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Are the Danish very sensitive?

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In other words, if I was in Denmark and was trying to ask something in Danish but accidentally said it in Norwegian with a desperate mid-sentence transition to German, and ending with an "oh blast it", would they turn away scornfully wondering just who this strange American thinks she is, sneer at my ignorance, or just laugh it off?

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In other words, if I was in Denmark and was trying to ask something in Danish but accidentally said it in Norwegian with a desperate mid-sentence transition to German, and ending with an "oh blast it", would they turn away scornfully wondering just who this strange American thinks she is, sneer at my ignorance, or just laugh it off?


Some would inwardly sneer, some would laugh it off.

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Every Dane I've ever met speaks excellent English. I can understand making an attempt in their language to show respect and to make the effort, but if your Danish is very poor to where communication breaks down it might just be best to ask them politely if you can speak to them in English.

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Every Dane I've ever met speaks English very well.


People are people everywhere, but most of my Danish friends have great senses of humor. IME, they are easier to deal with than my French friends who expect me to butcher their language first in a conversation before they come in and save their ears...




So I could get by fairly well knowing "hello", "thank you", "do you speak English", and "Denmark is a beautiful country"? I'm on it...:auto:

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The ones I know wouldn't. Also, the ones I know have better English than most people I know. And! And! They learned it in high school! Can you believe that? America is doing something wrong in it's high school foreign language education.


My experience is that they are very, very nice. Of course, like any area, there are sure to be nice people and not so nice people.

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All Danes no matter their age speak English. My father who was an immigrant and is in his mid seventies speak Danish as does my Danish mother!


So, no language barriers for you as an American. Danes would scoff their noses at an immigrant who speaks bad Danish although if that person was a tourist then they would be very happy and proud that you dared try pronounce our language!! Plus, throw in some Norwegian, just no Swedish, hehe.

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All Danes no matter their age speak English. My father who was an immigrant and is in his mid seventies speak Danish as does my Danish mother!


So, no language barriers for you as an American. Danes would scoff their noses at an immigrant who speaks bad Danish although if that person was a tourist then they would be very happy and proud that you dared try pronounce our language!! Plus, throw in some Norwegian, just no Swedish, hehe.


I find Danish and Norwegian to be beautiful languages - My great-grandparents were from Norway; and maybe also from my up-bringing in Minnesota - lots of Scandinavian influences there. :)

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I hear the prune danish are sensitive because they are always the last to be selected. :tongue_smilie:


I understand that the cheese and others are perfectly well adjusted.




Oh, those poor prune danish!


Mariann, you crack me up! :lol::lol::lol:

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I hear the prune danish are sensitive because they are always the last to be selected. :tongue_smilie:


I understand that the cheese and others are perfectly well adjusted.




:lol: We live in an area FULL of Danes, Swedes and Norwegians. This made me :lol::lol:!! I'm am biting my tongue (as I laugh) to keep from typing more!!

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In other words, if I was in Denmark and was trying to ask something in Danish but accidentally said it in Norwegian with a desperate mid-sentence transition to German, and ending with an "oh blast it", would they turn away scornfully wondering just who this strange American thinks she is, sneer at my ignorance, or just laugh it off?


Susan -- I wasn't trying to hijack --- just having a cr*ppy morning and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a funny!:001_smile:

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So how pathetic am I? I saw DANISH and I thought 'cheese.':tongue_smilie:


:lol::lol: How pathetic am I that whenever I hear "cheese" I think of Wallace and Gromit?? :D hehe

You are welcome -- it is my only laugh of the morning.


Awwww :grouphug: You need to come hang out with us in the forum game thread more often. :) :p :grouphug:

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:lol::lol: How pathetic am I that whenever I hear "cheese" I think of Wallace and Gromit?? :D hehe



Awwww :grouphug: You need to come hang out with us in the forum game thread more often. :) :p


Wallace and Gromit! :lol: I haven't participated in the forum game thread in a really long time --


thanks for the reminder. :)

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Susan -- I wasn't trying to hijack --- just having a cr*ppy morning and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a funny!:001_smile:


No Apologies! Love Love Love danish :). I was actually wondering if danish are actually made/popular in Denmark or if it's like American French Fries. And what on earth made Starbucks think of selling prune danish? Aging population?

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No Apologies! Love Love Love danish :). I was actually wondering if danish are actually made/popular in Denmark or if it's like American French Fries. And what on earth made Starbucks think of selling prune danish? Aging population?


Danish (Wienerbroed) is very popular in DK, but way tastier than anything you can get here. FYI!! We have in general so many baked goods of that variation that you wouldn't believe it. However, prices are high so they are treats and not eaten like Donuts here or anything like that plus servings are smaller pr. default.

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Danish (Wienerbroed) is very popular in DK, but way tastier than anything you can get here. FYI!! We have in general so many baked goods of that variation that you wouldn't believe it. However, prices are high so they are treats and not eaten like Donuts here or anything like that plus servings are smaller pr. default.


Excellent - I'll set aside a generous amount to splurge on Danish danish!

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No Apologies! Love Love Love danish :). I was actually wondering if danish are actually made/popular in Denmark or if it's like American French Fries. And what on earth made Starbucks think of selling prune danish? Aging population?


What's wrong with prunes? :001_huh:

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What's wrong with prunes? :001_huh:




Ayyyy I feel like I have the proverbial devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Jean, Marianne Someone PLEASE help me to not type what I am thinking!!!! Must. Have. Self. Control! :lol::lol::lol:

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Do it! Do it! Oh wait. . . that's the wrong shoulder.:D


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You are TERRIBLE! hehehehehehehe




What's wrong with prunes? :001_huh:


Ahem. **With as much dignity and maturity as I can muster** Prunes make you go to the bathroom. That's why they are funny. :D

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It's why the elderly tend to favor them. (ducking) :D


hehehehehehehe :p


And it's also why nobody wants to buy them. They are the last ones in the case because nobody wants to admit that they need them to go to the bathroom. The elderly don't care what anyone thinks though! :p hehe

Edited by Ibbygirl
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This thread is too funny!


I've learned from my husband to say in the native language, "Forgive me. I do not speak [LANGUAGE] very well, but..." and then ask the question. Every single time, the people shrug and say, "I speak a little English." We even had great luck in France. People seemed to our appreciate our attempts at speaking the language, rather than our automatic assumption everyone spoke English.

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Danish (Wienerbroed) is very popular in DK, but way tastier than anything you can get here. FYI!! We have in general so many baked goods of that variation that you wouldn't believe it. However, prices are high so they are treats and not eaten like Donuts here or anything like that plus servings are smaller pr. default.

Someone who had been to Denmark told me that what we call danishes here in the states, they call Viennese breads... and that danishes are actually something different over there. :confused:

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All Danes no matter their age speak English. My father who was an immigrant and is in his mid seventies speak Danish as does my Danish mother!


So, no language barriers for you as an American. Danes would scoff their noses at an immigrant who speaks bad Danish although if that person was a tourist then they would be very happy and proud that you dared try pronounce our language!! Plus, throw in some Norwegian, just no Swedish, hehe.


s'okay no self respecting Swede would be caught speaking Danish anyway :tongue_smilie::D


And :iagree: to what everyone else said, Swedes and Danes usually speak English with each other. We have a hard time understanding each other :001_smile:

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Ahem. **With as much dignity and maturity as I can muster** Prunes make you go to the bathroom. That's why they are funny. :D


As opposed to what, chocolate, which passes effortlessly from mouth to hip?


My kids shout "hooray!" when they get a prune, just to let you know.

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As opposed to what, chocolate, which passes effortlessly from mouth to hip?


My kids shout "hooray!" when they get a prune, just to let you know.


HAHAHAHAHHA!! Oh my gosh! You are KILLING me! And I don't think you're even trying to which is even funnier! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Seriously! I think I love you! hehehe :) :grouphug: heartsmiley.jpg

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