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My cat hates our new puppy.

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I didn't realize this was going to be a problem. We got our last dog when my cat was just a few months old, so they grew up together and became best buddies. I've had friends bring their dogs over and the cat has never had a problem with any of them. Our dog died 2 years ago, and we got a new puppy recently. I figured the cat would be happy to have a new buddy.


Well, the puppy (Sophie) loves the cat, and the cat hates the puppy.Sophie is very playful, and really tries to engage the cat, but he wants nothing to do with it. The dog's body language is clearly non-threatening and the cat has to know that. If he really felt threatened, wouldn't he run and hide? He doesn't do that. He just hisses, growls, and bats the dog. I didn't realize cats could growl.


So, what do I do? Will they work it out on their own? Is there anything I can do to help them to be friends? This is going to be very stressful if they don't learn to get along.

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oh, yes cats can def. growl. Give the cat lots of special one on one time, with the puppy out of the room and then continue to give the cat special attention when the puppy is around. Hopefully, one day the cat will decide that the dog is not going to steal all his peoples love and attention and they will be friends.

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I would try giving both of them a bath, separately!, but with the same shampoo so they smell the same. I would go with something very mild like baby shampoo so it's okay for both of them. That might help. Other than that, it just takes time. I'll bet they become friends within a few weeks. :)

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Ours was the other way around (bringing a kitten into a home with a dog) but it was the cat who had the issues. One thing we did was to give the cat a safe place away from the dog (even though our dog was nothing but friendly), and not force them together. For about two weeks I guess we shut the dog out of one part of the house (the cat's main domain).


Then, during that time, we'd have very brief "get to know the scent" meetings --- One of us would sit with the cat, the other with the dog. We'd pet our respective animal for a nice long time. Then trade off. Now you are petting the opposite animal, rubbing dog scent all over the cat & vice versa. In this way, they get to know one another's scent w/o direct contact (which can seem threatening even if the body language is not so).


It took a little time, but they did settle down and they now get along pretty well, even drinking from the same water bowl side by side at times. It's been only 2.5 months, so I think that's pretty good.


Hang in there! They'll work it out.

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Our cats didn't want anything to do with our dog when we got her as a pup. She was very interested in being friends with the cats which was out of their comfort zone. We had to encourage the dog to keep her distance and learn to interpret the clues the cats were giving her about getting too close or playful. Now they all get along just fine. Just keep an eye out for the dog chasing the cat if it runs. Dogs will chase and possibly bite out of instinct - prey response. We had to use a shock collar a few times to nip that behavior in the bud. The dog would get in the 'zone' and start to chase and wouldn't listen to commands. The collar was helpful to correct this quickly.

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So, what do I do?


Well, FIRST you post a picture of the puppy! :D


I'd give it some time. Cats get highly offended by new puppies-- well, new ANYTHING, really, and sometimes their noses stay out of joint for a long time. I'd keep an eye on the pup so you don't have some sort of prey drive developing, and just let them gradually become more accustomed to each others' presence.





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We've had the exact same thing going on in our house since our new puppy joined the family. BUT, our cat hasn't liked any other pet we have so we expected for the fur to fly.


Puppy has learned to keep her distance from the cat and I figure the puppy will grow on the cat...someday. :)

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Well, FIRST you post a picture of the puppy! :D







I have had a terrible time getting a good picture of her. She's in perpetual motion, so everything's blurry, and she's pitch black, so she looks like a big black faceless blob in most pictures. This is the best I've got so far:




She's a mutt. Mom is a Golden Retriever, dad is part Great Pyrenees and part mutt. She has webbed feet, so I'd guess she has black lab in there somewhere. No puppy mills involved; just an oops on someone's farm.


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My sister has volunteered with the SPCA and a no-kill cat shelter for years and is something of an "armchair expert" on pet behavior.


This is the flyer she gives to her friends who want to introduce new pets to one another: http://www.animalhumanesociety.org/training/library/introducing-dogs-and-cats


The biggest thing is to take it SLOW...since you didn't know to start out that way, just hit the virtual "redo" button and follow the recommendations above. It could be more difficult because they've already had a hasty introduction, but maybe the tips will help them adjust over time.


Good luck!

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I have had a terrible time getting a good picture of her. She's in perpetual motion, so everything's blurry, and she's pitch black, so she looks like a big black faceless blob in most pictures. This is the best I've got so far:




She's a mutt. Mom is a Golden Retriever, dad is part Great Pyrenees and part mutt. She has webbed feet, so I'd guess she has black lab in there somewhere. No puppy mills involved; just an oops on someone's farm.


Hey she is a black version of my new pup (mine is butterscotch in color, mom was great pyr/yellow lab dad was yellow lab, like your's she was a farm oops)

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we have a black labradoodle, she looked a lot like yours when she was a puppy!


Our cat hated our puppy when we got her. We supervised and tried to give the cat his own space and attention. We have moved from hate to comfortable tolerates. The dog still wants to play with the cat, which will never, ever happen. The cat will sometimes curl up in the dog's bed- but I don't think it's a love thing, I think it's a who's the boss thing.

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Just let them work it out. Of course the cat hates the puppy. If the cat was nice to the puppy, the puppy would chase/chew/toss around the cat. :) The cat knows this. The cat is teaching the puppy his manners. This is necessary and will make it so they can live in peace for a lifetime. Make sure the cat has a tall cat tree to escape the puppy!

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Our cat hated the new puppy. For ten years. The dog gets along with everyone and never gave up on making friends with the cat. Alas, it never came to be. They carved out a truce until the cat was about 18, then he ran out of nice and would just randomly jump on her. He passed away at 19.5 about 18months ago. She still sometimes stops and looks around for him lurking at the top of the steps, ready to pounce.


So, they may never be friendly, but they'll learn to coexist.

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Our cat, ironically named Sophie, never liked our dog. Sophie was around 10 years old when we got the dog. She lived to be 16, and hated each & every one of those 6 years they lived in the same house. Just give them their space, and hope for the best.

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