she went to the lake with friends for jet skiing. The parents reminded her to keep applying her sunblock but she would miss places and come back red.


I can't believe I'm doing this. I hate the beach. Sand! Ew! :tongue_smilie:

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We use Banana Boat Sport, spf 50 (in the orange bottle). My dc are on a swim team that swims outside in the TX sun, and we spend a lot of time at the lake. It holds up to sweat and lots of water time, and isn't greasy. I rarely ever make them re-apply, except maybe their faces, and then only if we are at the lake all day.

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I live in GA and do not go outdoors much at all. I have very fair skin. When I was a teen and actually spent time at the pool in the summers, I burned easily.


I'm not a beach person. My younger two have only been once and dd14 has been asking to go.


We're going to Florida soon for a weekend. Dd14 and I will do the beach thing while DH and ds go to a museum. I really would like to get a little sun. She needs a little sun too. She's even fairer than I am. However, I do not want us to burn. What level of sunblock do we use?




The spf level above 50 gets less accurate. So we do 50 and try to reapply often. A hat will be important to protect the part in your hair. I have burned my scalp sooo many times and have finally learned this lesson. A big hat will also protect your ears.


Also, remember, by the time you see pink developing it is already too late. You are burned. Get out of the sun.


Have fun! We are doing the beach thing in May at the OBX.

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All day at the beach in the sun is a killer. We use 30 to 45 depending on what's around. Be sure to buy new sunscreen and not use last years. Reapply often, especially after drying off from a swim. We avoid prime time. You'll have time to beach, mosey around the shops, go to the museum with the others for a while, just have fun!

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This is exactly what I was thinking. Maybe I'll take her shopping for a beach coverup that is long sleeve and gauzy. I'll just be wearing shirts and a tshirt but she's got a bathing suit. Last year, she went to the lake with friends for jet skiing. The parents reminded her to keep applying her sunblock but she would miss places and come back red.


I can't believe I'm doing this. I hate the beach. Sand! Ew! :tongue_smilie:


lol Beth I had to chime in.

I hate the beach. I hate sand and my idea of hell on earth is being trapped in the sun with no way to get out of it. We have an "annual beach day" with my bff which is always a hoot.

My greatest act of love for my family is our 15 day annual camping trip on an island with no running water and a composting toilet!!

And I am a Cape Codder!!

Our teen is on doxy for her Lyme so we are going to have to be very careful this year. I am going to get her a gauzy cover-up and a pretty hat, they have some with sunscreen now I think. I don't think a rashguard shirt would be very kind to her, she has a huge bustline so that isn't an option for us. We use a sunscreen called Face 45 we get at Walmart or CVS that is Ocean Potion Clear Zinc Oxide Face Potion SPF 45.

Edited by Lizzie in Ma
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