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Update on Bully situation

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One of the officers dealing with the assualt on dd in front fo the post office last month called last night. The families of 2 involved have asked for mediation I fully agreed. THe girl that actually hurt dd and threatened her have left town. If this finally puts an end to it I will do it. We are meeting on Thursday with the 2 boys involved and their parents, plus me and dd. The officer said that along with telling the boys to stay away from my kids will be the understanding that if they fail to uphold that they will be hauled into court so fast their heads will spin on assualt with a weapon, and utter death threats charges even though it was their friend that did it. The parents are eager to prevent that from happening.


I spoke to him at length about the newest assault on ds8 last week, and the outcome with his leg etc. I expressed how the parents are encouraging some of these kids and think me calling the cops in is a joke. The one family in question the boys are only 9, BUT the step dad who is encouraging them we had called the cops on last spring when he threatened my boys and chased them. The Officer said he is going to go talk to him about ds8's assault and that it will be HIM the step dad facing the charges for it if his boys do anything to my kids again since he is egging them on and encouraging it. In addition he is going to go deal with the other boys involved since they are of age to be charged. I have been having issues with these 2 families since the first week of living here but had not called on them before (beyond calling on the step dad) because the boys involved mainly stuck to verbal assaults, but now that they are getting physical I can't let it go.


The officer is right on the same page as me. THis is the one that is friend's with the step dad, like I mentioned before. At first I didn't think he would do anything, so while talking to him I told him how I got so fed up I wrote a letter to the editor about the bullying problem in this town and the lack of response to it. I think it made him see he needs to step up more. He has been great dealing with the other cases but not with that step dad in the past.


When I explained how living in city with the gangs was safer than this town he agreed with me given the huge stack of files due to the assaults on my kids. In each case the culprits have admitted guilt so it is not a matter of us crying wolf kwim. WHen I started going through all my kids have lived through for the last 23 months of living here, he realized just how underreported their bullying has been. He thought it was limited to the files they have, when I explained this is a nearly daily occurance he was floored.


He was also appalled that the step dad would think it was funny that his boys would be involved in reinjuring Ds's leg. Nearly everyone in town knows about his accident, and that he spent 3 months in a wheelchair, 8 months in a cast, just had it off etc. In a town of 750 it is not hard for word to get around. Heck most people knew before we got back from camp when it happened because the parents of the guy that runs the services station where all the farmers hang out every morning were at the camp. They have attended the camp for 60 years, and when ds got hurt and they realized where we were from, they called their son in my town. And well yeah by the time we rolled back into town I would say more than a 1/4 of the town already knew what happened. Anyway, in the officer's words he is surprised that I kept my cool the night ds got hurt and that they weren't called out to charge me with attempted murder.


Given it is a small town he agreed that likely a good reason my kids are targetted is because they are homeschooled and he agreed homeschooling is the best thing for them. (He knows there is no services for special needs in teh school) It makes them stay as outsiders and easy targets unfortunately.


SO yeah it is being addressed. The step dad who thinks it is funny that we call the cops when my kids are assaulted if about to get an eye opener. I warned the cop that I will stick within the law and not retaliate physically against them but I have had enough and this town is about to hear momma bear roar and I told him to let each of the families he goes to talk with know that I will be suing them next to put an end to this.


When it was just my 2 big kids targetted I only called when it was full assault, because they were bigger and would fight back etc. But now that these twerps have started in on ds8 and dd4 AND after ds8's car wreck which has left me a *little* overprotective of him. I am going to be calling the cops more and heading to court more. I don't care if these kids are never friends with mine, just leave them the heck alone.

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I'm happy to hear that there seems to be the beginning of a resolution for you and your children. Your post from the other day has been on my mind ever since you posted it.




I hope that the bullies listen up and leave you and yours alone now.

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Wow, I read your other threads and I can't believe you're having to deal with this, but I'm glad you're getting some responses now. :grouphug: I just have violent thoughts toward a grown man thinking it's funny that children are being picked on and hurt...

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Stick to you guns on this. Bullying is disgusting and not a game or a joke at all. I fully believe that 90% of bullies do it because they have s#!t for parents. Too many parents cover up their kids misbehaviour which just encourages more of it. I'm sick to death of the lack of response by adults who are supposed to be in charge when it comes to bullying. My kid's best friend is tortured on a daily basis at our little piss-ant school and no one does a flippin' thing about it, especially the parents of the bully. I swear that one of these days I am going to go take a big picket sign that says "down with bullies and do-nothing parents" and stand outside their house with a bullhorn to embarrass those stuck up snot parents. That'll get 'em where they live.


Kudos to you for taking it to the cops. It's good for the cops to get to know these juvenile criminals now anyway. They're going to be locking them up when they're adult criminals, too.

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