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would you get your 4 y.o. a library card in this case?

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The rule for the library I had growing up (the library I still use today) had a rule that you could get a library card when you could right your name on the back of the card. I still remember the old-school librarian with the coke bottle glasses and how proud I was to get my first card. Now they give one out when the kids are old enough to ask.


My oldest learned to write his name the summer before he turned 5. Once he learned that I brought him down to the local library and had him get his first card. My current 4 y.o. seems to be on the same track developmentally as far as writing goes. He can write the first letter of his name, but cannot really do the rest ...


A huge chunk of our HS materials come from the library. We do Story of the World, interest led science, art, music, reading, etc. all utilizing library materials. We're also doing Letter of the Week with my 4 y.o. so need books for that... and then there's our normal read-alouds and our free reading, etc. Any heavy library user will get what I'm talking about here. Between my card and my husband we are maxed out on hold requests. There's a constant rotation, but we both almost always hit our 20 active hold quota on a regular basis just trying to track down books for the kids. With all three cards we have about 85 items checked out... 10-12 slated to go back and 15 to pick up... with more pending holds.


Anyway, I was thinking of getting my 4 y.o. his own card so that I could start using his card for holds related to his Letter of the Week Stuff. BUT it takes the fun out of being able to walk in proudly and write the name on the card when he finally is able to do it. What I could do is pay the dollar for a new card when he does learn to write his name and treat it as if I lost the old card (but he wouldn't know the difference)


Thoughts? Its really the holds that are tripping me up here. If we were allowed more active holds I wouldn't even bother. Has anyone successfully worked with their library to up their active hold limits? Really just 10 more active holds would do it. (adults are allowed 20 holds per card, kids 10 per card) We are EXCESSIVE users, I'll fully admit to that - but as soon as we are done with something it goes back - I'm in there every 3 days on average.

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Is it crazy that I feel that I use my library heavily for homeschooling, too, and can't even begin to FATHOM having 85 items checked out at any one time let alone still worry about pending holds and needing more materials? :lol:


I have about 15 items checked out right now! 15-20 is kind of a lot for me at one time! lol.


Do what you feel you need to do!


I was going to say I actually like having everything just on MY library card so I don't have to keep track of due dates and such on two or three different peoples' cards...I like being able to track materials online and going onto my account to see what's still out, when it's due back, just in CASE they don't all get back to the "spot" where they're supposed to stay for safekeeping when they're not in use, but I see you couldn't do that if you wanted to!

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I get that it's a fun tradition but...my 2 year old has his own card. I'd just get him a new one when he can write. Btw, have you heard of library elf? I love it!


this makes me feel better. Yes I use Library Elf... its a life saver!


Is it crazy that I feel that I use my library heavily for homeschooling, too, and can't even begin to FATHOM having 85 items checked out at any one time let alone still worry about pending holds and needing more materials? :lol:


I have about 15 items checked out right now! 15-20 is kind of a lot for me at one time! lol.


Do what you feel you need to do!


I was going to say I actually like having everything just on MY library card so I don't have to keep track of due dates and such on two or three different peoples' cards...I like being able to track materials online and going onto my account to see what's still out, when it's due back, just in CASE they don't all get back to the "spot" where they're supposed to stay for safekeeping when they're not in use, but I see you couldn't do that if you wanted to!


We have all our library books on a shelf above our unused fireplace in our office. I sort by fiction/non-fiction, alphabetized by author. I'm REALLY OCD about it. (see pictures of our space in link below)





My husband's holds and my holds are solely for our pleasure reading and educational holds. DS1's card is used for his pleasure reading and holds related to his leveled reading for school. DS2's card would be for pleasure reading and holds related to Letter of The Week. Any holds placed on DH's card usually get checked out using my own card. Nobody's ever given me any trouble about it. Library Elf is how I keep track of everything that's due... I even have it merged with google calendar.

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Being that a normal trip to the library (2x/week, on average) involves picking up 20-50 reserved books, I can't imagine being limited to reserving only 20 at a time. That's awful! I would definitely get the card now, I'm sure the extra flexibility would be worth the future $1 charge.

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Right now we have over 50 library items (mostly books, a few audio books and dvd's). I need all my kids to have library cards so when we hit the limit on one, I just go to the next. :) We are at the library several times a week. It is not uncommon for us to read 20 books out loud a day.

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Right now we have over 50 library items (mostly books, a few audio books and dvd's). I need all my kids to have library cards so when we hit the limit on one, I just go to the next. :) We are at the library several times a week. It is not uncommon for us to read 20 books out loud a day.



this is our problem.... we're in the picture book stage and it'll be this way for at least the next 6-8 years.


Being that a normal trip to the library (2x/week, on average) involves picking up 20-50 reserved books, I can't imagine being limited to reserving only 20 at a time. That's awful! I would definitely get the card now, I'm sure the extra flexibility would be worth the future $1 charge.


Now I definitely feel better.

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Get the card. :)


My older two have had cards since they were about 2. I didn't get one for the youngest yet because the library the kids have cards with is the local one that we don't really use anymore. Instead, I pay to use the system the next county over, which is much bigger. I have one card right now for there, but will upgrade to a family card soon. The individual card has a limit of 30 books checked out, IIRC, though the librarian has overridden that for me a couple times because she knows we homeschool. :D When it was just DS1 needing books for a particular topic, it wasn't a big deal to be within the 30 limit. Then I started MFW K with DS2, and that added another 10 books or so at a time. So it's very easy to go over our 30 limit. I need to upgrade to a family card instead. Then each kid will get one. The librarian said she'd upgrade me for just the difference in cost between the two. Love my librarian! :001_wub:

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Being that a normal trip to the library (2x/week, on average) involves picking up 20-50 reserved books, I can't imagine being limited to reserving only 20 at a time. That's awful! I would definitely get the card now, I'm sure the extra flexibility would be worth the future $1 charge.


I'd get the card. Does your library still use signatures? We have a barcode keychain tag.



No, the signature on the back of the card is just a formality. hey do require the official keychain or card though. Mine has not yet allowed me to use CardStar on my iphone though.That would be awesome! lol


They let me take DH's holds and check them out on my card... sometimes I just hand them his card because its easier then them having to override the holds and dealing with the extra emails announcing cancellations on my end. (yes I truly have hijacked my husband's card) Now that I know that there are 2 y.o.'s on here with cards I might get one for DD too. I'll probably just go in order, fill up the holds that way instead of how I've been doing it. Between all 5 cars that would allow for 70 holds which should be more than enough once I find a library that has a bigger children's book selection... my problem right now is that although I go to one of the larger libraries in our system the selection for children's picture books is very poor for some reason. I'm still trying to find one in network that has a larger selection. If not, my husband works in another state and he can get a free card through there and I'll just go to my old town library when I'm there for church.

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I guess I should get my 3 y/o a card! Right now, I use both my DH's and my card. Requests are limited at 2. I also utilize my university library and my DH's university library. If we need a book, I check all those sources first.


I do need to get an educators card at my library.


I have not heard of the Library Elf website, can someone give me a low-down of the website??

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I guess I should get my 3 y/o a card! Right now, I use both my DH's and my card. Requests are limited at 2. I also utilize my university library and my DH's university library. If we need a book, I check all those sources first.


I do need to get an educators card at my library.


I have not heard of the Library Elf website, can someone give me a low-down of the website??


with library elf you register your cards with them and it gives a list of due dates and ready holds all on a big list - combines all the cards. I think your library might have to be a subscriber. Not sure.


I would be out of luck if we only had a requests limited to 2. I'm blessed to have an amazing library system.

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BOOKAGEDDON!!!!! We went to our city library and I filled out forms for my youngest two to get cards. PAINLESS. We had to go down and pick up some holds anyway. Although my library has an awesome children's librarian and activities its very weak as far as book selection goes, which is surprising since its a downtown library in a decent sized city. After we finished that trip we went to the library the next town over to check out their children's library based on another homeschooler's recommendation. I was speechless. It was homeschooler's dream of a children's library. There was a much wider selection of chapter and picture books for elementary/early middle grade students. Its actually not an accredited library in our system, but we can borrow there because my city lets them borrow from us. Anyhow, it was worth making the trips today :)

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I'd get it. We are a high use library family too. I like to check out certain things on certain cards so it's nice to have more cards. Playing the hold limit game is also easier the more cards you have. I'm getting a card for one of my littles next week for that very reason.

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I'd definitely get a 4-year-old a card - my DD got her card at 6 months (once I was confident she wouldn't chew the books) and my DS at less than a week - they changed the system, and I was able to get him a library card when I registered his birth!


We make use of the full allowance on both cards (since there's a 20 book max) and children's cards accrue lower fines than adult ones, so that's good too :D

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I was going to say I actually like having everything just on MY library card so I don't have to keep track of due dates and such on two or three different peoples' cards...I like being able to track materials online and going onto my account to see what's still out, when it's due back, just in CASE they don't all get back to the "spot" where they're supposed to stay for safekeeping when they're not in use, but I see you couldn't do that if you wanted to!


Library Elf. Plus, I put my email address and my own password on my Children's cards so I can check the, online and get their reminders. Seriously, Librwry Elf rocks :001_smile:

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I didn't get DD a card until we started needing it for e-books. I can have 50 books checked out on my card since I'm listed as a "Teacher" (I don't know if homeschoolers can get a teacher card-I got mine when I was still teaching in PS), so have been fine with that for HSing, but we can only have 3 ebooks checked out at a time, and if we're traveling, DD can easily go through more than 3 e-books in a long car trip.



But I'd say, if you need it, get the card-and if you need to get a new one later so he has the experience, do so-I can't imagine children's librarians haven seen it before!

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Our library only holds 8 books/cds/dvds on a card at a time. I am usually getting 2-3 weeks worth of books for SOTW, science and fun reading at a time so I got both my boys their own cards so I can place more holds at a time. I probably have 30-40 books checked out at a time.


I track all our books on-line and all 3 accts have the same pw so I'm not crazy trying to remember 3.


I would get it...

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