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Have your kids done swim team??

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I'm debating whether or not to sign my 9 year olds up for swim team this summer. They want to participate in the developmental team. There wouldn't be any meets, just DAILY practice from 9-10AM. It's pretty affordable, but it is about 25 minutes from our house.

It would be great practice, but I'm not sure it's worth the drive. If we don't do swim team, we'd be driving to that pool 2-3 times a week to swim anyhow, which we'll still probably end up doing either way. I like that it will get us up and going all summer and I like that it will get my more sedentary child moving every day.


What do you think? Do your kids do swim team?

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We've done swim team off and on for the past 8 years. We've mostly enjoyed it... but we've done the team not just swim lessons. And, it wasn't nearly so far away. I don't know that it would be worth it to do if it were that far away. Swim practice is usually only an hour for that age, so you'd be driving nearly as much as they'd be in the pool.

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Since it's developmental, I doubt they expect you to show up 5 days a week. You only plan to do this for the summer? Do what is comfortable for you.


My oldest ds did swim team until he quit to focus on his main sport. I am thinking of enrolling my dd 9 for developmental as well. It is also five days a week, but I only plan on 3 days. Competitive swim team can be very time consuming. I'm just not up for it anymore right now, as selfish as that may sound. :glare:

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One is a very strong swimmer, the other struggles with some motor control, but swims well. Neither of them have done swim team before, but they've both completed all of the swim lesson levels.


It didn't occur to me that they wouldn't have to go all five days a week. That's something to consider. That would give us a little more flexibility with our summer schedule, as well. Hmm.


Thanks for your responses!

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It is a practical sport, one your dc can do for a lifetime, and your dc will gain skills. It is very good exercise.


My dc did swim team for most their lives, year around, from about age 4 yo through high school, so just consider that you may starting something that they may want to continue every summer, or even year around. It is a time consuming sport. But if you want to take it summer by summer, the commitment is not bad.


The only drawback I can see is that there are no meets where your dc can measure their skills. My dc would not like to practice daily without some kind of way to measure their improvement. Meets provide the opportunity for swimmers to see that they have dropped time in the event, that they have improved. But if your dc don't mind practicing without having meets, then do it.

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Great advice everyone, thanks! 3 days a week is totally doable, so that makes my decision much easier.


I actually have one dd who loathes competition of any kind and was refusing to do regular swim team until I found this developmental team. So, for us, no meets will work, at least for this first season. The meets for the comp team are every Wed night until 10PM. That just doesn't work for my kids. They are asleep before 8. We'll try next year.

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My son is doing swimming now, 3 times a week, and it is at least 25 minutes away.


He started at this program when we lived closer (still 10-15 minutes away).

We love the instructor. Our son has become a great swimmer, and the exercise has been wonderful for him!


He did participate in swim team last summer at the same place (YMCA), but the program was not directed with the same person, and we were not very impressed with it.

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Both of my sons did it for a while - in fact - at about the same age.

It was great for them, lots of camaraderie and exercise.

However, they both complained how boring it was doing laps over and over :) Once they got really good at all the different strokes - it became very repetitive. Just not for my boys I guess. They both did it about a year.

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Can you carpool? That would make the decision much easier for me! My kids were on the swim team. Some of them stuck it out right through high school, and it really became a significant part of their growing up years. We can't speak highly enough of it.


But, our pool was 8 blocks away. Our children could ride their bikes there. When practice was at 6:30 in the morning, that was very handy. :)


They loved the competition part. Actually, it was kind of a love/hate deal. Some of them would get quite nervous. But, it's what really motivated them to work harder!


Living in the state of 10,000 lakes (actually, it's more than that), I'm glad they are all strong swimmers.

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