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I beg of you, plead with you to take the kids away!

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(just for the day).


I don't know if it February. . . hormones. . . or general orneriness but I NEED a break from my kids. Dh is home today. I offered to give him all sorts of bribes to take the kids away for the day. He wants to work on the house and yard.:glare:


I can't leave because I desperately need to get caught up on school stuff and laundry. They left for an hour this morning to go to Target and I was so happy! I was doing the exact same stuff as when they are here but I was ALONE! Except for the animals that would get lonely and come to find me.:D


They are outside working. But they feel this constant need to come in to get a drink of water or go to the bathroom. Do you think they'll resent it if I tell them to drink from a hose and pee in a bucket?!:D

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:iagree: I'm right there with you! Dd 2 made plans to go to the movies this afternoon w/ a friend. She didn't ask my permission. Normally this would result in plans cancelled and a grounding. I don't care. I want 2 and half hours of peace!!! :grouphug: I hope you get some quiet! If you lived here, I would pick up your dc and make them go to the movies w/ dd!

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I feel your pain. I would love for mine to be gone for a few days. Just long enough for me to clean house top to bottom and have it stay that way for 24 hours.



:iagree:, though I would settle for the house staying clean for 5 whole minutes:glare:.

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Yes, I've felt like that this past week, and usually it doesn't bother me in the slightest having them around all the time. I have been the grumpiest, grouchiest mother ever these past couple of days, to the point of feeling quite ashamed. I even told my cute, cuddly DS4 to go away and leave me alone :eek:. So now I feel horribly guilty on top of everything else and worry that it'll scar him for life :sad:.


I'm really hoping that it is just February.


Best wishes



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:grouphug: You are not alone, Jean! I learned earlier today that dh has Thursday & Friday off (he has time he must take off before the end of March), so I have a running mental list of all the things I will do WITHOUT the kids during those 2 days. He doesn't know it yet... ;)

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Yes, I've felt like that this past week, and usually it doesn't bother me in the slightest having them around all the time. I have been the grumpiest, grouchiest mother ever these past couple of days, to the point of feeling quite ashamed. I even told my cute, cuddly DS4 to go away and leave me alone :eek:. So now I feel horribly guilty on top of everything else and worry that it'll scar him for life :sad:.


I'm really hoping that it is just February.


Best wishes




Yes! I can relate to the guilt too.

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Holy cow me too! I was going to post if anyone had any insight into my recent insane moodiness. And I don't think generally I'm a moody person.


I'm tempted to take the rest of February off if it's really February's fault. :tongue_smilie:


Yes, I'm tempted too. We've just had a week's break which didn't seem to help, mainly because I spent the entire time doing all those extra cleaning jobs that I don't usually have time for, and it turned out that there were even more than I'd realised. It's DS10's birthday on Wednesday and I've already decided that we're going to take that day off and do something fun.


If you find a cure for this affliction be sure to let me know, and I'll do likewise ;).


Best wishes



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I am in an undisclosed location. I have a snack, all my textbooks, my laptop and my grading book. I could last here for days. . .:D My kids are terribly upset because I would not tell them where I was going and would not rescue them from the Slavedriver (AKA Daddy) who is asking them to (gasp!) actually participate in some yardwork. Bwahahahaha! Did I say that I could last here for days?

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I made this picture for my blog post today. :glare:We're off all week. Today we cleaned house and tomorrow I plan on working on school, by myself.


I suppose this would be the wrong time to mention that Wolf takes the kids sledding or hiking or something out of the house almost every day?


*runs like heck*

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I had 2 glorious hours away. Roughcollie thinks that they don't count because I was working on homeschooling stuff (grading etc.) the entire time. But it does too count! Part of my frustration is that I can't get anything that requires even the smallest amount of concentration done when I'm home because of all the interruptions.

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