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No... It's for educational purposes, right? How to install a fence? I think it would be unfair not to...


It's definitely a public service! I could really stand to learn a thing or two about installing fences.


I say, when nature hands you a perfect Wordless Wednesday photo op, who are you to question? Click and share, dahling!

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Alright, I've been working on a picture heavy "how to" session. I'll upload them tonight and post on my blog. It can't wait until Wednesday. :tongue_smilie:




Maybe "How To" Tuesday


or "Manual Labor" Monday



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:lol::lol::lol: You ladies are cracking me up. I get my hunky carpenter fix whenever I want, I'm married to one. :D :D


He hears the camera click, looks around to see what on earth I could be photographing (because we haven't done anything that's changed the visual since the last time I took pictures), and then he yells over his shoulder, "Are you taking pictures of my --- again?" I giggle. "Well, stop it!" Then he gets twitchy. Then I worry that he's going to fall off the ladder, so I have to go be productive until he's not on alert anymore.


The house renovations are nice, but the bronzed hot guy walking around doing the work is even nicer. :D


BTW, that's a nice... fence. ;)

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He hears the camera click, looks around to see what on earth I could be photographing (because we haven't done anything that's changed the visual since the last time I took pictures), and then he yells over his shoulder, "Are you taking pictures of my --- again?" I giggle. "Well, stop it!" Then he gets twitchy. Then I worry that he's going to fall off the ladder, so I have to go be productive until he's not on alert anymore.


The house renovations are nice, but the bronzed hot guy walking around doing the work is even nicer. :D


BTW, that's a nice... fence. ;)


I asked dh if I could take his picture, he just gave me that look. I'll have to catch him next time he's working on the house.

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Just to add some more educational value to your already highly enlightening photos, I asked dh what type of fence your neighbor was getting. (Dh was quite amused.) :D Apparently, the hot, er...overheated young man is installing a "scallop picket" fence.

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No, but if it is my husband, I will have to come over there and kick some butt! Dh was telling me about getting flirted with again yesterday during one of his breaks, and I told him he needed to start asking these little chickies for their phone numbers and addresses--and then tell them his wife would like to come kick their @$$es and needs to know where to find them. I'm only half joking. I trust my husband, but these wenches had best back away from my man!:boxing_smiley: I may have a slight jealous streak:D

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He hears the camera click, looks around to see what on earth I could be photographing (because we haven't done anything that's changed the visual since the last time I took pictures), and then he yells over his shoulder, "Are you taking pictures of my --- again?" I giggle. "Well, stop it!" Then he gets twitchy. Then I worry that he's going to fall off the ladder, so I have to go be productive until he's not on alert anymore.


The house renovations are nice, but the bronzed hot guy walking around doing the work is even nicer. :D


BTW, that's a nice... fence. ;)


LOL! That conversation sounds so familiar...

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And holy smokes! That hot young man looks young enough to be my oldest son! Both the boys are working construction with dh this summer, and just a few weeks ago there was an incident at the gas station when ds got out to pump gas with his shirt off. Dh was inside paying and heard all the talk between the cashiers and customers and the cashier flirting over the intercom. Oddly, that didn't bother me the way dh's stories of being flirted with do. Your fence guy is a very nice looking young man, but, um, I just can't say he's hot. This is just so very wrong. Lord I'm old!

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"Are you taking pictures of my --- again?" I giggle. "Well, stop it!" Then he gets twitchy.


I may be well out of line, but I think you are bordering on breaking a board rule here. You have mentioned a tasty meal, and have NOT posted the recipe! :lol::lol::lol:

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