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getting an 8gb iPod touch.


Dh told me, "Oh, many people have them at work and say 8gb is plenty and they haven't come close to filling them up." Since they don't come in 16, you are limited to 8 or 32. I figured 32 was way too much.


Sigh. We filled it up the first month as the kids like playing apps.


I really wish I had sprung for more memory. It is such a pain to delete stuff to get new apps.


Just thought I would mention it for those who may be looking for an iPod touch.

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I feel your pain!! I have a 4 GB iPod Nano - no apps, but I have the Bible and lots of lectures, and I'm constantly having to get stuff off to fit new stuff on.


I just bought an iPod for DS so I can put all of his audio books and memory work on it, so we don't have to juggle a zillion CDs all the time. I learned my lesson and bought him a 120 GB one off eBay! It is used - hopefully that won't come back to bite me. If it works out well, I might look for a larger used one for myself as well. ;)

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Me too!!! Dh surprised me with an iPod a year ago for my birthday and neither of us realized how quickly 8gb would fill up. I'm thinking about passing it on to dd with just her audiobooks, apps and memory songs and getting one with a bigger memory for me.

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I have pretty much done that. It is used most by my 8 year old. I now have an iPhone, so I don't use it much anymore at all.


But even the 8 year old gets frustrated when I tell him some of the apps need to GO to make room.




Me too!!! Dh surprised me with an iPod a year ago for my birthday and neither of us realized how quickly 8gb would fill up. I'm thinking about passing it on to dd with just her audiobooks, apps and memory songs and getting one with a bigger memory for me.
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Thank you for posting this. It's always so difficult choosing what is needed and not with so many electronic devices.


getting an 8gb iPod touch.


Dh told me, "Oh, many people have them at work and say 8gb is plenty and they haven't come close to filling them up." Since they don't come in 16, you are limited to 8 or 32. I figured 32 was way too much.


Sigh. We filled it up the first month as the kids like playing apps.


I really wish I had sprung for more memory. It is such a pain to delete stuff to get new apps.


Just thought I would mention it for those who may be looking for an iPod touch.

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  • 3 weeks later...
That's one of the reasons I'll probably never get an ipad. My laptop has 500 gigs, and it's half full. I could never get by with eight. Or even thirty-two, for that matter. How do people do that?


I can easily get by with a 32 or 64gb iPad even though my laptop has over 500 gig of room, because apps are generally much smaller than a computer program would be. I don't keep a lot of movies, photos, or music on my iPad either. I'm very picky about what music I have on my iPod, I don't keep it all on there, but can always get to it if I want to add or change anything. There is no way 8 or 16 would be big enough for me with either and iPod or iPad, but the middle to larger ones are fine. My iPad wasn't bought to replace my laptop, but to make life easier when I need my digital TMs or and educational game.

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