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So we bought the blackout shades..white noise machine..what time is DS going to wake?

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DS9 is so overtired...he takes a while to fall asleep and ALWAYS wakes up at 7, even if he fell asleep at 10, and he's so very cranky. He's like me--he needs a good amount of sleep, about 10.5 to 11 hours a night. So with the help of the white noise machine, he fell asleep at 8:30 (hooray)! Let's hope the blackout shades keep him asleep until 7:30!

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He woke up at 8:04!!! After falling asleep at 8:30! Woot!!!


This thread, and your previous one, are seriously making me consider buying or making curtains for my boys' room.


They're much like your ds. Like to stay up late, but always up by 7. Which means if I don't stick to their bedtime of 8:30 (which, *hangs head*, rarely happens, because they like to stay up with me and daddy), they don't get enough sleep and are grouchy.


They have mini blinds on their bedroom window, but that doesn't help much. I'm going to talk to dh about getting some curtains up. I put some up in our room, because dh has sleep apnea and needs all the help he can get. It's so nice to be able to sleep even if the sun has come up. I think the boys would benefit, too.


BTW, congrats! So glad it worked for your ds!

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This thread, and your previous one, are seriously making me consider buying or making curtains for my boys' room.


They're much like your ds. Like to stay up late, but always up by 7. Which means if I don't stick to their bedtime of 8:30 (which, *hangs head*, rarely happens, because they like to stay up with me and daddy), they don't get enough sleep and are grouchy.


They have mini blinds on their bedroom window, but that doesn't help much. I'm going to talk to dh about getting some curtains up. I put some up in our room, because dh has sleep apnea and needs all the help he can get. It's so nice to be able to sleep even if the sun has come up. I think the boys would benefit, too.


BTW, congrats! So glad it worked for your ds!



Well, after one night of success, I am thrilled. Keep in mind we put on a noise machine too. DH wakes at 6 and seems to make more noise than he realizes :glare: so DS needs something to mask the household sounds. My boys have miniblinds on their windows too--didn't seem to help. Their room still got quite light. The blackout shades really help keep their room dark. We got them at Target for 15 each one (we got two).


PS We're not good at getting the kids to bed at 8:30 either. DH gets home late, usually around 8, and it's just hard. But we're going to work on it.

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Well, after one night of success, I am thrilled. Keep in mind we put on a noise machine too. DH wakes at 6 and seems to make more noise than he realizes :glare: so DS needs something to mask the household sounds. My boys have miniblinds on their windows too--didn't seem to help. Their room still got quite light. The blackout shades really help keep their room dark. We got them at Target for 15 each one (we got two).


PS We're not good at getting the kids to bed at 8:30 either. DH gets home late, usually around 8, and it's just hard. But we're going to work on it.


Well most evenings, dh is home by 6:30, so I don't even have that excuse. :tongue_smilie: It's just that the boys are so cute, and are usually good company, so we let them stay up. But then in the morning; boy howdy. And dh is a bit worse about it, 'cause he doesn't have to deal with the 'morning crankies' like I do. :tongue_smilie:


I made the blackout shades for our room. Basically they're just curtains with four layers. A layer of white fabric closest to the window (so that no color shows through the blinds), then a layer of navy blue fleece, then two layers of the decorative fabric. Works GREAT.


I can't believe I haven't thought of it before for the boys' room, so thanks for your threads.


We don't have a noise machine in there, either. when they were younger, we used to put their clock radio on a static station for white noise. :D They do have a humidifier in there, but unfortunately it's basically silent. Hmm. I'll have to see what I can come up with...

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We don't have a noise machine in there, either. when they were younger, we used to put their clock radio on a static station for white noise. :D They do have a humidifier in there, but unfortunately it's basically silent. Hmm. I'll have to see what I can come up with...
We use a fan for white noise. pointed toward us in the summer and away during the winter.
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We use a fan for white noise. pointed toward us in the summer and away during the winter.


Well now there's a good idea. What's with me?! :tongue_smilie: In the cold months, dh and I use a humidifier, but then we switch to a fan for the white noise once the heat isn't on anymore. Why didn't I think of using the fan for the boys?! :001_huh: :D

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I have one of those sound machines. I cannot use it if I have to wake up for anything especially early - I just can't wake up! So I am not surprised by your success. I know you must be delighted. Hope it continues!


I used it when I suffered from insomnia. I had it on, quite loudly, all night. It really helped. The boys like the "rainstorm" setting :D

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He woke up at 8:04!!! After falling asleep at 8:30! Woot!!!
Congrats! DD the Younger *needs* 11 hours sleep, or she's a bear the next day. Sometimes I wish she just had on off-switch with a timer. :tongue_smilie:
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oh, i want a rainstorm setting!!!! but i'd use it when i was awake....


worth thinking about: auditory learners love sound, but it can make us nuts, too. one of my favourite childhood memories was when my granny babysat, and played the piano until we fell asleep. everyone else would be out like a light, but i would lie in bed listening to her until she finished..... it was magical, wonderful, and beautiful. my poor mom couldn't understand why i was always so tired the next day ; ).


ditto the fans in hotel rooms. off they go, unless the outside sounds are even worse ;).




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