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When you'd your planning....


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Yeah, it's really hard to combine them. :glare: My oldest two are 14 months apart, so they are mostly combined. I teach the two youngest separately. In reality, there's just no way to combine an advanced 5th grader with a young Kindergartener.


I think I will just continue to plan/teach to 3 different groups (until my brain explodes :tongue_smilie:).

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I think about my kids individually. I have actually never thought of them in terms of a group when planning.


Two of my kids are *really* close in age. :D They are on the same level for almost everything. They even have the same hobbies/interests. It's very easy to combine kids in that situation. But, the younger kids...no way. No combining there.

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Do you think of your kids as a group....or as individuals...or a comby?


I was just thinking about it this morning. I always thought of my older kids as a group....now, I tend to think and plan for each kid more or less separately....





I think of them in both ways. They are combined for all subjects except language and math, so I do think about common needs for group subjects. However, I also think about what they individually need for those subjects and plan/purchase for that. For example, we are all studying ancient history this year. We are all enjoying SOTW and the activities that go along with it, but DS5 needs picture books, DD needs non-gruesome chapter books and lots of mythology, and DS9 needs logic-level books and generally much more intensive stuff with many supplements to keep him engaged. (I'm reading SWB's ancient history and working through the high school recommendations for ancient history. :D) Basically, we are all studying the same subjects and can discuss a great deal as a group but we are each working on an individual level.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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My 3 youngest will be combined for history. I planned them together but I took each of their individual needs into consideration. That is why we are doing a very multi sensory history! (reading, audio and lots of hands on)


My 2nd oldest is doing everything else alone-- her planning was totally individual.



Ds's will be doing Biology together but they are both very similar and only 14 months apart so I planned with *them* in mind. LOTS of hands on, videos, read alouds, alot of field trips, discovery kinda stuff for them. And ofcourse a HUGE dinosaurs unit :D


My oldest is to far apart from the others so I planned her individually. I like combining when I can, and I love to bring each of their individual learning styles into the mix because it makes it more fun and interesting for everybody! :001_smile:

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Yes, but mine are only two years apart. We do most subjects together. My ds is dyslexic so he's a little behind in reading/writing. Dd is advanced in those same subjects. I do tend to require a bit more from ds (extra reading). The only subject that they greatly differ in is Math. Ds is about ready for Pre-algebra while dd is pretty much on grade level.


Planning is pretty easy for me. I plan History, Language Arts, Logic for ds then just copy to dd's agenda. Add in Math and we're done. Everything else is Co-op.

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I consider each individually, but with an eye to combine whenever possible. My two big kids are very close in age and abilities. I'm lucky to be able to combine almost everything. I also have a PK 3/4 to plan for. I definitely need to plan for her separately, and will no doubt continue to need to. I've put some thought into whether or not to even try to match up her History cycles in the future, but I doubt I will as the materials will all be different anyway.

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I tend to think of them in pairs - my 13 and 13 y/os, my 7-year-old twins, and my 5 and 3 y/os. I used to plan individually, but my brain just about exploded. Each pair of kids is working at approximately the same level (emphasis on the "approximately" :glare:), so it works all right. Of course, for certain things I mentally "sort" them differently. But the pairs system has been working out just fine so far.

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