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There is an unspoken rule....

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You forgot that the smoke detector battery starts beeping out at 3 am.


...and the water heater quits or at least the pilot light goes out so that you have to be out there with flashlight between your teeth and instructions in your hands at 1a.m.!

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Right now I am sitting here while roto rooter snakes the tub. I plunged. I snaked.. nothing.....Of course, the snake from RR went through the pipe and water started leaking through my kitchen ceiling fan.....It isn't funny, but it is. They said they will fix it. I would rather be reading dang it!

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Or snakes fall out of the washing machine. Or snakes slither across the kitchen floor.


:lol: I am laughing with you, not at you. I posted earlier that every single time my dh was underway/on deployment, my oldest would get sick. Now that he is out of the Navy, ER visits happen when he is working and cannot leave. Whoever said women were the weaker sex never met a mother:tongue_smilie:.

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And you forgot the part about the power going out and the backup generator, which was, after all, the backup plan, going caput, and the phone lines being out as well (before you had a cell phone), and you're stuck at home with an infant and a toddler, no heat, no power, and no way to get help, and the power is out for 1 day, then 2, but the roads are so icy you dare not drive, and dare not even walk to the neighbor's carrying said infant and toddler. Yeah, that happens when dh is out of town on business.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Or snakes fall out of the washing machine. Or snakes slither across the kitchen floor.





I think I would literally have a heat attack and die.


We've only had a black widow.


And you forgot the part about the power going out and the backup generator, which was, after all, the backup plan, going caput, and the phone lines being out as well (before you had a cell phone), and you're stuck at home with an infant and a toddler, no heat, no power, and no way to get help, and the power is out for 1 day, then 2, but the roads are so icy you dare not drive, and dare not even walk to the neighbor's carrying said infant and toddler. Yeah, that happens when dh is out of town on business.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Same here, but with three kids and a flat tire. And, there is nowhere close enough to walk to, anyway.


And the water pump goes out, so you have no running water.


All the while, your dh is having a nice weekend fishing with his buddy. (But, I'm not bitter....)

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I think I would literally have a heat attack and die.


We've only had a black widow.




Same here, but with three kids and a flat tire. And, there is nowhere close enough to walk to, anyway.


And the water pump goes out, so you have no running water.


All the while, your dh is having a nice weekend fishing with his buddy. (But, I'm not bitter....)

And don't remember it 11 years later, either.:lol:

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dh has only been away overnight twice. The second time was when our tub leaked and flooded into the closet below.:glare:


your post reminds me that I was upset over my homeschool situation so I went out to wash my car. In the dark, in the cold. To cool down.;) I went to turn the water off and the knob just kept turning and turning and turning............


dh is asleep. I don't know what to do! I totally forgot about it until you posted this thread.


It has the hose attachment which is off, yet it will leak all night.


I think I'll let dh sleep...................


do you have anyone to call who can help you?

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Or snakes fall out of the washing machine. Or snakes slither across the kitchen floor.


I'd be dead. Instantly. Heart attack or aneurysm. Done.


I. Do. Not. Do. Snakes.


Seriously, DH took a video with his Ipod of little snake he "met up with" on his run a few weeks ago about a block from our house. I have not set foot outside in the dark since, then. I will go on the sidewalk and driveway because they have streetlights, but I refuse to step one foot out into the shadows.

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Or the time there was an earthquake and the house shook (I nearly keeled over with freight), or the time when the power and water were cut off because the company mistook us for another family who was due to move out of the building...


...and of course we all get sick when DH goes away on business trips...which reminds me dh is away today. :001_huh:

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