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Ok, I'm goin' in.

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To my daughter's room, that is. She's with her dad today and I just got her a book case and a cubby thing for storage. I'm going to clean out that room. She "cleaned" it before she left, now I'm going to get rid of those insipid little things she insists on keeping but doesn't even know she has. When I'm done, her porcelain dolls will have a nice, high shelf, her books will not be scattered all over the floor. She'll have new curtains and rods and her Barbies will be organized in their organizer.


Pray for me. If I don't show up by tomorrow, send in reinforcements.

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Best tie a rope to your waist and the other end to the doorknob.


:smilielol5: I have one of those kids too. If I find one more "rock collection" spread out across the floor...:banghead:


You should totally post before and after photos!

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I tackled my boy's room. It had been haunting (or maybe taunting) me for weeks/months and I finally took the plunge. It took the better part of the day, several garbage bags later but I did it and was very happy with the results.


For days I'd hear "mom I think you cleaned my room wrong"? (aka did you throw away my favourite . . . .).


What a relief. Next the basement.


Good luck with your project.

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... and my room growing up as well, if I'm perfectly honest. At least she comes by her messiness honestly. :001_smile:


When we cleaned her room a few months ago, I got a big trash bag and had her put all of the odds and ends and "stuff" that had accumulated. I told her it wasn't going to be thrown out, it was just a storage place for everything without a home. After her room was clean, she could go through it. Well, it's been three months and the bag is still unopened in her closet. The other day, I asked if she remembered ANYTHING she and put into the bag, and she couldn't. She was sort of sheepish as she realized for the first time how little she cared about all the stuff she thought was so important.


I think the bag will be on its way out soon.

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Well, it's been 6 hours and we're almost done. I took out 3 full bags of trash. Her room is only 7.5' x 9.5' and I'm amazed of all the stuff I pulled out of there. I've not tackled the closet or the drawers under the bed, but I did get the cubby thing and the book case assembled and organized, took out two toy boxes which held literally nothing other than trash and dirty clothes, and she's right now picking up the 10 million beads (I will literally kill on the spot the next person who brings her beads or glitter. I am serious) so I can vacuum and I'm calling it a day. I'll do the curtain rods tomorrow. As soon as I vacuum, we're heading to Sonic. :D

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:smilielol5: I have one of those kids too. If I find one more "rock collection" spread out across the floor...:banghead:


You should totally post before and after photos!


Yeah, what's with the rocks in the house?? Dss (7) is always "collecting" rocks and never looking at them again. I have an "artsy" stack of river stones on my mantle.

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(I will literally kill on the spot the next person who brings her beads or glitter. I am serious)


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah, what's with the rocks in the house?? Dss (7) is always "collecting" rocks and never looking at them again. I have an "artsy" stack of river stones on my mantle.


Mine is obsessed with them. I don't make too big a deal of it because I remember my passion for rocks and gems and such when I was young, but man, the regular old backyard rocks have GOT to go. I console myself with fantasies of DD as a grown-up geologist :D We looked up mica and pyrite today. She found the mica in the backyard. That's good, right? LOL!


ETA that she's right now, at this moment, asleep in her bed with a huge landscaping rock named Rocko, wrapped in a paper towel like a diaper *sigh* I haven't decided if that's sad or cool. It's seriously on her pillow next to her head.

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Well, it's been 6 hours and we're almost done. I took out 3 full bags of trash. Her room is only 7.5' x 9.5' and I'm amazed of all the stuff I pulled out of there. I've not tackled the closet or the drawers under the bed, but I did get the cubby thing and the book case assembled and organized, took out two toy boxes which held literally nothing other than trash and dirty clothes, and she's right now picking up the 10 million beads (I will literally kill on the spot the next person who brings her beads or glitter. I am serious) so I can vacuum and I'm calling it a day. I'll do the curtain rods tomorrow. As soon as I vacuum, we're heading to Sonic. :D


Have you found any living organisms that you can use for science experiments yet? hehe...:lol:

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