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So it's day 3 of no sugar or grains and...

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I feel SO weak! I am eating well, but I just feel like I need a great, big sandwich with BREAD!


Is this just withdrawals? Will this improve? I cannot substitute all the grains I was eating with meat because I'm mostly vegan and when I eat much meat I feel horrible. I'm eating a little meat, some fish, eggs and nuts/nut butters for my protein. I've eaten lots of veggies and some fruit. I've got some kale chips going in the oven right now for a snack.


Tell me it'll get better. Otherwise, I'm grinding up some spelt and making me some bread! :tongue_smilie:

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Day 3 is the worst in my experience. Yes, it is withdrawals and also your body acclimating to not having those energy sources.


I follow Atkins, and after day three your body "switches fuel sources" and starts to burn body fat as a source of fuel. So, it generally does get better after that.


I think you will feel better in a day or two.

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I feel SO weak! I am eating well, but I just feel like I need a great, big sandwich with BREAD!


Is this just withdrawals? Will this improve? I cannot substitute all the grains I was eating with meat because I'm mostly vegan and when I eat much meat I feel horrible. I'm eating a little meat, some fish, eggs and nuts/nut butters for my protein. I've eaten lots of veggies and some fruit. I've got some kale chips going in the oven right now for a snack.


Tell me it'll get better. Otherwise, I'm grinding up some spelt and making me some bread! :tongue_smilie:


So what do you eat? I'm curious. I know I need to cut my sugar but grains is part of the food pyramid. If I can't eat bread on a sandwich or toast or a roll with dinner, what would I replace that with?


Can you have other sweeteners like Stevia? I use Stevia in my coffee...not sure I could give that up either

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I'm eating LOTS of veggies (salads, kale, cabbage, green beans, asparagus, carrots (raw carrots only), etc. - no starchy veggies).


The plan I'm following didn't exclude beans, so I am going to have some of those this evening. One of my fave recipes is a can of pintos, drained with a can of mild rotel simmered together and served with cilantro and avocado slices on top. I normally put this over rice, but I'm just gonna eat it in a bowl with no rice.


I'm eating some fruit, but not a lot and none of the really high glycemic index fruits.


I don't eat dairy, but this diet allows for some dairy (I think he actually recommends full fat milk if you drink milk). He allows for nuts and nut milks so I'm doing those when needed.


Of course you can eat meats, but I'm normally mostly vegan, so I'm trying not to introduce a bunch of meat. We DO buy free-range beef from my sister, so I have been eating a little of that, as well as fish and free-range eggs.


He also allows for quinoa and amaranth. I am planning to make some quinoa today because I have a salad I like with quinoa and veggies so I can do that for tomorrow's lunch.


He also allows for a very small amount of Stevia. I haven't done that because I haven't needed to yet.


I'm glad to read it will get better. I'm gonna stick with it!

Edited by StaceyinLA
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one of them was a "kinda cheat," he said. It was a frozen banana blended with 1/2 cup almond milk and 1T almond butter (I used cashew because it is what I had already mixed up). I also added in a little plain Dutch cocoa. It's called "nice cream," and it was like soft ice cream - very yummy!!


He said not to do it every day, but the fat slows the sugar absorption from the banana, so you could do it as a treat. It was a definite treat.


His recipe is actually double what I made, but I felt that would be overdoing, so I halved it. Perfect amount.

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You can do it!! I have been on the South Beach Diet (and will be again after this pregnancy) and Days 2 and 3 are definitely the hardest. All I wanted was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!! But after that, it's incredible how the cravings fall away. Hang in there!

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I cannot substitute all the grains I was eating with meat because I'm mostly vegan and when I eat much meat I feel horrible. I'm eating a little meat, some fish, eggs and nuts/nut butters for my protein. I've eaten lots of veggies and some fruit. I've got some kale chips going in the oven right now for a snack.


It sounds like you've removed a lot of calories from your diet without replacing them with anything. If you are trying to do the paleo or primal diet, you probably need more fat, otherwise you may just be doing a grain-free version of a low calorie diet.


What amount of meat makes you feel lousy? Have you tried digestive enzymes and betaine HCL? Perhaps you don't make enough stomach acid.

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Complete Guide to 30 sugar-free days. I think it's by Dr. Olson. It was on Kindle and about $7. I did it mainly for his list of fruits and veggies because I pretty much knew what else I had to give up. He had some recipes and stuff in there too though. It's quite simplified and a quick read. It was just enough to motivate me.


I've made it through day 4, and I did feel a lot better today than yesterday.


As far as meat, it just makes me feel sluggish and bloated. Aside from that, with a vegan background, I really am not going to go back to consuming large amounts of animals again.


I have been eating a fair amount of nuts and nut butters and they do help. I actually didn't eat much today, but I had a smoothie with some flax meal and it filled me up so much! I think I'm gonna have a light snack before bed though.


I've lost 3 pounds in 4 days - went from 120 to 117. I am not really trying to lose weight, but it seems I am. It won't hurt me to be around 115, but I really don't want to be smaller than that at 5'3 1/2.


Anyway, my main focus is getting off sugar. Depending on how I feel I may reintroduce bread, but it'll only be bread I make with my freshly ground grains. If I have a lot of improvement in the way I feel (joints and stuff), I may not reintroduce any gluten grains at all. I'm curious to see how I feel in a couple of weeks.

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If you go over to the forums at Mark's Daily Apple, you can read the stories and advice of former vegans that went paleo. One suggestion is to gradually increase the amount of animal products, in order to give your body time to start making the enzymes to digest them again. For example, you could start by eating bone broth with a little meat and lots of veggies, then in a few weeks, add more meat to it.

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Anyway, my main focus is getting off sugar.


Good for you for trying to get off sugar. Make sure you get enough good fats (not vegetable oil) to help keep cravings away. Also, I, and others, have noticed that completely avoiding all grains and legumes (no corn or potatoes, either) makes avoiding sugar easier. Eating even a serving of brown rice makes me hungrier and start to want carbs again.

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As I mentioned though, I'm not interested in going back to meat, other than the small amount of grass-fed beef I already consume.


I am not eating any starches or grains as of now. He DID say quinoa and amaranth were ok, which is good because I LOVE quinoa.


I never do vegetable oil anyway. My fats mostly consist of coconut oil, olive oil, and a LOT of avocado!! I eat nuts and nut butters as well.

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