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Please pray for those in high torcon zones today..

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Our first clap of thunder hit at 5:00 am our torcon has gone up consistently in the past days...I am not sure I am prepared or a repeat of 4/27/11...today is my daughter's birthday, looks like all plans are off today...4/26 was my other daughter's birthdaylast year...hunkering down making sure everyone keeps shoes on today ....tring to :chillpill:


Prayers for all in the bad zones today!

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Our first clap of thunder hit at 5:00 am our torcon has gone up consistently in the past days...I am not sure I am prepared or a repeat of 4/27/11...today is my daughter's birthday, looks like all plans are off today...4/26 was my other daughter's birthdaylast year...hunkering down making sure everyone keeps shoes on today ....tring to :chillpill:


Prayers for all in the bad zones today!


We are bracing too! They hit way to close to home n 4/27 and 1/23, I'm getting our helmets and everything organized in the basement this morning. Stay safe! Happy B'day to your daughter :)

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Our first clap of thunder hit at 5:00 am our torcon has gone up consistently in the past days...I am not sure I am prepared or a repeat of 4/27/11...today is my daughter's birthday, looks like all plans are off today...4/26 was my other daughter's birthdaylast year...hunkering down making sure everyone keeps shoes on today ....tring to :chillpill:


Prayers for all in the bad zones today!


Which station uses torcon? Last night, 48 said that we may not get anything today and this afternoon's weather depended on what happened this morning. I heard no thunder this morning and it's only sprinkling now, but it is so warm outside that I am nervous!


:grouphug: It sounds very stressful and scary. I get really nervous during tornado watches.


:iagree:Tell me about it. I just can't take it anymore. Every gosh darned thunder storm that comes this way seems to have a 'severe' attached to it and it makes my nerves all go haywire.


We are bracing too! They hit way to close to home n 4/27 and 1/23, I'm getting our helmets and everything organized in the basement this morning. Stay safe! Happy B'day to your daughter :)


Basement? I'm jealous. We only have a small walk-in closet for all of us.


May we all be safe today/tonight.


Ma23peas, happy birthday to your daughter. Our son's b'day was affected by the April storms/loss of power.

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Which station uses torcon? Last night, 48 said that we may not get anything today and this afternoon's r.


I am getting it directly from weather.com and other sites, someone said our torcon has gone from 5-7 in a few hours...most likely hitting when we were going to take her out for dinner...sigh. Making homemade cinnamon rolls to help make up for a probably dismal day...it is whipping here, we are 1/2 a mile from TN.

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Keeping our fingers crossed here. :) Last April, there was devastation literally two miles in both directions of our home with complete homes destroyed. There was not a single problem at our place other than really scary silence and weird tones from the tornadoes going by.


No rain yet here, just ominous looking clouds.

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I am getting it directly from weather.com and other sites, someone said our torcon has gone from 5-7 in a few hours...most likely hitting when we were going to take her out for dinner...sigh. Making homemade cinnamon rolls to help make up for a probably dismal day...it is whipping here, we are 1/2 a mile from TN.


Ah. I go there, too, but didn't think to look at the torcon number. I thought I saw a local station using something similar in April... we usually watch 48, but once their radar was taken out, we just watched a different station, but I can't remember which one it was.



Keeping our fingers crossed here. :) Last April, there was devastation literally two miles in both directions of our home with complete homes destroyed. There was not a single problem at our place other than really scary silence and weird tones from the tornadoes going by.


No rain yet here, just ominous looking clouds.


We've only had sprinkles so far, but the wind is crazy. The sirens going off every few minutes are driving me nuts.


Reports are in of people trapped in cars now.... geez.


Oh dang, calling my family now.........


Isn't your family farther south? I think the Huntsville area is the southernmost 'danger zone'. I don't want to give incorrect info, but I believe that's what I heard. If so, then you shouldn't be too worried about your family. The rest of us, however.... heh.

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Ah. I go there, too, but didn't think to look at the torcon number. I thought I saw a local station using something similar in April... we usually watch 48, but once their radar was taken out, we just watched a different station, but I can't remember which one it was.


I'm more south than you, so the storms are passing north of me, but are still too close.




This was us, too... damage everywhere but us. It created some 'survivor guilt', I tell you what!


We've only had sprinkles so far, but the wind is crazy. The sirens going off every few minutes are driving me nuts, and my animals are bonkers, too. The sirens go off, the cat runs, the dog barks and chases the cat. Sigh.


Reports are in of people trapped in cars now.... geez.




Isn't your family farther south? I think the Huntsville area is the southernmost 'danger zone'. I don't want to give incorrect info, but I believe that's what I heard. If so, then you shouldn't be too worried about your family. The rest of us, however.... heh.


Yep, you're right. My whole family is in Tuscaloosa and dad just told me they thought it was going to go north of them.

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Damage near my house. I think the neighbors said about one to two miles north of my house. We are living in new Mexico for the year but husband is home checking on the house and going into work this weekend. I'm freaked out with him staying in a house that has limited power, no TV radio etc. Thank goodness for streaming TV online. For the storms this morning he was hiding in the basement and I was telling him over the phone what I was seeing on TV from new Mexico.

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When it gets like that around here, we activate our PLOP plan, in addition to regular tornado precautions. PLOP stands for Potential Loss of Power. So we do any much needed laundry, clear floors of any and all tripping hazards, check all flashlight batteries, everyone takes baths/showers before the storm hits, we top of all animal water troughs, charge up cell phones and other chargeable devices, etc. I usually try to make something for dinner that can be eaten cold if needed.


We try to do everything we can think of that we would want to have done before the power goes out.


We rarely get tornados, but have had several strong, straight line wind events here in recent years. When the wind is predicted to get bad, we put the bike/riding helmets in our go-to spot, and also our thick life jackets we use for kayaking, plus my purse, the little portable drive that has copies of all our important papers, a few bottles of drinking water, some snacks, the crank-powered radio, etc. And move the cars out from under any trees.

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When it gets like that around here, we activate our PLOP plan, in addition to regular tornado precautions. PLOP stands for Potential Loss of Power. So we do any much needed laundry, clear floors of any and all tripping hazards, check all flashlight batteries, everyone takes baths/showers before the storm hits, we top of all animal water troughs, charge up cell phones and other chargeable devices, etc. I usually try to make something for dinner that can be eaten cold if needed.


We try to do everything we can think of that we would want to have done before the power goes out.


We rarely get tornados, but have had several strong, straight line wind events here in recent years. When the wind is predicted to get bad, we put the bike/riding helmets in our go-to spot, and also our thick life jackets we use for kayaking, plus my purse, the little portable drive that has copies of all our important papers, a few bottles of drinking water, some snacks, the crank-powered radio, etc. And move the cars out from under any trees.

I learned my lesson about losing power last April when we lost power for a week.


So sad. The tornadoes this morning hit in some of the areas affected in April.

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I'm praying for you all.....we spent 3 years living in "Tornado Alley" of north Texas (near OK), and I swore I'd never live in fear like that again. I understand how you feel - prayers coming your way!


I have said before that we should be considered part of "Tornado Alley". I agree--- I hate living in fear!!


There's already damage in North Madison county. We are in south Madison county, and we've only had rain so far, but I'm pretty concerned about later this afternoon.


ETA: and the darn sun is out! Go away sun!


I can't believe the damage already, and much of it in places that were hit in April. Some people just got their houses repaired, and now they are damaged again.


I agree about the sun. It needs to *go away*!!


Damage near my house. I think the neighbors said about one to two miles north of my house. We are living in new Mexico for the year but husband is home checking on the house and going into work this weekend. I'm freaked out with him staying in a house that has limited power, no TV radio etc. Thank goodness for streaming TV online. For the storms this morning he was hiding in the basement and I was telling him over the phone what I was seeing on TV from new Mexico.


This was us in April. Once we lost power and the battery powered TV died, the only phone number I could remember was for family out of the area. So, they told me what they were seeing online while I huddled on the floor attached to the wall while I used a 30+ year old landline with a one foot cord!


When it gets like that around here, we activate our PLOP plan, in addition to regular tornado precautions. PLOP stands for Potential Loss of Power. So we do any much needed laundry, clear floors of any and all tripping hazards, check all flashlight batteries, everyone takes baths/showers before the storm hits, we top of all animal water troughs, charge up cell phones and other chargeable devices, etc. I usually try to make something for dinner that can be eaten cold if needed.


We try to do everything we can think of that we would want to have done before the power goes out.


We rarely get tornados, but have had several strong, straight line wind events here in recent years. When the wind is predicted to get bad, we put the bike/riding helmets in our go-to spot, and also our thick life jackets we use for kayaking, plus my purse, the little portable drive that has copies of all our important papers, a few bottles of drinking water, some snacks, the crank-powered radio, etc. And move the cars out from under any trees.


This is us!! I knew the potential for bad weather was coming today, so yesterday I cleaned house, got all the laundry done, and cleaned out our closet (our so-called safe room). I really should add water, though.


And, I am going to steal your PLOP acronym, if that's OK. I love it!!

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I learned my lesson about losing power last April when we lost power for a week.


So sad. The tornadoes this morning hit in some of the areas affected in April.

I just posted that I happened to have clean clothes back in April, and we felt so lucky. Now, I clean & wash as much as I can if I know bad weather is on the way.



I'm really concerned about this afternoon!


Yup. Chattanooga is under a tornado warning. Sis is in her closet.


She must be hiding from the storm that just came through here. I hope all is well there. Scary stuff!!!

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"Torcon" is a new term to me. Sounds like maybe short for "tornado conditions"? I have never heard our local station meteorologist use this term, and he is pretty cutting edge.


Prayers for all in harm's way today. May your pets and little people remain calm and cooperative. I am so glad we now have better warning systems, but I do believe a person could go crazy from all the alerts.

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First tornado just mainly hit power lines, it is taking me an hour or longer to get back to my kids...stuck on back roads with three hundred other cars trying to get through four way stops and blocked roads, went about 5 miles south of our farm...the worst is yet to come...we are in North Madison county...please pray it passes over us tonight...I just felt so sorry for dd's birthday that I had to go pick up her cake...bad decision...I have moved a quarter mile in 30 minutes, families leaving work early to pick up kids from school since they are closing early...

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:grouphug: and prayers to all. Fox 6 is all weather all the time right now tracking cells coming in from Mississippi. I told my dc we were sleeping in the living room tonight in case we need to hit the basement.


Ready for nice dry summer!

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:iagree: We had a crazy 2 days this week and are so glad to be safe!


Pictures of tornadoes all around a huge area are on Face Book and many did not touch down!


Some people have damage in surrounding counties and we have had tons of damage in the 7 years of living here. Surprisingly we had minimal damage yesterday. It was sweet relief.


Still, today a notice came from our home owner's insurance co. and my husband was so sure we were going to be dropped or have higher rates. Not so! Thank the Lord! We have not turned in everything by a long shot due to his fear of being dropped. We did get a much needed new roof about 4 years ago due to a tornado.



Schools in several counties let out early as well jamming up roads, and our county was the last ones to let the kids leave. I would have been very mad if mine were in ps.


Thanking the Lord for sparing us! And for our large basement! Praying for families who lost loved ones and homes.

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