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Nice, ****REAL**** nice... (not)

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Oh, gah! My dad had prostate cancer and as a result of the surgery to remove it he has some minor incontinence. She wears pads all the time and keeps an extra one in his pocket. One of those went through the wash still in his pants pocket. Little super absorbent polymer beads sticking to *everything.* Nasty.

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Oh, gah! My dad had prostate cancer and as a result of the surgery to remove it he has some minor incontinence. She wears pads all the time and keeps an extra one in his pocket. One of those went through the wash still in his pants pocket. Little super absorbent polymer beads sticking to *everything.* Nasty.


Heh. I did that with a DIAPER when the boys were younger. A wet diaper, no less. The little darling was being so good, and put his dirty clothes in the hamper. Well, he scooped up the diaper along with them, and then I threw it all in the wash.


That was one BAD laundry day.


I've also washed chapstick more times than I care to admit. Oh, and a 9 volt battery made it all the way to the dryer; that one was in dh's pocket. Thankfully I investigated the very loud banging sound it made when I turned the dryer on. Not to mention more candy wrappers, legos, coins, and tissue than any one woman should have to pull out of her laundry machines.

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Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I watched an entire grocery bag of used paper towels with my rags last time. (I clean houses.) I didn't have time to rewash them so I had linty rags while I was trying to dust. Then, dh comes home and is nice and starts the laundry. Without me getting a chance to wash out the washer and dryer. And he washes my favorite sweater. Which had copious amounts of white stuff all over it. Awesome good time.

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Oh, gah! My dad had prostate cancer and as a result of the surgery to remove it he has some minor incontinence. She wears pads all the time and keeps an extra one in his pocket. One of those went through the wash still in his pants pocket. Little super absorbent polymer beads sticking to *everything.* Nasty.


I've done that before with pull-ups. The secret is to NOT put them in the dryer! They don't come off your clothes. You have to add a cup or two of salt to the washer and run it through a cycle again (no detergent). The salt dissolves the beads, and then you can dry them normally.

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