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Was I out of line?

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I'm typing this on my phone, so forgive any goofs.


Someone in our local homeschool group posted some items for sale last night right before I went to bed. I replied asking if something was still avail bc I wasn't sure how long her email had been out there then I went to bed. This morning (about 6:30) I saw an email from her that it was (she had replied last night, but I missed it because I was sleeping), and so I replied great! I'll take it.


She replied this morning (i read it around 9:30) that when she didn't hear from me last night, and since I was only asking if it were avail, she sold it to the next person and it has already been picked up.


My response was this: Oh, well, I thought it was implied that by *asking if it was available, then I was interested in purchasing it. *I didn't get your response until this morning since I go to bed by 10:00. *Next time, you might consider verifying before promising it to someone else.

Thanks, anyway,


So, I ask the hive (because now that I sent the email and can't take it back, I have second thoughts), was I out of line?? Should I send another apologizing?

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When I respond to ads to ask if something is still available and I KNOW that i want it, I usually include that I'd like to purchase it in the message. So I would not only ask if the item is still available, but I would say that if so, I would like to purchase it. That way they don't have to wonder. Selling things second hand can sometimes be difficult due to flaky buyers and unless promised to someone else or the person was very clear they wanted it, I would do the same as this seller did.

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When I respond to ads to ask if something is still available and I KNOW that i want it, I usually include that I'd like to purchase it in the message.



You probably owe an apology for being snarky.


With this sort of contact, always state directly if you are serious about purchasing it, especially if the item is something that is probably limited in quantity.

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Yeah, you were a little out of line. When you're selling things, people often send "is it available?" e-mail and when you respond, they never respond back. She never promised the item to you or entered into any agreement with you. You never specifically said you wanted this item and could send her the money via whatever method when she confirms the item is still available. She needs to sell this, so she went with the first available "sure thing." Now if she had promised it to you and backed out, that would be different, but it doesn't sound like that's the case.

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For a Craigslist transaction, I wouldn't have taken an expression of interest as a commitment to take the item. If it had happened in my homeschool group, I would have been more careful about following up to see if you wanted it before selling it to the next person.

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I sell stuff here and occasionally on e-mail groups.


While I don't expect you to stay up all night on the computer and communicate with me, a potential buyer who has simply expressed interest should not expect me to hold up a definite sale to find out if she really wants it.


But then, I've had people ask if something was available and NEVER reply or several days later try to talk me down. I had someone talk me WAY down on a set of books that no less than three others, who contacted me after she did, would have paid my asking price for. I sold to the first person, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't do that anymore.

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When I have sold things, people would ask about availability all the time, then not follow up with a purchase.

I would have sold it just like the seller in your case did.


:iagree:Unless you specifically said you wanted to buy it.


Sending another email apologizing? If you felt the tone was "harsh" maybe you should. I know I have had people snarky with me and it bothered me even when my intent was good.

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What you said was prob a bit snarky. Still if I were her, I would have given you more of a chance. If we were talking Craigs List strangers I would have felt no obligation to you and would have sold it to the first person to actually say I'll take it and show up with cash.


But if someone in my Homeschool group expressed interest at bedtime I'd tell the second morning person I had someone else express interest first, let me get back to you tonight or something and at least give them (you) to end of business day to make a decision.

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When I have sold things, people would ask about availability all the time, then not follow up with a purchase.

I would have sold it just like the seller in your case did.


:iagree: I learned the hard way not to hold an item just because someone asked about it. I lost sales that way. I started selling to the first person who said 'I want it, where do I send payment?'


Sorry OP!

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When I have sold things, people would ask about availability all the time, then not follow up with a purchase.

I would have sold it just like the seller in your case did.




Especially with time zone issues - you just never know. It could have been 7 or 8 pm their time.....

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All are good points and I've taken them all to heart. I just wanted to clarify that this was a local homeschool group mailing, not Craigslist or in a different time zone. Regardless, I have learned my lesson and will be more specific in future responses (and less snarky in my follow up :tongue_smilie:). To the PP who said she would have at least waited a few hours, I guess that's what I was hoping for.


Ah, live and learn...

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I see you sent an apology, and I think that was a good idea, you were a bit snarky in your first response. Next time I suggest saying something like this in your initial email.


"I'm very interested in item X. If it is still available I'd love to buy it. I'm on my way to bed so I'll check my email first thing in the morning to see if you've sold it or not."

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You probably owe an apology for being snarky.


With this sort of contact, always state directly if you are serious about purchasing it, especially if the item is something that is probably limited in quantity.


:iagree: People drop the ball on the purchase end constantly. And I don't blame people who just send it out the door with the first person who will show up at your door with the money.

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Sorry, but you didn't commit. You just asked a question.


She was well within her rights to sell to the next person who was willing to commit and pay. I used to sell a lot of used items, and I think it is standard protocol.


Next time say "It is still available? If it is I will take it. If it is still available, I will send payment after I hear from you, either tonight or in the morning."


I used to get responses like this all the time, and as the seller I would respond. "great, I will hold it for you until 3pm (or whatever was reasonable allowing for time zone differences) on March 1st. If I haven't had a payment/response from you by then, I will sell it to the next person"

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I would have done what the seller did. I do think you might owe her an apology, something like, "I'd like to apologize for my last email. I've never purchased something in this manner before and I'm still trying to figure out the etiquette of these kinds of transactions. I understand why you went with another buyer. Again, I'm sorry for my blunder. Have a great day!"

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